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First off italy congrats but the World cup is nothing compared to what we have. We have world domination the worlds best military. You europeans and brazilians can have your 15mins of fame with your soccer. We dont care we got bigger fish to fry like terrorism and asshole communist leftist dickwads like castro, osama bin laden, the pope, muslims, gays, democrats, socialists and so on. We Americans dont care about soccer cause we care about more important things like help the less fourtunate. While you watch guys 22 idiots kick around a ball. We are helping lives and improving their life standards. I was in iraq for 2 years and im proud of what we are doing in iraq. If you think were terrorist your wrong. Cause iraq is a better place thanks to us. Another reason we dont care about soccer is that it rewards stupidity. Real men play Football not girly soccer.

2006-08-11 03:30:33 · 23 answers · asked by USA innovators of freedom 1 in Sports Football FIFA World Cup (TM)

Anyone who rather want thier country to be world cup champs instead of being a world power is an idiot.

2006-08-11 03:41:20 · update #1

BTW I dont think soccer sucks. I think they are lesser atheltes than NFL players. Terrel owens would toast any soccer player in a race.

2006-08-11 13:00:03 · update #2

Im sorry but only things italy is better at than america is smelling bad and soccer and thats it. We are better in everything else. Especially making beer.

2006-08-11 13:03:45 · update #3

Melissa you just stated that soccer players are cry babies and your a soccer fan. I didnt think they were crybabies just ******* but i guess they are both now.

2006-08-11 13:08:03 · update #4

messi luvr you stated soccer is played by real men. Why is it that they have no upper body muscle at all? NFL players like Brian Urlacher can run faster than most soccer players and hes 255lbs. He can bench press over 550lbs, hes also has a very low body fat percentage, if a guy like him tackled someone they would most likely die. That is why NFL players have to wear gear to prevent injuries that can result in death. Only an idiot would allow themsleves to get tackled by urlacher without protective gear.

2006-08-11 13:12:15 · update #5

francesco your truely an idiot if you think the japs could have taken us over. italians shouldnt be taken seriously.

2006-08-11 13:14:43 · update #6

Most of the world plays soccer? well most of the world doesnt have indoor plumming. Does that make indoor plumming undesirable. Only reason soccer is popular is cause sports like football is too expensive to play. Also these European and south american countries are too poor to play football. kids in those regions lack potein in thier diets to play.

2006-08-11 13:18:53 · update #7

23 answers

how in the world did a post like Italy winning the world cup lead to this.. its quite hilarious. thanks for making me laugh..:)

2006-08-11 07:32:55 · answer #1 · answered by statistics 4 · 1 0

alright, this is messed up... I am an American, but this is getting annoying. If you don't appreciate the beauty of soccer, don't come here please. And who says that Americans don't care about soccer? A lot of Americans do like soccer, that include me. I feel ashamed to say that I am an American... I don't know what your problem is?! If ****** Bush administration keep on wanting to spread democracy around the globe, then why do we have people like you telling what the world can do or cannot do?! Football is WORLD SPORT and played by healthy and fit people, unlike OUR AMERICAN FOOTBALL is played fat and barbaric-look-alike people. How can you possibly compare the two when American Football is adapted from almost every single rules, playing tactics, etc. from soccer (REAL FOOTBALL)?!
And when you say that we are helping lives and improving life standards...how can you possible say that?!! Did you take a poll or something? How can you justify that as your evident?! Your claim is a bunch of BS, esp. a lot of people still live in agony!!! We Americans care too much about unnecessary events happening around the world, that's why people hate us! Some may praise, but mostly, hate.

ps. do you even know what you are saying? You tried to justify two different things and tie it into the same category...it doesn't make sense at all.

2006-08-11 19:54:55 · answer #2 · answered by bitterswtlife 3 · 6 0

15 minutes of fame??? I can tell you that it's more than that, anywhere but the US. And they have problems in their countries too, just like us in America. And you know what we're doing here? Watching how ever many players are on the field in American football run around and hit each other. Oooooo, that sounds fun! NOT. Besides, futball (soccer) players don't get pads, unlike American football. And while most of the tackles are not as hard, some are. futball games may be low scoring, but at least they don't stop after every play to get their act back together and make plans. They just go. Real men play real futball, not wimpy American football.

2006-08-11 11:54:41 · answer #3 · answered by snow_sweetie* 3 · 3 0

Take your BS propaganda to a category that gives a crap, but before you do, a few things. There are some fantastic American people that I know, especially here, who offer intelligent commentary on issues, and right now you are are prime example of why they are so often misjudged. Only someone like you would believe any country has the right to control or dominate another let alone the world. The Iraqi people that I know or have met do not consider that their lives or that of their families have benefited a great deal. The best Military in the world hey, and you still can't find Bin Laden. Go away and let us continue to converse with the wonderful Americans that we already do here on the forum. Your stupidity, ignorance and arrogance warrant no further comment.

I apologise if I have offended any fellow users from the US with my comment.

2006-08-11 17:59:22 · answer #4 · answered by andygurl 7 · 9 0

You are comparing apple to orange, I don't understand why you think like this.

I am a huge soccer fan, a huge Italy soccer fan. However, I live in USA (half american), I am supporting USA team as well all through the World Cup. I am sick and tired of some Americans saying bad things about american soccer team. I know they did not do well, but how could you expect a team to do well when there are not a lot of people really put in their heart and spirit to support the US team players?? A lot of people in USA first of all they don't care about soccer and the US players, and then those people were saying how awful US players played. People should have no rights to judge if they don't even support and care about the US team players.

