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2 answers

I use to teach basic watercraft at a tech school some year back, that's why I need to look on another computer to see if I still have the notes from that class. I can't remember what watercrafts were what, so I want to be sure you do not ruin your watercraft. The wrong paint can have an adverse effect on the hull material. What model Jetski is it and what year? You can also call a Kawasaki dealer, they should be able to also provide the correct information. I don't know if Kawasaki customer service can answer that, but give them a call.

Kawasaki has their own paint, I believe it is a urethane. It will depend on if the hull is a RTM, (resin transfer molding) Then gel-coat. SMC (sheet molding compound) Urethane. Either way you can paint with a 1 part urethane. Prep good, spend some time with this. The other hull is an epoxy resin used by Yamaha. Sorry to hold you up, but I did not want to give you uninformed information.

2006-08-15 10:21:31 · answer #1 · answered by Mercman 4 · 0 0

These boats are made of fibreglass.

2006-08-15 19:29:36 · answer #2 · answered by Kenneth H 5 · 0 0

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