9/11 happened under Bush's watch because he wanted it to happen. There were plenty of warning from other countries but he failed to act. With the falling of the towers Americans became so scared that they believed whatever Bush told them without question and would let him do what ever he wanted. With America being so stupid they actually believed Saddium was apart of the 9/11 plot so we went to war. Now we have his oil, Bush has his money and the middle east has peace. We set free Iraq and made a better world for everyone. See the ends justify the means.
2006-08-15 06:41:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Actually, the Clinton issue is a good argument, because it gave the terrorists a brazen thought they could do anything, without any, or little, retaliation against them....IF Clinton had done something much, much stronger after the 93 attack, then maybe 9/11 would not have happened.....There is no doubt that another attack will happen.....we have got to be right 100% of the time, when protecting.....they have not to be caught just once....and seeing how there has been over 100 arrests on terrorists charges since 9/11....maybe you will argue, but the security is much better, and has made it so attacks haven't happened at home
2006-08-13 03:40:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
8 years as a president, and Slick Willie did nothing.
Along with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the 1998 African Embassy Bombings are one of the major anti-American terrorist attacks that preceded the September 11, 2001 attacks.
9/11 was in planning during the Clinton Administration. Clinton did nothing to thwart these attacks, nor did he order any full scale retalliation for these earlier attacks. We were seen as weak and willing to the terrorists, and they pounced on that weakness.
They also saw weakness in our poor handling of Mogadishu as well.
They saw, they pounced.....
And I see this has brought out the conspiratory types who've watched a little too much Mikey Moore and Loose Change....
2006-08-16 14:14:37
answer #3
answered by B C 4
Seems that every Conservative wants to go back 7 yrs. and point the blame for what is happening now on Clinton. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen! The men responsible for attempting to bomb the World trade Center during the Clinton years were caught and prosecuted. Well, if we are going to go back, then let's go back to the Reagan Administration, and see how the Iran-Contra Affair affected how things have developed concerning terrorism. A time when we were selling military equipment to the Iranian's, and now they are testing nuclear weapons, probably to use against us. Back then Reagan's only defense during the investigations was"I don't remeber", and that shouldn't have negated his responsiblilty! Oh but I forgot! Conservatives never hold other Conservatives responsible for what happens on their watch! That's why we are in trouble now! If illegal immigrants from Mexico can cross the border so easily, then what's to stop Terrorist from other places from taking the same routes? Will we then set up a Guest Worker Program for them? We've found underground tunnels used by the Mexican's to illegally enter the coutry and smuggle in illegal drugs and only God knows what else. Why couldn't those tunnels also be used to smuggle in explosives by Terrorist's? We need to wake up, and unite and stop fighting amongst ourselves, waiting for something to go wrong and then blaming someone else when we are all really to blame. Bush has turned out to be one of the most ill-advised, misinformed, and bad decision making Presidents of all time. He has done nothing to bring the diverse people of this Country together as he promised in his first inaugral speach, he has only focused on controversial subjects that haven't really made a positive difference in anyone's life. He is a failed Politician and Administrator that should have been removed from office after the Katrina scandal.There are probably a 100 more Republican Politicians that could have been elected that would have done a much better job, if we just have to have a Republican! I think that the slanderous remaks against Bush are unjust, but his regime has been unjust! He is too autocratic leading to Totalitarianism in his thinking and actions. We need someone more moderate, moral, and sensitive to the needs of the people. If it must be someone with Conservative Values, let it be someone that truly believes in those values that represent the republican view correctly. The concept of "Terror" has been successfully used in all aspects traditionally by many Totalitarian Regimes like the Nazi's. Now that we have this abominable Patriot Act in place, I'm afraid that it might be the first and most crucial of steps taken to push America towards true rule by Dictator, and right now Bush is looking very much like one, by not holding him and his Administration unaccountable for any of it's misdeeds! Now he is trying to take credit for what happened in Great Britain, and the foiled terror attack on the planes. That is such a joke. I'm wondering how the Airlines industry is stil afloat in these times? Wake up America! We really need better Leadership in this Counrty now!
2006-08-13 04:44:39
answer #4
answered by The Idealist 4
How much dust was on that subject before someone like you brought it up for the millionth time ? What difference does it make who's watch it was on ? 9-11 happened and how we react and protect our country is the issue now. It does not matter what party is to blame, truth is, all parties were blind to the threat after over 10 years of terrorism. If just a little bit of energy could be used on working together on protecting our country and less on blaming each other for political gain, maybe, just maybe we could fix the problem.
