No, you will not go to hell, especially if you don't believe in one.
2006-08-11 10:14:52
answer #1
answered by Mo 6
NO it is up to those who claime ther is a god heaven and hell to prove it . it isimpossible to prove a negative . Simple logic iti sa trick question when thy ask you to prove god does not exist not possible .
I am agnostic I ive my life a best Ian I not need the fears some dictato in the sky to make me do what is right or treat othewrs both humans and animals with dignity and respect . I do not need the cop in the sky to judge me or make me do what is right . i can do that on my own it seems ot m that religion isboth the opaite and Methamphtamine of the masses a frightening paradox
It is speled Athiest it means that the person does not belive in any supernatural being at all. it is not a religion it cannot be one by it's very defination. Athiest also do not belive in the devil satan oth what everyou choose to call that made up bad guy .
2006-08-11 10:24:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't you think that,
#1 - Before you believe in something, you should at least know HOW to spell it.
#2 - Since noone ever comes back from the dead to let us know about heaven or hell or an afterlife, isn't it better to at least believe that there could be a God, rather than refuse to believe one exists at all? You can believe in God without practicing any form of Organized Religion. It's called being Agnostic, or being Spiritual.
Athiest - Go google the word and read about it
Agnostic - Go google the word and read about it
Spirituality - Go google the word and read about it
2006-08-11 10:20:21
answer #3
answered by alwaysbombed 5
The answer is NO. You will not go to Hell just because you do not believe in God. Our God is All Loving and All Merciful. He died to save us all, and all we have to do is be grateful for His loving Sacrifice and repent of our sins. God is Patient and Kind. He does not condemn us to Hell. We are the ones who turn our back on Him and disappoint Him. But God is a great father who never stops loving us and never gives up on us. He will even give us one more chance to change our hearts at the very end of our life, and when we do that, all the transgressions we have committed against Him during our life will be forgiven so that we can spend our eternity in Heaven. Sadly some will not make it out of hatred and stubbornness persevered until the very end. You, my dear child have pleased God very much just because of your question. It means that somewhere deep in your heart you know there is a Heaven and a hell and you are wondering where you fit in. May God bless you always and I'm sure you will be fine.
2006-08-11 11:55:00
answer #4
answered by cnsrvtvbabe 1
If you're an atheist you should not believe in Heaven or Hell. If you have to ask this question, you are a crappy atheist. The correct answer is NO! You will just be blinked out like the TV going off. The only afterlife you will have is that of the memories people have of you.
2006-08-11 10:16:03
answer #5
answered by Kris B 5
Heaven and hell are both here on earth. It all depends on how you live your life. The early bible and the ten commandments are just suggestions for how to live a good life. God, Heaven and Hell are Fictions to get the other ideas across. Ideas about being honest, not stealing, respecting parents and all that other good stuff.
2006-08-11 10:20:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you don't subscribe to the Judeochristian view of God / The Devil / Heaven / Hell, then technically you ought to be believing that when you do eventually die, that's it. Finito. Oblivion.
No Heaven. No Hell. Just The End.
If you understand that, you're on your way to understanding that which a lot of Christians can't see: namely, that it doesn't matter what other people believe, it's what you believe that counts.
So no, as an Atheist you won't go to Hell when you go. There's nowhere to go to, but that hole in the ground.
2006-08-11 10:17:41
answer #7
answered by fiat_knox 4
no because there is no such thing only in past times hell was a place in Palestine where people were judged and sent there it was a bog of fire and sulphur the accused was blindfolded and made to walk back if he or she made it back they were innocent but if they didn't they were lost in the bog hence the saying go to hell or hell on earth
in addition to this the Romans persecuted people who would not bow down to there way of life mainly women as they saw them as the weaker sex and male domination was in place hence the witch hunts and things like that long before Christianity people did not know what demons or devils were they honored there dead with funeral pyres and sent them to a better place or so they thought who knows ??????
2006-08-11 10:21:02
answer #8
answered by Dave B 1
First of all, I would like to point out that the "Hell", or the Kingdom of
Darkness, it was not created by God. It was created by (wo)men. The
Inferno exists; and is hiding great dangers.-
So you don't believe in God... But what IS God? Before telling others
that you don't believe in something, you should define, precisely, that
"something". Correct, it would be to state that you know nothing about
So you don't believe in Its existence...
You should think at Him, as a Creator. Please observe that we cannot
create nothing, without using elements already created/available in the
nature. Our so-called "creations" are, in fact, processed substance.
This Creator has also gave us the Laws--discovered, partly, by some
You don't believe in God? Then what makes your heart beating? What
"force" sustains the planets on their orbits? What makes the seeds to
transform themselves in plants? Why do we have only two eyes? Why
the Gravity exists? Why the distance between our Sun and our planet
is optimum?; what maintains is constantly?
And I could continue with this kind of questions...
You will not go to Hell, if you don't believe in God. (In fact you live in a
sort of "hell", right now: the "atheist" hell.) But, if you do not respect the
God's Laws, you will go to Hell! And if you want to respect them, you
must know them. If you refuse, your ignorance will lead you, eventually,
in Hell. One guide, on the path of knowledge, consists in those Ten
Commandments, mentioned in the Bible.
As you see, you need more than believing: you need knowledge. You
need a deep knowledge about God's Creation. The spreading of this
(metaphyical/cosmological) knowledge is reserved to the Son of Man--
which has been predicted.
It will be easier for you, to enter in the Paradise, than to the so-called
"believers"--whose "faith" is wrong; and weak. But you have to be like
a child; and willing to accept that knowledge. Otherwise, the Groom
will reject you forever...
2006-08-11 12:14:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
only if u believe in hell or believe that there is a god that will send u to hell for not believing in him- but if u r an atheist and u say u don't believe in god, or believe there isn't one, then why are u asking this pretty much pointless question?
2006-08-11 10:20:44
answer #10
answered by ♥_mrs.smith 4
how will you know until you die? no one can come out and tell you "hey, since you don't believe in what I believe in, your soul is going to burn in hell!" no one knows which religion is right or wrong. Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean you have to label yourself atheist. You don't believe in god, so there is no chance you worship the devil, a theory that hasn't even been proved. I say go on with your life and you'll find out where your soul will rest when you die. and anyways, how can you believe in hell and not believe in god?
2006-08-11 10:17:35
answer #11
answered by policethesoul 2