LOL!! No, it wouldn't. Let's start by making politicians public servants instead of cushy jobs for life.
In the days of our founding fathers, politics, and congess in particular were part time jobs. They met for short sessions and then went back to their farms. I am not saying that we need a congress comprised completely of farmers (not a bad idea though:) but let's make it a part time job. Give members an office, staff and limited budget for their expenses. When they aren't in session, they go back to their real job.
Get people in who want to serve the country, not themselves.
2006-08-11 06:33:22
answer #1
answered by Yote' 5
Come on gokart, you know that the leaders of our government all come from wealthy, politically powerful families and are the same people that created NAFTA, hire illegals in their businesses to make more profits (or simply move plants overseas), and obviously could care less what the average American thinks on this issue because they benefit greatly from cheap labor here and abroad; honestly, who else has the millions of dollars from their own personal money to spend and the luxury of spending years dedicated basically to nothing more than campaigning in order to run for any office higher than the local level (even that is debateable). Seriously, look at the last Presidential election- which multi-millionare/billionare candidate did you decide to pick? The Republican with enormous oil wealth or the Democrat with enormous wealth through marraige; and am I wrong that both candidates also graduated from what would be considered the finest university in the US? I find it hilarious that so many candidates from both parties (but especially the Democrats because Republicans at least have traditionally at least been seen as the party of the wealthy) claim to represent the common American citizen when they have so much wealth and so little in common with them; ironic how wealthy the Kennedy family is? Heck look at the creation of our government and nationhood- all the Founding Fathers who helped create our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights basically came from the wealthiest and most powerful families in the colonies and most of the liberties they created were largely for their benefit only (heck large segments of Americans couldn't even vote for large periods of our history); the wealthy have always dominated our government. It is a simple fact, that every government is either created, or soon controlled, by the wealthiest and most political powerful members of their society and the political reality is that this group makes laws for their benefit. Heck the old Soviet Union is another interesting example of a nation that was supposedly founded on so-called communist principles of equality, fraternity, etc and we saw how long that lasted before "the Party" (who came from the wealthy/politically powerful there) ran the country. You can test all the Senators, Congressmen, and may as well throw the President (I guess looking back it should come as no surprise the actions/in-actions he or anyone else "in power" from either party) have made on the illegal immigration issue and VP in there as well and I'm not sure what you would expect to find. The results from the Senators would clearly show that they, regardless of party, would prefer continuing to do nothing on this issue because they benefit the most from illegal immigration; in fact, it should probably be us "average Americans" who need to be tested for believing that members of either party are going to take any action on this issue. How long have "we" been "debating" the illegal immigration issue despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans from both parties actually seem pretty united on this issue while members of Congress from both/either parties have done nothing?
2006-08-12 10:11:09
answer #2
answered by porthuronbilliam 4
The senators under the influence of drugs and alchohol are not the problem. It is the ones under the influence of lobbyists that you have to watch out for. Is there a pee test for corruption?
2006-08-11 06:23:34
answer #3
answered by Dr Ed Intelligence 2
if the powerful are required to be tested you can bet your last dollar that EVERYONE else in this country will need to be tested as well. And i for one am not prepared to make that sacrifice for my country.
2006-08-11 06:29:08
answer #4
answered by hey_finny 3
it should, but the american public is so jaded, that it might not make a difference
2006-08-11 07:03:16
answer #5
answered by Sierra 3
Oh boy, you just really pissed (so to speak) off Kennedy.
2006-08-11 13:23:11
answer #6
answered by somebody else 3
They'd probably just cheat on those anyway.
2006-08-11 06:23:59
answer #7
answered by vbplr_12 3