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I want to make a sun, or rather a small star. I checked out astrophysics and it seemed to help, the only problem now is execution. How do I manufacture a star with moderate resources, and only things you can find or obtain from our solar system.

2006-08-12 08:38:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

14 answers

Your project is REALLY possible, because it is already said by many Great Teachers/Masters that everything is possible. With the right amount of knowledge and guts (that is, faith), you can do it. Producing a sun or a small star is therefore possible, if one is knowledgeable, particularly in astrophysics, coupled with his imagination, which is necessary in the art of believing.

We already learned that the sun is similar to the nuclear or atomic bomb, however, in greater degrees of intensities or magnitude. But to produce it in the same way when it was first created doesn’t require greater amount of materials or resources, because there were no material things yet before the creation. Mankind is far better off now at this point in time than it was before the creation because now we have sufficient amount of these raw materials, and I’m sure you already learned that we got more of these materials here on earth.

Those materials, when put and triggered in the right combinations and procedures, could form the size of the sun. In fact, the earth and all the planets are also forms of stars only covered with the mantle of soils and rocks. And for the earth, they are coupled with plants and water and atmosphere, but beneath this mantle is the same condition as that of the sun or the stars, which only leak out in a very small percentage through the volcanoes.

Now, there is really a problem in the execution of your project, ONLY IF you cannot satisfy the condition for producing the object, which is the sun!

The first and foremost condition for your execution is that you must be able to release yourself from the limitations imposed by many of our modern scientists, physicists, astrophysicists, etc., particularly this past 20th century. If you will only notice, most of the 20th century scientists are in no way different from the old-fashioned scientists in the past centuries.

The common thing for them is that these people always declared the limitations of how mankind can travel. They said that people or humans could not travel in certain kind of speeds, which are not popular in their time. In other words, the people in the past thought that mankind cannot endure traveling in their imposed limits. And so, even most of our modern scientists imposed a certain kind of limit, and that is, that mankind cannot travel in the speed of light. Could you see now how this imposed limitation had preconditioned the mind of our other future scientists?

Thankfully, there are some who always break the limits. They went beyond to what was unpopular and uncommon to their time. And so, they became then the idol-geniuses for other people in their specific field. There will also always be chain-breakers in the next generation or so, and I hope you will also be one of those freethinker geniuses.

To travel in the speed of light or more is extremely very much important to your project in producing a sun or a small star, because you’ve got to be on the same level and condition with the Creator of the sun and the stars. It is better that you could travel more than the speed of light, though for the start, the same speed will still do, however you may still encounter some hindrances here. I suggest that you have to practice first traveling in more than the speed of light, to obtain a smooth execution of your project.

You do not need to confine yourself again with the limitation of the available science because there are other ways for this. Like for example, you can use the same principle that was taught by a Great Teacher who lived in Israel some 2000 years ago. He even demonstrated that he did pass through objects without destroying his body and the objects, and that is, entering an enclosed house. He even promised that we could do more than what he had done, if we will only believe. He said that we could even throw mountains into the sea, and more. All these things we can do if we can travel in more than the speed of light, because, with this, you can break the limitations that are existing in TIME, a factor that usually squeeze the minds of people to mediocrity. You will be able to break the past, present, and future tense of time, which could hinder the execution of your project.

Likewise, if you could travel in more than the speed of light, you will be successful in your project, because during the execution or the start-up of your project, you should also be able to INSTANTLY go very far away from the staging area of your project. If not, you might be caught up during the sudden burst or blast that can destroy you. And you won’t be successful anymore because you fail yourself instead. Lest, others might steal your project; and they will have the credit for it, instead of you. This is very much important, and it’s no joke because in any project or jobsite, the number one concern for the project management is the SAFETY, not only for the equipment, but also most especially the people involved and the public.

Next is that you should locate an area in the outer space as your staging area, where you won’t be disturbing the equilibrium already established during the creation and the succeeding celestial moment in time for all those celestial bodies that had been hanging around there for quite some time already. This means that you should place your project in an area far beyond not only in our solar system, but also from our galaxy, which is the Milky Way. To go farther away from our galaxy is to play safe, and it will give you a factor of safety more than required in the calculations, that is, if you are really calculating the known data involved.

But still, you must get permission from the owner of that remote area, before staging your project there. Otherwise, you might be charged for trespassing and illegal conductions of redundant science project, and end up in jail full of lake of fires. You should also look out for these legalities. Better hire a wide-experienced corporate lawyer to arrange all your necessary papers and permits.