Real men play football not girly soccer????? That's an insult to 80% men in the whole world .. coz large % of people in the World play soccer, and tiny mini % of people play football --- in the WORLD SCALE.

2006-08-11 15:21:35 · answer #5 · answered by twlizcow 3 · 5 0

So, if the United States has the best military and cares about helping the less unfortunate, I would like to know why the most peacekeepers in the world are Canadian. I would like to know why North Korea, a country starved by famine, poor economy, low living standards, and little political freedom, is still in the same, if not worse, state they have been since the Korean War. I would like to know why the United States hasn't bothered to make North Korea, also known to have very strong military and nuclear programs, a better place for their residents. I would like to know why Iraq has even more attacks from insurgents than from Saddam Hussein's rule. I would like to know why a country with "world domination" is rapidly trying to make students learn the Chinese language in fear of China becoming the world's next superpower (which, by the way, is very true). I would like to know why you are insulting civilians such as Muslims, gays, democrats, and socialists, and a figure so important to Catholics such as the Pope. You must know that the USA has millions of Catholics. Besides, if you "care about more important things" than soccer, what makes you think that American football is included?

2006-08-11 12:42:14 · answer #6 · answered by WaterfallOfDestiny 7 · 6 0

Wow, what a brainwashed ignorant fool you are. Come to think of it now, America is worst at what counts, actually. You want to think you are right and the whole world is wrong? Go ahead, you are only fooling yourself. Maybe you should watch more news, chump, because Iraq is getting worse every day. Where are you getting your "facts" from? Straight from the mouth of George W. Bush? Or from your goverment-controlled media? Just exactly how are you "helping" people? By destroying their homes? Who are "real men"? Bloody wankers like you? You want to disrespect real football? A sport loved by the whole world, who are not idiotic morons like you, what exactly is your agenda anyway, to just come here and insult us like this? But I won't waste any more time talking to an idiot like you. It's clear you don't have a brain inside that big head of yours, you clearly have a very warped view of reality, and I don't think any truth could permeate through your thick skull. So I will leave you in your blissful ignorant state, loser. You know the thing is, we here all love football (soccer), and though not all of us support the same teams, when some pathetic low-life like you comes along, you will see all of us on the same page. When you insult football, you insult all of us, no matter which team and nation we support. You would know nothing about our sport anyway, it involves emotions, honour, and glory, something a rotten filthy bastard like you with so small a mind could never fathom, you are only showing us exactly how ignorant you are. You disgust me, and I'm sure I can speak for the rest of my fellow football fans when I say this too.

2006-08-11 10:56:34 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 10 0

World Power? Dude no one likes america except americans. I'm not European or Brasilian man get ur facts straight. the Pope? muslims? gays? Democrats? Socialist? dude. get a life. of course real men play football. soccer is the most boring sport in the world. i don't watch it. FOOTBALL on the other hand is a whole nother story all those sweet moves it's like wowing. especially bicycle goals. they're awesome.

2006-08-11 19:13:28 · answer #8 · answered by Bou 4 · 2 0

First of all arrogance and ignorance don't mix. If you are arrogant please attempt to portray yourself as intelligent. I really can't believe you have come on our football forum where we discuss football and football related issues to offend muslims,catholics,democratsetc.Go to another category such as the politics category where you can boast and discuss all that you've said. Your comment is the MOST upsetting and stupid thing that I've ever seen on Y! answers. You say that Americans don't care about soccer because you have bigger fish to fry. Well so far all on I'm seeing on the menu is sushi because you'll haven't solved a lot of problems such as crime,poverty,illiteracy etc.The most popular sport in the world can never have fifteen minutes of fame..............it's here to stay. You say that real men play your football?Well I guess the rest of the world consists of sissies because guess what, no one else cares about your football!You say you all care about the less fortunate and in your own country there are thousands who live in poverty.What about Katrina?The images were gruesome and embarrassing to a country which has world domination.You can come back and post this type of comment when America is the most crime free,poverty free, well educated place on planet earth!!!!!Iraq is a better place thanks to you?Remember the other day when a pregnant woman in Iraq on her way to the hopsital was shot dead by us. soldiers!Is that the kind of life you wanna live?P.S. You say you are best at what counts, please check your grammar and punctuation in your above comment because it doesn't represent the high standard of your education system!I hope I haven't offended the smart and football loving americans in this forum but I'm pissed!

2006-08-11 20:49:07 · answer #9 · answered by ~Amze~man u baby! 3 · 6 0

First of all, you critizise the pope? im not catholic but i repect that man because of what he means to people and who he is that is wrong guy, and Real men play football? girly soccer? yea right, Football=men bend over look at each others rears, and then throw the ball and the other team runs and hugs the guy with the ball and all the other players com and get in top of him a bunch of guys in top of each other and huging? this is what men play? lol I think ill stick to Real Football(Not redneck ball) were men dont look at each others rears and were men dont hug! oh and winning the wc give you permenent fame the fact that theres over 175+ nations competing, makes 1 wc victory last for ever! oh by the way ur making all your people sound real dumb, even will bill doesent agree with you geez ur out there.

2006-08-11 15:50:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I'm not going to go into the lengthy speech that I could go into but I'm going to make my position clear. People like you are the reason I'm ashamed to call myself American.

I'm sorry you can't enjoy a good football match because things aren't getting blown up but I'd rather celebrate a victory in an event that brought people together around the world as opposed to being ashamed that I'm from a country that tried to bully the rest of the world.

2006-08-11 15:49:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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