The World Corporate Ruling Class knew from his father that he would be a total yes man for their Agenda's! More proof that your vote is a sham you will swallow for 8 years! Americans gullible and stupid as they are will jump on the bandwagon even if its fate is crossing the Bermuda triangle.
2006-08-15 05:17:58
answer #1
answered by bulabate 5
Honestly, it's very plain to see with much proof under our noses. Firstly, Bush's family has had close ties with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Two widely known terrorists. His family has financially supported these people in desecrating man kind for their own sick pleasure. Whether he inadvertedly knew it or not, he's still responsible. You don't just hand someone some money or some supplies without knowing what they'll do with it. Secondly, his father was very badly embarassed by Saddam back in the late 80's during his presidency when he was dealing with. It was a deal gone bad between the two families and when it reached the media's ears, they basically ruined his name. So it's easy to see that the "good" son had to avenge the name. Thirdly, he had another major plan going into office. It is widely known from Bush Sr. that the Bush family is against abortion at all costs. This can be proven by Geroge W.'s removal of democratic reps and replacements of republicans who give him their utmost obedience without a thought. He uses their obedience and offices to his benefit to try and turn over Roe vs. Wade (the Federal ct. hearing about abortion being legalized in the 70's). Ladies and gentleman. last but not least ... we have one more thing. He's power hungry. You can see it in the way he treats other world leaders. He's techinically just an ambassador ... and not a true "ruler" (which is what he wants to be). He treats other world leaders with no respect and insults their standings which is why no one wants to help the U.S. at this point. The things he has done with his office term and his power can be held akin to being a dictator. He has illegally desecrated American rights to listen to calls, e-mails, postings, etc., has had people act as an American Gestapo, and even gone to the extent of controlling the media in what they are allowed to broadcast. Is it just me, or does someone else see a problem with this?
2006-08-15 05:00:35
answer #2
answered by hottchick335 1
Repubs began a hard core recruiting/propaganda campaign in the early 80's which continues to this day to enlist young people into their ranks. Then they added the Christian wack jobs. Then they stole the 2000 election in Florida (and some other states a little bit too). Then 9/11 happended and that accidently converted Bush from a nightmare to a great president (in the eyes people who are really dumb). The rest is history.
2006-08-15 04:59:18
answer #3
answered by NONAME 1
Because the religious right only cares about what is religious and not about what is right! Evangelical ministers have a tremendous amount of sway over their congregations. All they had to do was say that Bush was the only "Christian" choice, and the religious public went blindly to the polls in sufficient numbers to win Bush the electoral college vote. (Ah, the perils of being a representative republic.) It's such a terrible thing when faith becomes nothing more than something to exploit for political currency.
2006-08-15 05:20:19
answer #4
answered by nardhelain 5
The reason Bush is president is he and the other Republicans have enough money to run commercial constantly around election time, and the people watching TV don't take time to check out if the commercials are true or not they just believe them. And with people so concerned about things like abortion, many people would rather be in a war we can't win and be in debt than have a Democrat in the white house.
2006-08-15 04:56:47
answer #5
answered by without name 1
In the first election, Bush won (in my opinion) because people were ready for a change after 8 years of the previous administration. Gore did a poor job of energizing people, and Ralph Nader successfully pulled enough votes away from Gore in several key states.
In the second election, Bush successfully used the war on terro to paint Kerry as soft. He did a poor job of defending his record, and attacking bush's.
2006-08-15 04:53:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well besides the fact that his father was a president as well, its probably because he had more power than Al Gore and because he knew how to make the election to his advantage. But whats sad is that many of the US citizines are fooled by his WAR ON TERRORISM CRAP, how is sending young men and women over seas to kill innocent ppl who didnt even have weapons of mass destructions gonna prevent the US from having another attack? Well our president is just as stupid as his father . Like father, like son, right?
I agree w/ hotchick....think about it, then it all starts making sense.
2006-08-15 05:20:01
answer #7
answered by ms_ricanluv88 3
The direct result of the gullibility and ignorance of the religious right,and the illegal vote counts in Ohio and Florida,and the fact that Jeb Bush is gov.of Florida.
2006-08-15 05:03:20
answer #8
answered by Yakuza 7
Because nobody wants a gutless democrat as President. We must stand up to the terrorist pigs. A vote for a democrat is like putting your head on the chopping block.
2006-08-15 04:53:46
answer #9
answered by MARIA 4
The MAJORITY of votes, as ratified by the Electoral College, and, due to the STUPIDITY and POOR RECORD of the Democratic candidate, Al Gore, Then, subsequently, John Forbes Kerry, ole' 'Shoot 'em in the back, then flip-flop on the story, and steal a lot of Purple Hearts, so's I can git outta here', and, the poor ability of the Democratic Vote MACHINE to import enough Mexicans to swamp the polls in their favor...
i believe that BOTH parties are CORRUPT, VOTE STEALING, LYING, CHEATING Idiots, but, I repeat myself...
I voted for the Libertarian Party Candidate!
and, I watch
and I support
The opposition have something personal to gain, at YOUR expense!
2006-08-15 04:56:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous