her emails, diaries, and letters are all her personal property. what you can do is ask her to share with you her inner secrets. be a friend to her instead of a strick breathing-down-her-neck mom. changing her password, deleting the account, getting rid of the computer will only harbor resentment and probably hate from your child. besides she can always create a new one and keep it hidden from you. show her that you trust that she is not giving personal information on the net, may it be in emails, chats or forums. tell her about internet predators. gain her trust and show her that you are just concerned and nothing else. that you love her and would only like to protect her. now, closing the account should be her choice done willingly and not yours through intimidation.
be very careful with this. 14 is a volatile age. this issue can either make or break your relationship with your child. good luck.
2006-08-15 11:20:55
answer #1
answered by babytalk 4
It's always been a rule in my home that as long as the boys lived at home, I had all of the passwords. They were under my roof, therefore I was responsible for what they did. I also checked the history every so often. If she won't give up the pass words, it's time to take the computer away. It's not a right, it's a priviledge, and one that could be dangerous for her if she connects with the wrong person. Be strong, you're doing this for her protection.
2006-08-17 18:54:07
answer #2
answered by mightymite1957 7
If she's not supposed to have it, tell her to open it up and delete it in front of you or you're pitching the computer out the door. Make your daughter do the right thing. She won't learn otherwise.
Not that I approve of being so strict.. I had very strict parents and was very hurt by it. Supervise your daughter, talk to her about your concern, but there's a fine line between letting her mature safely on her own and holding her back from normal development. Communication is more effective than discipline, sometimes. Not always.
Just on a side note.. my mother's constant invasion of my privacy up until adulthood (reading my diaries, checking my computer, etc, etc) - only made me lie to her more and it made me more afraid to be honset when I really did get in trouble. You may eventually need to start letting go on little things like this - 14 is young, but she won't be young forever. Know where your daughter is, know how she is, and make sure she comes home on time and in one piece.
But, overall, you are the adult and you set the rules.. she must respect that. No other parent can really tell you what's best for your daughter.
2006-08-15 10:59:35
answer #3
answered by Spiked Coffee 2
Remember, once you pass this point of trust with your daughter and break the trust barrior also, there will be all kinds of trouble forming. But if everything else fails, look for a "keycounter" or "Keylogger". These type of programs record everything that is typed on the pc reguardless of backspaces or if the area is a high security html site. These programs you can set up to either email a remote email address you choose, or record them to your harddrive. These programs are totally undetectable, unless you are VERY pc literate and you know what you are looking for. One I have used successfully myself is one called "key spy". Good luck, and tread lightly.
2006-08-15 12:11:55
answer #4
answered by chevy4x4man72 1
You will need open communication with your teenager now and through the next several years. Ask her for her password. My son is 17 and I have all of his passwords. He gives them to me. I try not to snoop especially with his girlfriends emails. I just check to see that there are not any strangers trying to chat with him. He tells me about most everything any way but we have always talked. You will need to give respect and voice your concerns and explain the dangers of the internet. Approach with love and honesty and she should be able to open up to you.
2006-08-16 02:46:46
answer #5
answered by aimwolf 1
As a parent you need to ask for it!
If she doesn't give it to you take her lap top away!
its that easy...
I have a 16 year old boy and I have all his pass words and know where he is and what he is doing at all times. And when I see the information that he is looking at and what he is learning I can only say ~ God I am lucky!
2006-08-15 19:44:02
answer #6
answered by MissChatea 4
Go to My Account and either change the password or delete the account.
2006-08-15 11:04:59
answer #7
answered by Justsyd 7
You can click FORGOT PASSWORD and it will give you a hint on what the password is OR tell her that you are her mother and she must obey and she must tell you the password.
2006-08-15 11:22:36
answer #8
answered by betti m 1
im srry 2 hear that. tell her that if she doesnt give her the password, u will take away her cell phone or punish her like time off the computer maybe?
2006-08-15 10:59:05
answer #9
answered by Baby Girl 911 2
turn off the computer until she lets you see everything. afterall it is your property in your house.
2006-08-15 11:14:01
answer #10
answered by nikval 1