I know just how you feel. My fiancee has at least that many, if not more. Many are Dale Earnhardt Sr. shirts. Since you can't get those anymore, we compromised. I didn't throw them away, but I packed most of them into a box and put them in the basement. It was taking up too much dresser space.
Have him rotate his t-shirts. He can have 15 at a time. When he tires of those, swap them for another 15. He gets to keep them, but doesn't have full access, to all of them, all the time. And it keeps them out of your way.
2006-08-12 09:22:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He's become obsessed by his collection of tees. It's not that he needs them, but now he has to have them.
He really needs to go through them and donate them to some charity.
There is a program on Discovery Home Channel, if you get it, called "Neat", and it's about people, who just can't throw anything away, and their homes are cluttered to the point, that it's hard to live with the mess.
It's always something that they don't need, and can't give a good reason for keeping.
They have to be convinced that the collection, is ruining there lives, and they have to be willing to change.
When they do, do it, they feel like a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders.
If you can catch that show, or others that deal with the clutter problem, you may pick up some tips for your hubby to use.
Good luck, it's not an easy fix. Obsessions, can be hell.
2006-08-12 16:18:38
answer #2
answered by johnb693 7
Why not cycle them? Pick 15 of them, and pack away the rest. Then in a couple of months, pull out a different 15 and pack away the old 15. That way, he'll keep his T-shirts, but there will be less of them clogging the closet.
I do this since I'm a clothes packrat and can't bear to lose any of my sweatshirts.
2006-08-12 16:16:04
answer #3
answered by mikah_smiles 7
For a guy, that's way too many. He could never wear all of them. If he likes them, then put the in the attic, the one's he doesn't wear. I'm a guy and I have about a dozen t-shirts, then other polo or dress shirts on top of that.
Act like you are cleaning your bedroom, then pull all the shirts out on the bed. Ask him which ones he wants left out, and TELL him you are going to put the rest in the attic. He should take the "hint" then.
2006-08-12 16:15:21
answer #4
answered by AirborneKappaSigma 3
I think it's too many but he might consider you controlling of him if you insist he reduces the number. It's never good when closets, drawers and shelves are too crammed.
Good luck with getting him to come around to seeing things your way. You might try putting some away somewhere and see if he misses them. Keep doing that about every other week. You could return them if he did notice and complain. I would bet that he wouldnt notice if 1/3 of them went missing.
2006-08-12 16:17:28
answer #5
answered by ParaUnNormal 3
actually yes- thats a bit much on clothing, i suggest you sort them- 1. into ones that need to be trashed= 2. ones that are his very favorites 3. ones he wears alot and 4 ones he can part with and not to mention 5 ones you hate.
Then have him trash the #1's. And donate the number 4's...and take the number 5's and let him pick half of them he can keep and half you donate and or trash! I only recommend this because 60 is to many.
2006-08-12 16:14:09
answer #6
answered by cats4ever2k1 5
He's attached to every single one? Does he even wear them all? I think that's also a bit excessive... maybe go through the closet and pick out ones that look kind of ragged, if there are any, and tell him that these aren't very useful anymore...
If it doesn't work, you're gonna have to start storing ones he doesn't used in any unused space you may have. haha good luck
2006-08-12 16:15:06
answer #7
answered by stowchick01 3
I don't think it's excessive if you have the money and space for them... what about those chicks that have 100s of shoes?
The part that is disturbing is that he's attached to inanimate objects. There's something a little mental about that.
And for pete's sake, go get him some decent clothes.
2006-08-12 16:19:08
answer #8
answered by Say it like it is 4
Five = one for every day of the week. Isn't that enough?
OK, plus a couple to wear when painting or gardening. Seven. Draw the line at seven.
Why are we into such meaningless excess?
2006-08-12 16:14:33
answer #9
answered by keepsondancing 5
Husbands need help with clothes.
Good wives help the hubby get rid of old shirts and skim the excessive clothing.
Husbands don't really care about losing old shirts, it's more about having a place to hold a competitive conversation with the wife.
Husbands love wives who care about their looks. Thanks wives.
2006-08-12 16:16:21
answer #10
answered by ? 4