2006-08-13 03:39:40
answer #5
answered by meathead 5
There are all to blame basically,They had the there head some where use thinking not ting like that could happen her.Oh don't forget Jimmy Carter and the 21 hostage,But we have sent to much time and life over if they would to kill them more power too then we should give them back Saddam back to them and just them fight it out.Oh yea the Oil maybe we ned some new states we have had 50 so lets for go 54 and say the heck with them.
2006-08-13 03:40:28
answer #6
answered by gxsilver1 3
I wouldn't be real surprised if another one happened. The Republicans haven't done anything really to make us much safer....slightly tighter airport security, but that has shown to be poor repeatedly when tested. And apparently he thinks things like that boost his approval rating. It has also been shown that they knew the 9/11 type incident might occur and did nothing. He wanted a war with Iraq, regardless of any connection to 9/11 so he just did what he wanted. Funny 5 years later Bin Laden and Al Quaida are still running pretty strong.
2006-08-13 03:34:41
answer #7
answered by Jennifer L 2
Bush was in office 9 months and it was HIS watch??? You are
sadly mistaken my friend. What ever Clinton did or did not do in
office has more of a bearing on 9/11 than anything this administration
2006-08-13 03:32:24
answer #8
answered by Mon-chu' 7
To many of you are living in the Fed-Ex world. You can't cover everything overnight. It takes time to set up the protective systems and protective plans. Then you have to work on the way people think. Just look at the answers here. Everyone wants to pass the blame to someone else. What have you done to protect your country? I spend time making plans and teaching people how to protect themselves from disasters. Trying to get people to wake up from the TV dream state that they live in. Just watch the people around any disaster, they just stand and watch what is going on rather than taking part or getting out of danger.
2006-08-13 03:52:46
answer #9
answered by Jack S. Buy more ammo! 4
On his last day in office, Bill Clinton went through the standard handing-over-of-the-keys tradition with George Bush, which is also known as "passing the football." The "football" is the briefcase that contains the Black/Red Buttons that send nukes in a worse-case scenario, so this is a very somber occasion.
George Bush sort of broke with that tradition, as he has with many others.
Clinton's most dire warnings were focused entirely upon one group, al Qaida. Clinton felt responsible that the first WTC bombing, the bombings of the embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and the bombing of the US Cole, had all happened during his watch. Since the very first time al Qaida had made its presence known, the 1993 WTC bombing, Clinton had been obsessed with counterterrorism, specifically against al Qaida. Clinton had missed these four attacks, but his administration and US counterterrorism forces had thwarted countless more.
These are the very things Clinton warned Bush about on that cold day in mid-January, 2001. He also said that intercepted phone, radio, and email messages said something very big is up, probably very soon, and that civilian airliners may be used by al Qaida. In this somber meeting, Bush laughed and poo-poohed the idea, pretty much telling Clinton he was a delusional fool, and telling Bubba point-blank that Iraq would be his own main focus. Who cares about that Osama bin Laden clown?
Clinton and Gen. Wesley Clark hounded Bush right up to the week that it happened, but to no avail. Clark is a retired four-star general and former NATO Supreme Commander in Chief. Bush, an occasional paid visitor to the Texas Air National Guard during his Viet Nam deferment, pulled rank on Clark and pretty much told him where to go and how to do it to himself. Get this straight-- no al Qaida, repeat after me: Iraq. Iraq. Iraq.
There are better links, but this one will do until I do some googling.
And the rest is history.
Which will undoubtedly be cleaned and sanitized for your protection, as it already is as we speak.
Example: The Big Cover Story:
Despite a very popular rumor perpetrated by Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz, and popularized by the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill Clinton never had Isama bin Laden in his cross-hairs, but he WAS closing in on him. However, in Afghanistan in 2002, Bush literally did have bin Laden in his cross-hairs. Instead of allowing our own Special Forces to finish tracking him and take him out, Bush outsourced this job to some Afghani Taliban folks who had been some of old Isama's best buddies just a week or two before. "Oops. Missed him. Time to get ready for Iraq. My bad. Just don't tell anybody. Maybe next time."
2006-08-13 04:30:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous