Freedom of Speech. Ya gotta love it!!!!
2006-08-15 09:30:11
answer #1
answered by emmie 3
2006-08-15 17:22:04
answer #2
answered by ☺Everybody still loves Chris!♥▼© 6
First off, you know nothing about Lesbians, gays, or anyone for that matter. you are just here for the attention.
In all honesty, the only Hell there is is spending a day with you. that would suck, because apparently you are a worthless piece of crap. i know, i a christian and i shouldn't be judging, but WTFE. i dont care.
You are not a christian, i can tell you that right now.
There wouldn't be Gay people here if God didn't let them survive.
Lesbians do not eat babies, you idiot. if they did, your mother would be in prison for murder.
You are not smart, no matter how smart and funny you think you are. keep acting like thes and someone is going to shoot you.
have fun and die.
2006-08-15 17:00:33
answer #3
answered by Getoutalive 2
Leave Autumn BrighTree alone, you malicious, dellusional ****! You sound like you can't get laid now, and you're definitely ain't gonna get none in the afterlife. Tell you what, though. If I see you in Hell, I'll put some extra coals on and have several pans of grits(so I can throw at you!) just wating!
2006-08-15 16:46:58
answer #4
answered by ? 4
We'll save a seat for you then since you are judging us.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged and the measure you give will be the measure you get."
Matthew 7:1-2
Great words to live by. But, it gets better:
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut the kingdom of heaven against others; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in."
Matthew 23:13-14
2006-08-15 16:38:40
answer #5
answered by azdbackfan99 2
You wish you could follow all the lesbians with your hell, but remember you still wont get any p u ss y in hell either.. Dumb a s s
2006-08-15 16:31:03
answer #6
answered by mylife 4
Hey Look... free points!
Erm... Hell looks nice at this time of year... be sure to visit and get lots of pictures!
2006-08-16 14:38:00
answer #7
answered by Krynne 4
you realise by hating everyone, your probably going to hell to. you must be one of those idiots who skipped sunday school that day they went over the ten commandments, you know, those rules christians are supposed to abide by or go to hell. Love thy neighbor, remember?? i guess i'll see you in hell.
2006-08-15 18:07:37
answer #8
answered by ruler of the former free world 2
Yay free points and a giggle!
2006-08-15 18:11:43
answer #9
answered by alphaloregod 2
lol you only know this because you've been there multiple times for belittling your fellow humans. no? why dont you go jump off a bridge and prove to us that your not going to hell :)
2006-08-15 17:41:48
answer #10
answered by sined 2