Hi honey, I understand how you can be feeling. You just want to know that is all. And we can't really let you know, its one of those things that every baby born is different and every delivery is unique.
But this I can tell you. Everyone has told you it is like menstrual cramps. Mine was not like that.
It is a sensation of pressure, sort of like when you have diarreha. Not just like it but similar. It is from the muscles of your uterus pushing the baby out through the birth canal. Remember a baby is not small and it takes a lot of pushing to get the job done.
The pressure starts out small and your tummy will get hard okay. with each contraction your stomach get hard.
In the weeks before the birth you can get something called braxton-hicks contractions which is a hardening of the belly muscles. you may get them but don't be scared they are just the bodyies way of getting in shape for the main event. okay
If your water breaks before you start contractions go on to the hospital they wil start soon and you need to be somewhere sterile conditions to keep threat of infection down.
Just don't get scard and panic. It is not pleasant, at all. Okay, but you knew this all along. but I tell you this, it is nothing you cannot stand. okay.
You will be able to handle it. but the longer the labor lasts the more tired and the more it seems to hurt okay. they call it labor after all. it wears you out. just remember that okay. you will get tired, and it will hurt worse if you let it make you lose concentration on controling your pain. so rest as much as possible and keep active when you can by walking and soing those exercises for tightness women can do and you will be fine.
2006-08-15 09:27:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My water partially broke 2 nights before my son was born (along with my mucous plug)
My labour pains started suddenly the following afternoon (I didn't have any Braxton Hicks at the end of my pregnancy). They felt like bad menstrual cramps at first, but progressively, the contractions became more frequent, longer and more painful. Once my doctor broke the rest of my water, that is when the pain really intensified. I would say that the contractions you feel while you are in full-blown labour is basically like having your lower body ripped in two. It's horrible. I didn't have back labour, so all of my pain was in my belly and groin area. You really don't get much of a chance to rest between contractions either because they occur so frequently, so that really wears you out also. Once your baby's head hits your perineum (this is pretty much when you will begin to push), you feel intense pressure there, and it also feels like you really have to "poop".
It was totally worth the horrible 22 1/2 hours of pain I endured (I had an epidural for the remaining 5 1/2 hours). Once you hear, see, and hold your new baby for the first time, you won't even remember the hell you just went through! I'd go through all of it again in a heart beat (I plan to in the future)!
I really hope you won't have as long a labour as I did.
Good luck and congrats!
2006-08-15 13:21:38
answer #2
answered by Chewie 7
You could get 1000 answers and they will all be different, because no one is the same! Some have pains for a couple of days before labor (like severe menstrual cramps) and that is one warning sign it is near. But some may loose their water, and hit hard and heavy labor all at once. Some have minimal pain, and it goes really fast, and they don't even have to cry! There are 1000 different ways it could happen to you. Just hope that you are one of the lucky ones, that has a fast, smooth labor. With my last labor (3mos. ago), 2nd child; at 36 wks. I started having menstrual like cramps one night at bedtime. I thought it was normal, so I went on to bed, but woke up a lot during the night because they were getting worse (but not bad, still was just like a menstrual cramp) When I woke up the next morn. I had bloody-like mucous coming out, so I knew it was the real deal then! I suffered with horrible labor pains about every 4min. all day long at the hosp. Finally I had to have a c-section at 9pm that night, and was very glad to do so. I would've done anything to get rid of that pain! So it took me by surprise being 4wks early. I thought I knew what to expect since it was my 2nd, but I did not! Just be sure to report ANYTHING your not sure of to your dr. I didn't call mine the night I started having cramps because I though I knew what I was doing, and I didn't want to bother him because I thought it was nothing. WRONG....... Always call when you are in doubt, better safe than sorry, right?!! Good luck, and congrats.
2006-08-15 13:24:41
answer #3
answered by Jenintn 5
i am a doc
first of all congrats
labour pains dont start sudenly
pain starts weeks before
at the time of the actual and final labour,
the pains will be frequent
and then there will be leakage of water
in first timers
called primigravidae,
the labour lasts longer
as the delievary tract expands for the first time
it can be exhustive
i suggest you get a hospital delievary
if you re worried
the doc there may be able to help
and dont worry
its a natural process
you will do just fine
2006-08-15 12:53:26
answer #4
answered by poison_ivy_sam 4
Depends on how fast your labor is and what your pain threshold is. If you want some good advice on making your labor easier, stay away from being flat on your back, walk as much and long as possible and rocking side to side, from one foot to the other, helps the baby get out faster and easier. I'm not one for pain meds, but really only have 3 or 4 hard contractions before the baby is out. I do all of the above. Meds are available to you. Do some research before you take anything. Friends have said being in a tub of warm water eases labor pains, too.
2006-08-15 12:34:11
answer #5
answered by auld mom 4
The pain, like bad cramps, comes in waves and you will be fine and get through it with flying colours if you have lots of support. Have your mom, husband, or all of the above rub your back and press very hard during the contractions. We used tennis balls for that. Also raspberry leaf tea drunken before labour makes it easier and homeopathic medicine like coffea. Good luck and all the best!! You can do it and when you see your beautiful baby, it will seem all worth it!!
2006-08-15 12:40:31
answer #6
answered by mommy 2
It's gonna be bad but not as bad as you think at first. You'll know its the real thing because the pain will be bad enough to make you bend over in pain and make you scream. But don't worry that first pain will be over in a few seconds. Now when it gets steady it will hurt very very bad and you'll be too tired to really handle it but your body will still do what it has to do whether you like it or not.
2006-08-15 12:37:30
answer #7
answered by murph_ltt 5
you're due Nov 13 that's cool I'm due Nov 14 neways to tell you the truth my first child, i didn't feel no contractions at all. i went to the hospital because i was feeling a little bit of pain, like a cramp it wasn't bad at all, i was just worried , and when they were checking me they accidentally broke my water bag, and soon after they put an epidural in me. but what i did feel was when the doc cut me down there know that hurt.
2006-08-15 12:47:04
answer #8
answered by junkinmytrunk 1
Labor pains feel like menstrual cramps only much more intense. Normally it starts out mild and with time, progresses into huge big frequent pains. You should have a conversation with your doctor or his nurse, they'll be happy to prepare you for what's in store. Do you have Lamaze in UK?
2006-08-15 12:35:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well it definetly hurts let me to you.....the only way to describe it is that it feels like menstrual cramps but way way way worse....that is way i had to have an epidural during the birth of both my girls and i am going to get one with the one i am carrying too....don't worry though right after you have your baby that unbearble pain will go away and you will have the most precious gift that has ever been given to you in your arms.....congratulations and good luck...i hope the rest of your pregnancy stays healthy and that you have a healthy baby.
2006-08-15 12:39:23
answer #10
answered by beautiful 5