Next time he does it Smack the Sh*t outta him...He'll stop
2006-08-11 08:34:49
answer #1
answered by ?Whiskey Girl? 4
First of all, you have to feel very confident about yourself. Think that he married you, and do not show him anymore that it bothers you. I know this is hard, but if you show him indifference, he may stop at least when he is with you. Just to let you know, he won't change. Men are dogs and will always be. Some of them show it more than others, but it is up to you to tolerate.
I don't know what your situation is really, but women take control of a relationship more than men. In this case, you are the key in changing him. Confidence is the key. Nobody in this whole world is the same person. We are unique. You are unique. So there won't be nobody in this world who will ever compare to you. This is something that you have to memorize.
Nobody is less or better than you.
2006-08-11 09:08:46
answer #2
answered by Chikis 1
Guys will ALWAYS look at the passing scenery, even happily married ones [ and I should know, I've been married a number of times ;-) ]. It's the way most of us are programmed and if you try to suppress it he'll just end up doing "sneak-peeks." Sneaking is a fairly destructive relationship behavior and you should avoid creating situations where it's likely to happen. Try thinking of it this way: he may be on a diet but as long as he's sticking with it there's no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to read the whole menu.
2006-08-11 08:34:45
answer #3
answered by buffalobjf 2
You look at them too, Why? If you didn't, you wouldn't know they were beautiful and sexy. It only bothers you because you are intimidated by what they got that you don't have. If you build your self esteem you wouldn't be bothered by your husbands looking.
This basically boils down to you having little or no confidence in yourself. This wasn't intended to offend you but in "Yahoo Answers" you will get honest opinions.
Work on yourself!
2006-08-11 08:47:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Maybe he does it because you make a big deal out of it.Men have been looking at pretty girls since the beginning of time,just as us women check out the men,even if we don't want to admit it.When I'm out with my man,I help him find the good looking women to check out.Doesn't bother me in the least that he looks at other women,he isn't dead.Doesn't bother him either when I make a comment about a good looking man.I'm secure enough in my relationship to know who he is going home
2006-08-11 09:10:59
answer #5
answered by stellablue1959 5
I went through this with an ex-boyfriend. I thought the answer would be to do it back to him, so he would see how it feels. It actually made him more comfortable with it and he started commenting about them. I guess since I was being obvious, he thought it was OK. I just got more and more miserable until I gave up! I think you should tell him this is a SERIOUS problem and he needs to treat it that way.
2006-08-11 09:14:38
answer #6
answered by Jen T 1
Of course he looks! He's a man and he isn't dead, blind, or gay. Asking a man to stop looking is like asking a woman to stop wanting romance. Keep in mind that he looks at them but he married you! You have two choices: You can try to fight it and make you both miserable, or you can have fun with it and make it about what attracts you to each other:
1) Point out attractive women to him.
2) Ask him what he likes about her.
3) Pick something you like about her look and ask him if he would like it if you tried that look (her hair style or colour, her skirt, her blouse, make-up, anything that might be different for you but that you would be comfortable with). I don't mean with sarcasm ("Oh yeah! How would you like it if I strutted around in a slutty dress like that?"). Do it with with a playful, flirty attitude. ("You like skirts that short? Play your cards right and I just might try one of those on for you next time we're at the mall. Just don't expect me to wear it in front of my mother!")
4) Follow through. Try out that new style for him. If you both like it, add it to your wardrobe, even if it's something you would only wear for him and not in public.
5) Point out the cute guys you see and tell him what attractive feature he shares with the guy you just spotted. That way you make it a compliment to him and not a threat. He'll probably start doing the same for you. If he doesn't, you might have to teach him how. Men don't always pick up hints very well.
2006-08-11 09:12:12
answer #7
answered by Warm Sober Hag 1
Don't worry abut it. He is with you. As men we are destined to look at other women. My wife knows and it does not bother her. I told her to look at men. It is a natural for men to look, especially what many members of the opposite sex are wearing or in many cases not wearing. If they flaunt it, we look at it.
2006-08-11 23:37:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Do the same..Look at all the HOT men..may be praise some of them..If he has some brains he will get the point..
2006-08-11 08:28:48
answer #9
answered by jheel04 2
Next time you two get intimate, ask him what turns him on about other women.
If it's something you can perform, he may stop looking.
2006-08-11 08:44:10
answer #10
answered by hellsbells 2
It's a man thing, can't help but look. Don't let it bother you so much.
2006-08-11 08:32:01
answer #11
answered by Jeffrey S 6