As long as the online degree is from an accredited university (and make sure that it is), you should not have any trouble. Many programs do not state on the transcript whether the degree was obtained online or on campus. It's equally hard to study on your own at home, and some would say that it's actually harder.
If it is a state university, then you know the degree is fully accredited. If it is a private university, then double check with your state teaching certification to make sure that degree will be accepted for teacher certification.
Generally, schools are more concerned with what kind of teacher you are than where you went to school.
2006-08-13 17:54:54
answer #1
answered by Mimi 1
Because it looks like you aren't having been in a classroom setting for sometime and you might be a bit removed...
2006-08-13 17:35:34
answer #3
answered by Cutie Teacher 3