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2006-08-15 08:30:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs


What is the purpose of injection advanced for engines?

2006-08-15 08:39:16 · update #1

4 answers

Well, i dont know about Advanced fuel injection. Fuel injection has been around for a while now. What advanced may be pointing at is the advances to both standard and diesel fuel buring engines (ICE's). More and more engines are computer controlled, and more sensors and monitoring devices are being included. Extra attention to application of new fuel injection technologies have allowed such things as the Variable Displacement engines, which allow cylinders to cut off their combustion in pairs when a specific unstrained speed is reached. Other advances improve the miles per gallon and overall fuel economy, reduced exhaust emissions, better horsepower or torque, cooler running blocks, Etc...

I would say the control of spray timing, duration of spray, and the atomization of the fuel with the oxygen is very important. But the most important factor of fuel injection quality is the generation of the highest injection pressure possible. This requires new technology in the pump, any regulator systems, the computer programming that controls and monitors the pressure and its timing, and the injectors themselves. Also important are the fuel lines which must be able to take more than the expected peak pressure, and the fuel filter, which must allow an unrestrained flow. A longer, newer type of easy-flow fuel filter would be nice to see.

Ultimately, Its important to have ultra-high quality injectors capable of supporting above-average pressures, that contain solenoids (is it solenoids used in there?) strong enough to 1) not wear out within 1-6 years of use, 2) fully open extremely fast and self clean upon opening and 3) fully close with no drip (perhaps with an extra blast of air at the last nanosecond) and self clean upon closing.

The ceramic part of the injector that sits within the combustion chamber must be able to withstand combustion temperatures along with the max temperature of the entire block and its supporting threads for long exposure times. The injector cannot crack or be clogged, which is why self-cleaning injectors are important. Gunk that clogs up the tips after years of use significantly reduce power, MPG and create other problems.

In summary, Advanced Fuel Injection I suppose is already here, and will be the focus point of the future of ICE engines.

2006-08-15 08:45:57 · answer #1 · answered by sbravosystems 3 · 0 0

Injector advanced? Injectors spray gasoline into the inlet manifold or diesel into the precombustion chamber. Is that right Jetdoc?

2006-08-15 08:38:27 · answer #2 · answered by John Paul 7 · 0 1

if u mean fuel injectors well they inject fuel into the engine

2006-08-15 09:32:17 · answer #3 · answered by xxdc2xx 2 · 0 0


Would you like to rephrase this question so it makes sense to normal English speaking human beings?

2006-08-15 08:35:23 · answer #4 · answered by JetDoc 7 · 0 1

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