My friend has been trying to set me up with her brother for some time now. I told her I wasn't interested. Persistant she continued to bug me about it, and i continued telling her i dont want to, nearly a month now.
Finally she sets up a weekend get away for him and me, so i can just **** him.
Clearly telling her Im not doing this...I never showed up, thus ruining her plans.
Angry now, she's not talking to me and is making my life miserable at work. She has made exagerated reports against me and has disrespected me in front of my Supervisor, my staff, and co-workers.
This is insane...Some friend....huh.
I'm done with this friendship.
What do you think?
16 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
I don't think she was much of a friend in the 1st place. A friend would've respected your wishes if you weren't interested in her brother. And she certainly wouldn't stab you in the back at work. There's an old saying: "It'll all come out in the wash." When it does, I'd hate to be in her shoes. Her kind usually come to a sad & lonely end. That's what I think.
2006-08-11 09:59:54
answer #1
answered by WillyC 5
She wasn't a friend in the first place. You told her several times that you were not interested in her brother. It is her problem that she didn't listen. Who really wants a friend that doesn't listen to what you want instead of what they want. She is someone you are better off without.
Now if she continues to be a problem at work you can have her banned from the building. If she is a co-worker, talk to your supervisor and tell her the problems. Your supervisor can step in and help you remedy the situation.
2006-08-11 16:53:19
answer #2
answered by butterflykisses427 5
She clearly doesn't understand boundries or morals. She is very munipulative. I am not sure I would call that a friendship. At least my friends don't expect me to ****their brothers and I my brothers are all married but even when they were single they didn't need me to pressure girls into seeing them. It makes you wonder what their childhood was like. Sorry about your experience. I think you could definatly find a better friend.
2006-08-11 17:00:40
answer #3
answered by Suesan W 4
I think what you thought was a friend was only out for whatever made her look good. You turning her brother down did not. Good for you for sticking with your morals and values, any true friend would have never asked you to go against them, and would respect your decision even if they didn't like it. You sound like a good person, her loss!
2006-08-11 16:54:31
answer #4
answered by mixemup 6
gross...she is pretty much acting like ur a slut, trying to make u go do her brother. she sounds really stupid. no offense, but really not respectful at you OR her brother. if her brother is putting her up to it, she's even MORE ..not smart.
tell her to quit acting unprofessional at work, and never to speak to you as a "friend" cuz you're not a frickin Ho who goes and sleeps w/ people ur not even interested in! tell her to go get a life, and stop butting into others'.
2006-08-11 16:53:59
answer #5
answered by sasmallworld 6
she wasnt a friend if she couldnt respect ur choice not to date her brother.... dont wry about her... she'll soon forget it n leave u alone.... i hope.. disrespecting u in front of others just makes her look bad..shrug it off.. cuz ur colleagues know ur really not bad at all... just focus on ur work... n dont make any conversation with her.... glad ur done with a friendship u didnt deserve to be in... she probably lost out on a good friend....
there are many nicer people out there... u'll find them
2006-08-11 16:57:53
answer #6
answered by abigail 2
Sounds psycho to me. Get a new job. Diffuse the situation soon. She is clearly vindictive. It will get worse. Either confront her or leave totally. If you keep backing down she knows she can walk all over you.
2006-08-11 16:52:50
answer #7
answered by taz4x4512 4
Honestly? You're wasting your time asking the question. Does your "friend" not understand plain English? If she manipulates others they way she tried to manipulate you, they'll get the message pretty fast.
2006-08-11 16:54:04
answer #8
answered by DelK 7
I think you are better of without her as a friend she is a complete fruit loop i am sorry for your troubles
2006-08-11 17:33:19
answer #9
answered by delsg1 2
You are absolutely correct! Stick to your guns and never let anyone or anything shake you from your beliefs!
Way to go!!
2006-08-11 16:51:08
answer #10
answered by Starla_C 7