in the name of Allah, most gracious, most meriful!
''Muhammad-un(the prasised.....(PBUH)Ahmad-un(THe most praising)(PBUH) Hamid-un( the appreciating) pbuh) Mahmood-un( the appreciated) (pbu) qasim-un( the distributor) pbuh) aqib( the follower) (pbu) Fate( the openner) PBH) KHATIM-un( the finisher , the finishing)(PBUH) Hashir( the rising)(PBUH) Mah( theabsorbing(PBUH) DAI_NUN( the caller , the calling pbuh) Siraajun( the light, the sun,)PBUH) Rasheed-un( the pious, the,uprighteous) PBUH), Munir-un( noor, the light)( pbuh0, Bashir-un( thegood new,s 9giver, giving0 pbuh0 Nazi--run( theforwarne,( pbuh0 , Haad-i-un( the leader 9 of the uprighteous path)(pbuh0Muhud-un( theuprighteous) pbuh) , rasool-un( the messenger, the Prophet) (pbuh0, NAbi-un0( the prophet) (PBUH) TA_HA( PBUH) YA_SEEN) (PBUH) Mu-zum-i-lun( chadder -posh) 9pbuh0, Mudussi-run9 the chadder carrier 0 (pbuh), Sha-fee-un( theapproved, the approving9for muslims9 before almighty god) (PBUH) khali-lun9 the dearest friend) pbuh),kali-mun( the talking, the talktive, the talked, ) pbuh) habibun9the friend) mustafa9 the chosen09pbuh0murtada9 the exalted, the nobel) pbuh0 moomi-nun9 the faithful)9 pbuh0 the believer0 pbuh0 mootee-un9 the obedeient0, 9before one (and only( god)( pbuh0, muzaki-run9 the advisor; the avising) (pbuh0 wa-e-zun9 the preacher, the preaching0 (pbuh) amee-nun( the uncorrupted, 9 in give and take) (pbuh), mad-a-Ni-yun( the madina , 9inhabitant) pbuh), arabi-yun9 the arabian) pbuh0, hashi-mi-yun, 9 from hashmi tribe),9pbuh0 taha-mi-yun9 ( pbuh0 hija-zi-yun9 from the land of hijaazz) pbuh0 Naza-ri-yun( from the offsprings of Muzreen- naaar,9pbuh0., quraish-iyn ( from the quraish tribe) 9 pbuh) Muza-ri-yun 9 the harmful,9 for ( non believing, 0 pbuh0 Umm-i-yun( the illetrate( unlearened, 9by any worldly insitutution) pbuh), Azi-zun9 the dominant) ( pbuh), haree-sun9 the geedy,9for the salvationof the humanit y 0 pbu0,ra-u-fun,9 the tender hearte,) pbuh0, Ra-hee-mun( the merciful) 9pbuh), Ya-tee-mu( the orphan)(pbuh0, Gha-ni-yun( the careless ( from regonition, worldly desires) pbuh), Jawaa-dun (the generious,9 pbuh0 Fatta-hun9 the openene, 9 of minds , hearts, souls ) pbuh), ali-mun9 the knowing, the knowleageable, 9pbuh0, Tay-i-bun,9 the pure, purified0 pbuh0, tahi-run, 9 the pur-ri fying0 pbuh0, katee-bun,9 the annoucing, the annoucer,( pbuh0, Fa-see-hun9 the eudite, 9 the fluwnt0 pbhu0, sa-ye-dun9 the chief,9 pbuh Munta-qun, 9 the purifying0, pbuh0, , imaam-mun, 9 the leader, 9of the prophets) Pbuh), Ba-run, 9 the pious, 9pbuh0, sha-fi-un0 the healer,0 pbuh0, ) muta-wus-itun( the moderate, 0pbuh0, Saqi-bun- the initiatoer, the initiating) pbuh0, Muta-sadday-qun( the mediocre, 9 moderate ) pbuh), mah-di-yun) the uprigjhteous0, the lead) pbuh0, HA-qun, 9 the true, the trut, 0 9 pbu) Mu-bee-nun( the obvious, the reflected, the bright) pbuh0, awa-lun,9 the firstly9 first) , Aki-run( the lastl( last Prophet) pbhu), zahi-run 9 the obvious,9 pbuh0, Bat-nun,9 the hidden, 9 pbuh0, Rah-ma-tun9 the blesing,pbu0, maha-lay-lun9the halaal, 9proclaiming0,pbuh0, mu-haraa-mun( haraam , forbidding) pbuh0, AMi-run, 9 the order, 9giving, giver0 pbuh), Sadi-qun9 the true,)pbuh), Musad-ay -qun ( the truth speaking , the speaker0)pbuh), Na-tiqun9 the speaker) , sahibun( the respected, 9 pbuh0, Ma-ki-yun9 the makkan (pbuh0, Na-hin( the forbidding) ( pbuh0, Sha-koo-run( 9 the grateful0 pbuh0, Qaree-bun( the near0 pbuh0, munee-bun9 the approaching0 , 9 approached0 9pbuh0, mubula-ghun9 the pracher, 9pbuh0., Ta-seen,)pbuh0.ha-meem, )pbuh0, Habi-bu, 9 the beloved,0 Au-la9 the superioe, the best0 9pbuh0!
2006-08-15 10:36:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous