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It is possible can he still be in love with me. I love my husband. I have spoken with the other woman and she said she likes my husband alot and I dont think she will stop seeing him. This is a single woman with 2 kids and We were planning to start our family next year. I love hime but I dont know what to do. I have prayed and prayed.

2006-08-12 09:38:56 · 32 answers · asked by PYT 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

32 answers

I am going to another subject after this because it is just too draining for me here......... first of all you already know the answer to this question or you wouldn't be on here trying to find one person to talk you into staying. Girl I know it's hard but just do yourself a favor, look in the mirror and value what you see. Know that you are worth more than what some man or anybody else thinks you are worth for that matter. Know if God put you here it was not to be abused. Answer this simple question, are you praying for strength and wisdom or are you praying for this fool not to be a fool??? If you wan't a prayer, here is one: God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference. Love yourself, if you love God you will, he loved you enough to create you and to bring you this far. And you will be better off without a jerk like him. And why would you bring kids into an already unhealthy relationship?? So that they can have the torture of hearing about "daddy and his girlfriends"......... just let them be and go on with your life. It will hurt for a while but trust, if you keep praying after you kick him to the curb, God will bless you with so much happiness that you will look back and say what was wrong with me!!!! LOL But serious..................... Been there did that, and I ask myself when I see an old idiot that all the time, you tend to see them for what they are when you are away from them. You won't regret it. He does not have any love for you, would God do this to you?? Would God make you feel the way he is making you feel?? The bible says Husbands should love their wives the way Christ loves the church, so would God betray and cheat the church?? Girl let him go, that is not love!!!!!

2006-08-12 13:08:08 · answer #1 · answered by SweetT 3 · 1 2

Are you out of your cotton picking mind?????? Ok, lets think about this rationally....do you define being loved as having a husband who cheats on you? is continuing to cheat on you? NO that is NOT love, so now you have answered that part of your question. The other question is what are you still doing with this guy???? This isn't about the other woman, she never promised you anything and she never said she loves you...this is about HIM and you tolerating being treated this way! If you put up with it now you will put up with it forever, you are crazy if you start a family with this guy! Kids never make any relationship better, they can destroy ones that were doing ok but they NEVER EVER make one that is already broken better, not to mention that a kid shouldn't be born with a job (like fixing your marriage or keeping it together), you are talking about a human being, not a tube of super glue. How can you love someone who has so little regard for you? This guy has shown you his character, BELIEVE IT! Honestly if you stick around after this you deserve whatever disasters befall you in the future with this guy, you will have earned that for yourself. This time its all his fault, next time your pain will be your fault. You now clearly know who he really is, the question you need to ask yourself now is what is wrong inside you that would cause you to even consider being with this guy another day?

2006-08-12 09:52:34 · answer #2 · answered by dappersmom 6 · 0 1

Unless you like polyamorous relationships, the obvious choice is to leave. Many people can and want to love more than one person. But it's not realistic. As for the other woman, it speaks a lot for her character seeing a married man. And for your husband, he may love you, but he definitely doesnt respect you. You have to put your foot down.....leave her and counseling or divorce. The only two options..unless you want polyamorous.... Sweetie, praying wont help you in this situation. You already know in your heart what you need to do, but you just cant accept it deep inside. Think about what he is doing now, and think about what it would be like if you had kids and had to explain where daddy is..or if he gets her pregnant. Or if he catches and STD from her..who says she is monogamous with him...... many senarios. Take it from a wife who's gone through this, it's better to get out of this now and let the hurt heal. Than to have kids, divorce and put the kids through all this...
be strong, you know what to do, you just have to do it...hugs

2006-08-12 09:53:00 · answer #3 · answered by anna 1 · 0 1

I would not start a family with this man, instead get a divorce and a new life. I was raised that if you have a wife then treat her how you wanted to be treated, love your wife and only your wife. You have met the other woman and know this to be true, then it is up to you to leave and get a life with some man that will not treat you this way. Good luck.

2006-08-12 10:11:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have my sympathy. It's tough trying to live without a backbone. You can stay with this prince if you wish, but bringing a child into this relationship borders on criminal stupidity. And, by the way- You DO know what to do- throw him out NOW. You simply are too silly to act like a wife, rather than a child. Get some pride.

2006-08-12 10:03:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why are you allowing your husband to have a woman on the side!!!! Don't be a doormat he is just taking you for granted. Saying I love you is not enough. He needs to be a faithful husband and only be with you. Leave him and be blessed you did not have children with this two timer. Find someone that is only going to be with you. Go to counseling so you can figure out why you would want to stay with someone that is not be faithful.

2006-08-12 09:53:05 · answer #6 · answered by luvlisteningtomusic 6 · 0 1

Well it is possible that he loves you but do you want to in a relationship that consist of another woman. Think twice right now about starting a family with him. He might not be quite ready. You might need couple counseling.

2006-08-12 10:00:18 · answer #7 · answered by kitcat 6 · 0 1

An old mother's bit of advice to their daughters goes: "Pretty is as pretty does". Try "Husband is as husband does". At this moment you have no children. What kind of a life would you have if you left him now? What kind of a life would you have if you left him and took a couple kids along with you? Exit now.
Vaya con DIOS

2006-08-12 09:50:53 · answer #8 · answered by chrisbrown_222 4 · 0 1

I'm not sure if he loves you if he could continue to hurt you like that. It would be one thing if you were comfertable with him seeing other people and he was honest with you about it but it bothers you and he's not going to stop seeing her as far as you know. You can love him with all of your heart but it isn't going to change anything because he's the one that needs to change. If he can hurt you that deeply and choose to live the way he does then I don't think it's love. I'm sorry.

2006-08-12 09:48:04 · answer #9 · answered by if i only knew 3 · 0 1

He's like a kid in a candy store, wanting the goods and expects you to stand back while he helps himself. He has no morals and his top priority to remain faithful to you is at the bottom of his list of things to do. Time to boot him to the curb and let him know you don't play second best to anyone.

2006-08-12 09:54:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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