If you're talking about the free yahoo account, then you can't just do it without help.
The help however, comes in the form of a utility called YPOPS. It's a little application that runs on your computer and acts as atranslator between Outlook and Yahoo. And best of all, IT's FREE!
I've used it before and it works rather well, i was suprised.
Here's the web link for it.
2006-08-11 10:48:12
answer #1
answered by Say it like it is 4
Dwight is right!! Of course you can get the free yahoo! mail account into either Outlook or Outlook express. You just need to follow the instructions.
It is not that difficult, even for a novice to do this. Just follow the instructions step by step and you wil be having your Yahoo or any other POP3 account inside Outlook Express OR Outlook. This program can work with any type of mail account out there. You just have to know where to go to get the proper instructions which Dwight has offered you.
If it is an account with you ISP get the incoming and outgoing mail server address from them. Then follow the Outlook Express Wizard for setting up an E-Mail Account and step through each page putting in the correct information as you do so.
Easy, have a nice day and hope you have your mail in Outlook Express by the end of the day!
2006-08-11 08:31:26
answer #2
answered by Serenity 7
Not daft, but you need to provide a lot more information.
First, you need to be sure that you are able to "POP" mail from the account you are using. If it's Yahoo Mail, for instance, you have to pay extra to be able to POP. (You can read it using a web browser for free).
EarthLink (my Internet Service Provider) has a bunch of support information about setting up different mail clients like Outlook and Outlook Express. Check these out at: http://kb.earthlink.net/case.asp?s=st%3D572%2Ce%3D0000000001067038411%2Ck%3D5075%2Csxi%3D8&article=resid8305
Good luck with it!
2006-08-11 08:29:04
answer #3
answered by Jim A 2
First of all, you can only use Outlook to access POP3 email - not web based email such as Yahoo and Hotmail. If you are using web based email, Outlook is not an option.
To set up a POP3 account in Outlook, you need to enter the stmp and pop addresses into the wizard that comes up when you try to use email. You can get these from your email provider.
2006-08-11 08:18:26
answer #4
answered by Sappho 4
I tried for three months to make outlook express work so I could send mail from a web page. Now I just copy and paste addresses and use my yahoo mail. I'm going to check back on this question to see if anyone knows. Even my IT geek cousin couldn't tell me how to do it.
2006-08-11 08:21:20
answer #5
answered by anyone 5
â Here is how to get Outlook Express to work with the free Yahoo! Mail Account. I haven't tried this myself. So I don't know how difficult it might be for a newbie.
â http://email.about.com/od/outlookexpresstips/qt/et041606.htm
â Here are many more great Yahoo! Mail Tips and Tricks. There are tips here you won't find anywhere else.
â http://email.about.com/od/yahoomailtips/
â Yahoo! Antispam Resource Center
â http://antispam.yahoo.com/tips
â Outlook Tips
â http://www.outlook-tips.net/
2006-08-11 08:20:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If it one of the free services, like yahoo, you have to pay for the plus package so that you have POP. POP enables you to view mail through Outlook.
2006-08-11 08:39:32
answer #7
answered by BritLdy 5
If it's mail from Yahoo, you can't unless you pay for the service... if it's through your internet provider, call their technical support or refer to their website. They typically list step-by-step instructions on how to set up Outlook.
2006-08-11 08:18:00
answer #8
answered by Village Idiot 5
you no i've been trying to do outlook express 4ever and it never works i h8 it!!!!!!!!y do u need that anyway since you already created a yahoo account you have an email already so u dont need the crappy outlook express
2006-08-11 08:25:26
answer #9
answered by karissa86167 1
First, go into the program. Second, click on "new Mail Message".....Third, copy paste ur email message into the big dialog box or if u hadnt written it before just type ur message into the dialog box....Make sure before sending to write the email address of the recipient...Then send it and you're done!
2006-08-11 08:25:29
answer #10
answered by ? 2