Lastly, since you already checked out astrophysics, I presumed you already know the principles and formulas behind the solar system and the galaxies, their components, how they work, and the studies of those celestial bodies’ origin, etc. And so, there is no need to elaborate more about those technical details here, which are necessary for producing the equipment or constructing the apparatus you will need. I’m sure you can do that here for yourself. Besides, those technical things are just secondary in your project to attain success. However, they are still the basics for this project, and you can learn them in many physical science and astrophysics books. Just double-check all your calculations and those steps/procedures in your planning, AND EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE.

Note: You can borrow this answer in your report, but please don’t forget to put Ou Myu as your reference. If ask, you can say, he is one of those people in NASA (National Abnormal Scientists Association).

2006-08-12 22:43:27 · answer #1 · answered by Ou Myu 1 · 0 2

First, you need the vacuum. If you can't find the vacuum just because it now longer exists, you can use a remnant of the vacuum just prior to it becoming a black hole. You can also use a pretty good sized black hole if you act quickly before its vacuum pressure becomes too equalized.

We'll assume that you were able to find a big black hole but not a remnant of the vacuum. Then you gather up enough of the right kind of cosmic dust to surround and engulf the black hole. You need a lot of cosmic dust but it is plentiful and free for the taking.

As the black hole draws the cosmic dust cloud towards it, it becomes compressed smaller all around the black hole so you need some more cosmic dust but, not too much. As the cosmic cloud becomes more and more compressed around the big black hole, pretty soon, (Ok I lied) after a long time, the compression of the cloud becomes so dense that the cloud particles keep each other from entering the black hole because of the friction and because the cosmic dust has now actually become denser matter. But, the cosmic cloud is now compressing the big black hole causing its force to become greater which compresses the cosmic cloud further. An interesting by product of all this compression is gravity which appeared sometime after the cosmic cloud began to change into more dense material.

By now the compression and resulting friction has caused things to get pretty hot around the black hole and things start to explode causing more heat causing more explosions. This turns into a kind of nuclear melt down and everything around, what you could now call a star, begins to burn and blow up. The density of the mass around the center of the star is now so great that those forces cause the huge dense mass of the star to be used up relatively slowly while maintaining an surface temperature that burns everything up that its gravitational force draws to it.

After a long time, more and more of the mass at the center of your new star will be consumed to the point where the remaining shell, no matter how compressed it is, can no longer contain the black hole and the star collapses on its self.

Then, you gotta start all over.

Maybe you can use what is left of the black hole after the implosion/explosion and make a smaller star or even a planet.

Gravitational forces in the universe will eventually get your new planet moving fast enough that it can enter orbit around a star as it passes by. Maybe even a new star. Chances are that it won't run into a star because they are so far apart.

So, don't worry.

By the way, you can see all of this trying to happen if you look at the black hole NGC 7052 on the web. There may not be a big enough cosmic cloud in this case, though.

2006-08-12 12:25:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Given current human understanding of the cosmological process there is not enough matter from which to construct another star currently available within the solar system.

That said - if you wished to 'simulate' a very small star, very very briefly you might be able to combine Jupiter and Saturn and ignite them and "burn" them in a mind-bogglingly huge thermonuclear explosion which could last for perhaps a few years. You could ignite them by synthesizing a large amount of antimatter (approximately a kilometer in diameter) and contained it in a very big and -inconceivably- strong electromagnetic "bottle" and then you would need to drop the container of antimatter into that enormous combined gravitational field very slowly and gently enough so that it would only be crushed after it penetrated deep enough into the new super-planet's atmosphere where the reaction would not blow it's contents back out of the atmosphere.

One problem that was a stumbling block until recently was making the antimatter. But according to this link it isn't so difficult to do that anymore...

Now the only real difficulties are finding some way to siphon the mass from one planet to the other
and then deliver the antimatter based 'blasting cap' to the suface of the newly forged giant star.

As many others have said, you may want to take extreme care not to be anywhere within the nearest light-year or so when you you flick this particular 'bic'...

2006-08-12 10:13:12 · answer #3 · answered by Michael Darnell 7 · 0 1

This can only be done in fantasy becuase it is a job beyond human technology.


Brown dwarfs are sub-stellar objects with a mass below that necessary to maintain hydrogen-burning nuclear fusion reactions in their cores, as do stars on the main sequence, but which have fully convective surfaces and interiors, with no chemical differentiation by depth. Brown dwarfs occupy the mass range between that of the lowest mass stars (anywhere between 75 and 80 Jupiter masses) and large gas-giant planets. Currently there is a large ambiguity as to what separates a brown dwarf from a giant planet at very low brown dwarf masses (~12 Jupiter masses). There is some question as to whether brown dwarfs are required to have experienced fusion at some point in their history; in any event, brown dwarfs heavier than 13 Jupiter masses (MJ) do fuse deuterium and above roughly 65 MJ fuse both deuterium and lithium.


