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no offense, but im starting to think its a "fad" for kids that are like.....hmm, lets say 13yrs old, saying theyre gay or bi..i mean, hey, like who u like, but do u know ANYTHING about being bi or gay?

2006-08-15 11:46:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

first off, please dont get offened by this..its just a matter of i KNOW some ppl are really like this, but no way in HELL am i gonna believe that the some of the kids in this day and age are all like tha...come on, i dont buy that!

2006-08-15 11:52:49 · update #1

i agree with u msbossy

2006-08-15 11:53:50 · update #2

25 answers

I'm not bisexual to keep up with some fad, it's the way I am. I'm not some girl that gets drunk then makes out with her female friends.

2006-08-15 11:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by i luv teh fishes 7 · 2 0

What you are basically seeing is that younger ones do not stay closeted.

I remember thinking when I was 15 and had been out a year to my friends that in 20 years all the kids who would quietly tell me that they liked sucking d**k too would just come out as bi -- and those like my two friends who were gay would just say they were gay.

That day is largely here. Oh it isn't 100% yet -- but it is mostly here.

Remember that most major studies have asserted that its 10% gay and another 25% or so bisexual -- regardless of how many assert that they are straight.

My experience says the same.

Kind regards,


*sigh* and as for Lars:

I believe what the Bible says about homosexuality exactly as much as I believe what it says about planting seed together and about wearing clothing of mixed fabric [Leviticus 19:19]. I accept that the Bible is correct about being gay in exactly the same way that I accept what it says about committing genocide in god's name [Joshua 10:40-42 and Joshua 11: 18-23]; about god accepting a human sacrifice [Judges 11:30-39]; about a successful land sacrifice (looking EXACTLY like the land sacrifices being offered by other pagan kingdoms) [II Samuel 21] and about god causing cannibalism among the people [Deuteronomy 28: 53-59].

The Bible is a book full of historical errors [We now know that Jericho was abandoned for hundreds of years before the story of its seizure by the Israelites, additionally, we know that it was NEVER walled. The battle of Jericho never took place therefore], biological errors [Leviticus 11: 21-23 -- locusts have six feet of course], and mathematical errors [Numbers 3:16-39 -- add them up yourself, 300 more than the Bible totals the numbers to].

So the short answer is no, I don't believe what the Bible says -- about homosexuality or anything else. The earth does not sit on pillars [I Samuel 2:8] nor is it established atop the waters [Psalms 24:1-2]. It does not have corners [Isaiah 11:12], nor do there exist treasuries of the air -- though that is not an uncommon thought in the days that the bible was written [Psalm 135:7].

The Bible has little to do with historical Christianity (the canon of books was not established until after the Council of Nicea and not finalized until the Council of Carthage). Christianity is all about following Christ, not about following a book. Therefore, no Christian who loves Jesus Christ needs worry about what a bronze age book of myths says about anything.

2006-08-15 13:11:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Young kids and teenagers now days are utterly confused. This is due to the strong political agenda pushed forward by the gay rights movement. Elementary children are brainwashed into thinking that bi and homosexual lifestyles are normal. Under the peer pressure masked as "political correctness" people are afraid to speak the truth.

What was once looked at as an oddity is being forced on the general population. Children are being indoctrinated into a mixed up psycho-sexual state. It would not be surprising if several generations from now people will be so confused they'll be begging to be made into hermaphrodites...that is of course if America still exists.

According to a comparative historical study done by Dr. Francis Schaeffer, all the major civilizations fell when they abandoned absolute truths. When these societies spiralled down into mass perversion they literally imploded. This was due to the fact that the basic building block of all societies, the family - was ransacked and riven by an alternate agenda.

2006-08-15 12:10:30 · answer #3 · answered by LL 4 · 0 0

I think that people are just a lot more open-minded to experimenting in certain ways, especially at that age you are still forming your identity as an adult. A straight person might get their feelings for a same-sex friend mixed up with their raging hormones and think they are gay or bi. Similarly, bi or gay kids can get their love and affection for a friend of the opposite sex mixed up with their raging hormones and think they are straight or bi.

