finally sombody understands ... why are all the presidents from well off familys.. it is a rich people thing
2006-08-13 08:32:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, let's just say that there is an elite core in the US who are entitled to run things (and presently running them into the ground) and the rest of us are just passive onlookers who are called on once every four years to give a nod to whoever the elites put up for the offices. And, yes, they are rigged to some extent, Bush did not win by any mandate, and there are statistical anomalies that will not go away from the 2004 election. The Democrats did show up for the 2000 and 2004 elections, and yet the GOP did win.
2006-08-13 08:37:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The short answer is yes.
The slightly longer answer is, the presidential elections in the United States *will* remain rigged against the best interests of the voting citizen until and unless ALL of the following happen.
--The Electoral College MUST be disbanded and we must switch over to a popular vote, the nation is NOT as it was when we were an agricultural society with only 13 former most folks live in cities and small towns and the Electoral College system gives de-populated, rural backwater states *too* much authority....why *should* New Hampshire or Montana matter more than New York or Illinois?
--We have to kick our Lobbyists and CEO Class nutcases to the curb, pronto. The Rich and Filthy haven't had this much *flat-out ownership* of our Federal Government since the Gilded Age, the days of the Robber Barons, back in the late 1880s and 1890s. And it is causing no end of ruin to the nation.
We NEED to kick the Big OIL, Big BANKING, and Big Religion interests the hell OUT of our politics with maximum prejudice before they ruin our nation further. This is especially true of Big OIL, which is not letting us do what we NEED to do to establish national security in our nation, and which is not letting us deal with the Wahabbi Arabist menace the way it needs to be dealt with.
--We need to wake up and realize that it isn't the "liberal" media, it is the Big CEO Media, that is the problem, and that folks aren't going to be looking out for their own best interests until and unless we *get* the Media back to really *being* fair and balanced FOR CITIZENS and not just the FatCat CEO Class.
--We need, now more than ever to be a nation that takes care of its own people. Why can we not do this in more than a lame, halfassed manner? Are we really that stupid, that we think it is ok to let whole cities decay into rot and barbarity (New Orleans)? Are we that retarded that we are just going to LET our filthy backstabbing companies TAKE AWAY all the salaried jobs and reduce our nation to One Big Plantation From Sea To Polluted Dead Sea?
We need to grow a pair and STOP appeasing our societal abusers, and to REVOLT against the Social Stockholm Syndrome the Media has inflicted on us for the past 26 years and counting. We need to "Just say NO!" to Big Oil, Religious Fundies of ALL Declared Faiths, Corporatist "Conservatism" that shows neither Respect for nor any desire to Conserve Rule of Law or Our Constitution....
We the People need to put our foot down, and if need be we need to *wreck shite* until and unless the FatCat Classes wake the hell up and realize that we ARE NOT allowing them to Destroy our nation and our Civilization. OURS that is, not theirs.
Will we do this? Not likely, because it is easier for half the damn nation to be a bunch of methhead idiots and to just sit there drooling over their NASCAR and their Britney TV reruns.....yeah, sure, suck down them Cheetos and *ruin* all you touch, you punks.
YOUR society....damn it.....argh, words are failing me in terms of how pissed off I am with you, how disappointed I am that YOUR society and YOU people don't get it, *won't* get it and don't seem to care that you've lost your minds, or your consciences....
2006-08-13 08:54:38
answer #3
answered by Bradley P 7
When the Democrats lose, it must be fixed!!! After all, they buss voters in Republican areas and comb the cemeteries and jails for new voters each election!
2006-08-13 08:45:20
answer #4
answered by Bawney 6
If the Democrats don't get out and vote, that's their own fault.
If you democrats really think that republicans are evil and are trying to take over and/or detroy the world, it's up to YOU to stop us before it's too late.
2006-08-13 08:34:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
everything is fixed. america is controlled by a shadow government. elections are a joke.
2016-05-19 10:22:58
answer #6
answered by margo a 2
I believe so. The Proof is what happened in Florida. Bush shouldn't be President.
2006-08-13 09:04:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
yes they are fixed now that we have electronic voting machines with no paper record of our votes
2006-08-13 08:31:01
answer #8
answered by WhatNever 2
Fixed? I say that they are broken.
2006-08-13 08:33:36
answer #9
answered by Report Abuse 6