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I mean lots of people are saying that they want to see a pic of me and I can't show them to my friends. Because I new to comuputers and I don't know how to take a pic then how to put it on the internet and how to save it on my pictures then have people see it on Email and have it put on my myspace without worriing about unknown vieres' and if something happens to my computer and I can't use it anymore. Can someone please help a nice guy?

2006-08-11 14:04:36 · 3 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

3 answers

if you have a digital camera, that's great. first start and upload your pix to the computer. then resize them to make them smaller or bigger. i usually use a 7 inches by 9 inches or depending how big you want it, bigger pix take more time to upload and sometimes don't work. also save it as jpeg. it's easier. than have it saved in your computer in pictures file. when your ready to upload the pix to wherever you want. click the browsing button and look for your pix. it'll take a couple of seconds and your done. hope this helps.

2006-08-11 14:13:12 · answer #1 · answered by black_metal_mist 2 · 0 0

Email :
Open 'compose' under 'Mail'
Then click 'Attach files'
Click on the 'Browse' button to upload your picture.
Click 'Attach file'.
Then 'go to message' and you ready to go.

Myspace :
Under 'add/edit photos'
lt's pretty easy, look for the upload photo link then click on it, then follow what the screen tells you, pretty much the same thing then the email upload file.
Good luck.

2006-08-11 21:23:28 · answer #2 · answered by 1.2..3 2 · 0 0

take a pic of yourself on a digital camera,put it on "my pictures" on your computer,and then when you go to mysapce,go to where you edit your pics,push "browse" and put the picture in.hope it works for ya!i just got a myspace today,im already addicted!

2006-08-11 21:11:29 · answer #3 · answered by Ashleigh(: 4 · 0 0

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