Join the rest of the world...This my friend is an ongoing battle!
2006-08-11 09:30:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should just clean it up yourself. Remember this: there will always be people who slack off on their jobs leading you to have to do it yourself. People are just lazy like that! So you have to step up and do it. Its the bigger person who works the hardest, there's always one of those in the family! (Unfortunately I'm the one in this family) In the end you'll get wonderful blessings!
2006-08-11 16:40:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Stop cleaning it. Stop washing their clothes. Stop cooking. When they have no food, no clean clothes and a nasty house, they will eventually have to do something. Do your clothes, but not theirs. Tell them that this will continue until they start pitching in. Fill out a schedule for them to follow. Husband too. He can help.
2006-08-11 16:33:20
answer #3
answered by Xena 3
Well, if they have any conscious whatsoever they will clean it if you don't. Because I know I wouldn't want to live in filth. So just don't clean it. Wait and let them do some of their share. But that doesn't mean you should slack off on your share either!
2006-08-11 16:33:11
answer #4
answered by Adrian Salgado Lopez 2
Ask them to bring dirty dishes to the kitchen when you're about to do them - play music and see if they help. Or ask them to rinse.
Hand them laundry baskets and tell them to fill-em-up when you're about to do laundry. Or ask "Are we out of laundry soap?" if they're suppose do their own laundry.
Buy a shelf or something for their room they might like for books/nic nacks/whatever -- other things may get redecorated around the chosen area. Or bring in other organizer things, pencil holders, fridge magnet clips, don't open them or put them up. Leave them out on the dining table - like see if someone opens new carpet fresh powder to smell it, they might end up vacuuming!
Buy a new towel rack for the bath or kitchen, get an elec screwdriver and ask for help mounting it - they might suprise you hanging up a wet towel later. Good habits can evolve from introducing imaginative little things.
2006-08-11 16:50:27
answer #5
answered by Ann 3
Let everything pile up. Stop picking up after them. I know it is hard to do, but as long as they know you will do it then they wont.
The other thing you could do is anything laying around throw out. After a while there will be nothing left to clean up.
2006-08-11 16:31:39
answer #6
answered by middle aged and love it 3
give everyone a chore and suggest that they do it and if they don't then there will be consequences to pay and priveleges lost, including adults. A house doesn't get clean if no one cooperates with you.
2006-08-11 16:31:39
answer #7
answered by Tell.Me.Sweetly. 2
You should sweep up the house and dump the rubbish on their beds.
If not, start taking away what they like most of thiers - Games, Phone, etc....
2006-08-11 16:33:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
than you make them clean the house tel them whos boss
2006-08-11 16:30:08
answer #9
answered by Jimbo23 3
nanny 911
2006-08-11 16:34:55
answer #10
answered by ttf101 1