I try not to give this stuff much credence. But I am torn about these things. I think what you say is spooky. At the same time, the news has us all on edge waiting for the next disaster and we have to stay rational despite that constant tension.
I agree that there are coincidences around that we can't explain. This brings us to the heart of the debate of whether the world around us is either infused with meaning through divine creation and intervention, or absolutely meaningless, or subject to scientific laws (some of which we know, some of which we don't) which might explain coincidences we observe.
On the spooky side of things, there are a few numeric coincidences out there that I find a bit unnerving. Obviously it was strange that 9/11 is the same as the emergency number in North America. Another nasty one is that the number 666 corresponds through numeric symbolism to WWW translated from the Hebrew alphabet - and it was a number that was repeated this calendar year.
As to whether the number you're seeing has any meaning, maybe there is no answer. If your number does have meaning, and as for there being any significance to 7/10 as a date, all I can say is, I hope you're wrong. Maybe it is not October 7 but 10th July. Anyway, maybe it's not a date, maybe it's something else. If you believe in the collective unconsciousness, like they say in Repo Man below, you ought to be able to do a google search on 710 and come up with something significant.
There are a lot of these attempts to understand numbers as keys to hidden meaning floating around right now -- in novels like the Da Vinci Code, and in screenplays because it instantly conveys symbolic meaning underlying everything.
Famous quote from the film Repo Man:
Miller: "A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness."
Another quote from the film 'Pi':
Sol Robeson: "Hold on. You have to slow down. You're losing it. You have to take a breath. Listen to yourself. You're connecting a computer bug I had with a computer bug you might have had and some religious hogwash. You want to find the number 216 in the world, you will be able to find it everywhere. 216 steps from a mere street corner to your front door. 216 seconds you spend riding on the elevator. When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, you will filter everything else out and find that thing everywhere."
Another long quote from the film 'Naked':
"Are you not familiar with
the Book of Revelations of SaintJohn...
the final book of the Bible
prophesying the Apocalypse?
Yes, as it happens, I'm familiar
with all the books of the Bible.
I'm very happy for you. "He forced everyone
to receive a mark on his right hand...
"or on his forehead so that no one
shall be able to buy or sell...
"unless he has the mark,
which is the name of the beast...
or the number of his name,
and the number of the beast is ."
- ! I know about it.
- Great.
I know about Nostradamus.
Nostradamus talked about three brothers.
Did he mean the Kennedy brothers or was he
talking about three bits of the Soviet Union?
- You see? You just can't tell.
- F**k Nostradamus!
I'm not talking about Nostradamus or Mother
Shipton or Russell Grant or Mystic-f**king-Meg.
I'm talking about the holy f**king book!
What can such a specific prophecy mean?
What is the mark?
Well, the mark, Brian, is the bar code,
the ubiquitous bar code...
that you'll find on every bog roll
and every packet of johnnies...
and every poxy pork pie.
And every f**king bar code is divided
into two parts by three markers.
And those three markers are always
represented by the number six.
Six, six, six.
Now, what does it say? "No one shall be able
to buy or sell without that mark."
And now, what they're planning to do
in order to eradicate all credit card fraud...
and in order to precipitate
a totally cashless society...
what they're planning to do, what they've
already tested on the American troops...
they're gonna subcutaneously laser-tattoo
that mark onto your right hand or forehead.
They're gonna replace plastic with flesh.
In the same Book of Revelations,
when the seven seals are broken open...
on the Day ofJudgment
and the seven angels blow the trumpets...
when the third angel blows her bugle,
wormwood will fall from the sky...
wormwood will poison
a third part of all the waters...
and a third part of all the land,
and many, many, many people will die.
Now, do you know what
the Russian translation for "wormwood" is?
- No.
- Chernobyl.
On August the th, ...
the planets of our solar system
are gonna line up into the shape of a cross.
- I don't believe in astrology.
- I'm not talking about astrology!
I'm talking about astronomy.
They're gonna line up in the fixed signs
of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio...
which just happen to correspond
to the four beasts of the Apocalypse...
as mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
Another f**king fact!"
2006-08-12 14:40:12
answer #1
answered by Katrine 4
Sounds like you're getting a bit obsessed - but lots of people are seeing your question, and it will be interested to see if anything happens on the dates mentioned. Meanwhile, your 'premonition' (?) has been noted and is now recorded on yahoo - so now we just wait and see!
2006-08-12 15:35:47
answer #3
answered by JustineTime 4
Nope, you probably just had semi deja-vu, and now your mind is obssesed with it.
2006-08-12 13:55:54
answer #5
answered by dork_hollywood 3