I think it depends on the age of the group you are describing. Teenage social dynamics are largely regulated by the most forceful opinion, with others nodding apathetically to foster group acceptance and 'likeness'. Nothing inherently wrong with this, it's how we all first learn social interaction, and the fear of being shunned is greatest at these delicate and formative years.
In an adult environment it's mainly a tactful way of keeping the status quo and avoiding hostility (assuming the views are of a fairly trivial nature).
Alternatively, you could reflect on the saying "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative" which holds a degree of truth.
2006-08-11 08:27:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is their way of coping. They are adapting. The people who do this however are followers not leaders. It is hard to lead when you have your lips pasted on someones behind. Maybe they have just seen a new opportunity and their belifer before are now invalid. Don't worry about those people...be true to yourself.
2006-08-11 15:12:37
answer #2
answered by Alex B 3
Perhaps they are attempting to look at things from the perspective of others, as well as their own, which would enable them to continually formulate and modify their own views. Such a process could prevent them becoming rigid, dogmatic and intransigent thus facilitating open mindedness.
2006-08-11 15:20:18
answer #3
answered by copperyclover 3
No, ..it's called opportunism. People who have no principles do this....for their own advantage. Such people disregard the ultimate consequence. They don't look at the whole picture...only at themselves. It's a survival strategy- I guess.
2006-08-11 15:16:25
answer #4
answered by justmemimi 6
It's called being fake not having the guts to stand up for what you believe in it's something that i had to learn to do and it feels a whole lot better to do you.
2006-08-11 15:11:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes you have to do this, it's only true friends you dont have to, it depends on the personalitys of some peole your with.
2006-08-11 15:29:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Its called Liberalism sweetheart
2006-08-11 15:08:57
answer #7
answered by Bubba B 2
They're Libras. Libras are masters of tact, diplomacy and harmony.
2006-08-11 15:11:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That is called peer pressure. A human defect.
2006-08-11 15:10:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's the American Way of Life practised throughout the Continental U.S.A.. That is why yankee's are hated all over the world! Everyone living especially overseas see's people from the U.S.A. for whom they really are; war mungers who have to stick their noses into everyone else's business and intrude into the affairs of others univited and then claim to be doing so in the best interests of humanity, while taking over full control of our natural resources for U.S.A. ownership and profit at our expense and claim it as Democracy! U.S.A., a country built on slavery and outright lies, allways was and still is. They tried invading Canada twice and got beaten back both time's, the last war in 1812, the Canadian's burned the White House to the ground, but you don't hear about the yankee's ever bragging about that, do you? The U.S.A. is a discusting apparition of the actual truth of what is happening in the world today. The russian people are brainwashed, know it but can't do anything about it, the people of the U.S.A. on the other hand are brainwashed and do not know it ! such is life!
The last world war, was originally started by Texas Oil men,not by Hitlar as some would like you to believe, he got into the war after it had already started, as did Japan and Korea and Russia. This is the beginings of a 3rd world war, who really statred this one? No, it wasn't bin Laden as Your Texas Oil Man would have you believe! Bin Laden is just a pawn and nothing but a pawn! Bin Laden could have been killed a long time ago, at the very begining of this new war. He has been killed, because he is too valuable and useful to the cause of the U.S.A.. Funny thing, it is common knowledge, that the Bush family and the Laden family's are business partners in the largest oil refineries in the world and even your president G.Bush has publicly announced that this war is about oil !
Look in your mirror and ask your self your questions about honesty and then take a close look at who is leading your country and where and then take a close look at who is suffering the price of war most in your country and whom is being placed on a high plateau and rewarded with riches and praise? He isn't GOD ! He is a man, not worthy of praise. It is told to us in the Bible, that the return of Christ would be succeeded by 3 anti-christs! The first anti-christ was said to be Napoleon, the second anti-christ was said to be Hitlar! Who is the 3rd anti-christ? Is it Bin Laden? Or maybe Saddam Husein? I doubt that either of these men could be the anti-christ ! Both Saddam Husein and Bin Laden were trained as CIA Adjents for and by the U.S.A. and both were financially backed and supported by the U.S.A. in past efforts to overthrow governments and control oil wells in the middle east.The U.S.A. is noted for such types of interferences in other nations governments and rulerships within other countries and the U.S.A. is not alone in such endeavors. Like every other U.S.A. trained adjent, such as Kernel Mafhaffy, each after being financial support and backed by the U.S.A. and put into a position of power, has in time, turned their back to the U.S.A. and each time this has happened, the U.S.A. has started an armed conflict, shrouded with propaganda originated by U.S.A. Governments as a means to justify agreesive actions. And, each time this has come into place, innocent people, men, women and children, have come under intense attack and murdered under the pretenses of acts of war!
Now we have the U.S.A. trying to take over control and rule of the entire world!
Imagine this, you live elsewhere in a nice peaceful little country.The U.S.A. is placing pressure on countries around you in aggressive nature and fighting and killing is all around yur country's border's. Your country also has within it's perimeter's, endless quantity of natural resources.
Your countrymen and you Government want to establish a firm measure of security of your country's borders to protect it's citizens and resources. You decide that you will build atomic or neuclear plants, maybe even develop powerful missiles to guarantee your safety from invasion! And along come's the U.S.A., whom tells you that you cannot build such defensive installations to protect your country!
WOW !!! WOW!!! WOW!!!
Simply amazing !!!!
Imagine that, only the U.S.A., France, Russia, China, Canada, England and whom ever the U.S.A. is either afraid of or has controlling interests in, are allowed to have such means of defensive establishments within their country borders for self protection from invasion!
So, who do you think is the 3rd anti-christ? and why do you think that people are so dishonest in your country?
I leave the question with you to discover your own conclusions
2006-08-11 16:08:22
answer #10
answered by Brian (Bill) M 2