Eventually, some of them will grow out of it in that they will grow into themselves... they will figure out their true innate preference which could be anywhere on a large spectrum of sexual preference.

Though... I think a lot of girls kiss their girlfriend once to show off to some boys and then go saying they are bi... I do think that is a fad... and I don't think boys have a similar fad.

2006-08-15 11:52:23 · answer #4 · answered by Stephanie S 6 · 1 0

it depends on the person. true, gay issues are talked about more these days so more kids are thinking about it. and they might be just trying it on for size... but hey, in previous generations a lot of college students did that, too! on the other hand, when i read first person stories of their first crush... i'm surprised that many people were very in touch with thier sexuality before they were 17. some even before they were 13. everyone's different... and teenagers definately need their space. so let 'em speak.

p.s. it is NOT always a copycat thing. you all want to say you know better because you are older. just think back to when you were that age. weren't your feelings worth something then, too?? i know mine were. i just didn't express them, because i would've been harrassed or beaten. we should be happy that kids are able to talk about it, whether they are experimenting or not.

Hey Lar! pllllbbbbllltthhh! you're under me. i totally farted on you.

2006-08-15 11:53:03 · answer #5 · answered by thirty-one characters 4 · 0 0

That's what happens when you call everything different "gay" all the time. It bites back. Heh.

I was 6 years old when the cute boy from down the block didn't come play after school like he promised. For some of us the starting blocks are set up on the outside track.

2006-08-16 00:10:48 · answer #6 · answered by Luis 4 · 0 0

I don't know how it is now. I know I See a lot of teen girls and even ones in college making out cause "guys think its hot" my mother swore it was a fad....but we all know how some mothers can be. I'm 20 thats a hell of a long fad lol

2006-08-15 18:06:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I truthfully imagine that you're likely dealing with something that i'd opt to call an element! i do not recognize you want that inspite of the undeniable fact that it form of appears like you're literally not gay. in case you've been actually grew to grow to be on by technique of guys then you definately've gotten to think about it, yet you're literally not and as for bi who knows. yet for the most area you're leaning in course of the female sex. each DUDE, no matter if or not they admit it or no longer has had a gay second in some unspecified time sooner or later of their lives, inspite of if it is for a 2d, or a week, even as they were a baby or youngster. each now and then, what got here about formerly on your lifetime returns, it is no longer not likely. stages come and bypass, I frequently go by skill of an element because of a terror, that could want to be the same case with you. I actually have continually had a terror of having a terminal sickness, so some cases in my existence I had moments even as i assumed I had a terminal sickness because i grow to be truly sick. It grew to grow to be out that it grow to be merely my options engaged on me and there grow to be by no skill something got here across by technique of the medical doctors and that i grow to be fantastic the entire time! The options is a negative ingredient my pal. you're likely a worryer like me, that's all. merely be satisfied that you're hetero-dude, income from the different sex, and verify out now to not rigidity too a lot, this area will bypass formerly you recognize it!

2016-11-25 19:54:59 · answer #8 · answered by melaine 4 · 0 0

When I was thirteen I knew plenty about being bisexual. It's pretty hard not to understand something when you are that thing. And while bisexuality is beginning to become something of a fad, it's not a fad that most people partake in. Seriously, who wants to get beaten up and kicked out of their house?

2006-08-15 13:29:14 · answer #9 · answered by holidayspice 5 · 0 0

You ask "don't be offended" but then you post an offensive message. One that is posted here weekly.

Would you as a teen mom if she got pregnant to be cool? Would you ask a woman with breast cancer if she got it to fit in with her friends?

Right now in America there is a movement to deny rights to a individuals who have asked for nothing more than to live their lives as they were promised. There is more focus on GLBT community because our fearfull leader seems to think that if you allow two people to love each other, two other people can't love one another.

Don't be surprised at the responses you get here, it is an offensive question, and you should have removed it when you got your first negative response.

2006-08-15 15:46:17 · answer #10 · answered by kiz_ma_az 4 · 0 0

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