"It is found that the vast majority of stars consists mainly of hydrogen with about 10% ± 5% of helium (by number of atoms and ions). Since each helium nucleus is four times as heavy as a proton, the abundance of helium by weight, called Y, can be computed from
Y = (4 × 0.1) / (0.9 + 0.4) = 0.31 (± 0.1) (1)


So, you need an absolute minimum of 70 - 80 Jupiter masses of 70% or more hydrogen to make a "typical" star. Since helium is made by hydrogen fusion and the helium does not further react (on the main sequence) you don't need to include helium.

The hydrogen might come from the Oort Cloud or the Kneiper Belt--icy fragments remaining from the building of the solar system. I'll leave it to you to find out if there is enough material in them. You could throw in the icy asteroids and the gas giant planets, if need be.

Unfortunately, this is not free hydrogen. It will mostly be bound in ammonia and water. You'll need to separate the hydrogen from the nitrogen and oxygen. That will take a HUGE amount of engergy.

Then, you put all this hydrogen in one place, and nature will take its course.


Just thought of another source. You could trap the solar wind, which is mostly hydrogen, by building a shell around the sun. Then, how would you get the H out of the shell that it was embedded in?

As I said, it is beyond human technology.


Another idea: Theory predicts that small black holes can be created. You can look into how that might be done.

Once you have the black hole, you could feed matter into it. The matter will form a disk rotating around the black hole. In the process of spirling down into the event horizon, the matter will become compressed and very hot. It would give off light like a small star, but it would not be a star.

You would have to keep that black hole well away from the earth's gravitational field. If it descended to earth, it would eat a hole to the center of the earth (attracted by gravity to the center of gravity of the earth), and then proceed to gobble up the entire earth.

2006-08-12 08:58:34 · answer #4 · answered by berry_chuckle 1 · 1 1

I don't know if you could make a small star. Stars are made to be big. You wouldn't be able to fit it on the Earth. A star is held together by its own mass. It creates a lot of gravity to hold all of the stuff that make it up in place. You couldn't make a star on the Earth because the Earth's gravity would interfere with the small star's. A star needs lots of fuel to in order to remain burning. If you had just a small star, it would go out very quickly. And there is also a chance that the star may go out of control and start using its surroundings as fuel. Thus if you were to have a small star in your house, that star may begin feeding on your house itself, become catastrophically larger and eventually consume the entire Earth.

But good luck with that.

2006-08-12 08:50:21 · answer #5 · answered by Irony Of Poe 3 · 0 1

A theoretical physicist comes up with stuff like that, yet is time-honored with of it rather is an thought. It must be examined, that's the relaxing section. yet on your established, would not some thing ought to be made the **** up for there to be progression. There needs to be a beginning, even regardless of if that's incorrect. interior the case of quantum physics, theories (guesses) approximately debris and the form come from expertise of already got here across debris and behaviors. like the different field, different than quantum physics is downright anti-intuitive to the untrained. consequence till now reason...?!? Teleportation of features...?!? besides, do not blame the messenger, it form of feels the universe is in simple terms that weird and wonderful. that's actual as you're saying that the form, or aspects of it, are incorrect. as an occasion, possibly it rather is not somewhat the gravitational lending of light that's witnessed. possibly easy is seen to bend in that component of area by using fact area itself is bent, yet not by using gravity. possibly a spacial bending or tear not brought about with the aid of remember (or darkish remember), and as a result not with the aid of gravity. an stunning quantity of ability could be mandatory. As i pass on, I bear in mind that E=mc^2, and understand that each and every thing needs a attractiveness, even the unknown. I in certainty have argued on thought of darkish remember and darkish ability, not disputed the thought in any know. We did it with naming undiscovered yet predicted components on the periodic table. The universe follows very definitive rules, and we people are large at detecting kinds.

2016-10-02 00:03:59 · answer #6 · answered by silveira 4 · 0 0

That's the most ambitious project I've seen to date. Mmmmmm, make a sun, eh? You certainly don't want to be anywhere near this project when you touch it off. Where ya gonna keep it? Seriously, I would suggest you make suns and small stars only in thought.

2006-08-12 08:52:43 · answer #7 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 1

You could construct a fusion reactor, which would give energy off in the same way a star does. Or, you could steal a bunch of hydrogen from Sol and use it for your own star.

2006-08-12 08:42:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A couple of billion tons of hydrogen, and the same of helium, should do it. I'm not too sure, how you'll get it to kickstart, though. If you can get it to start up, make sure you've got some sun screen on........

2006-08-12 09:11:15 · answer #9 · answered by flaming_dog_racing 3 · 1 1

A small working Sun or Star is called a Hydrogen Bomb, aka the H-Bomb, aka the atom bomb aka the big one aka nuke.

Are you sure about this?

2006-08-12 08:48:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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