Unfortunately it happens almost every day. What time is it?? When did it happen to you last?
2006-08-11 02:29:09
answer #1
answered by The Mick "7" 7
My wife had an affair, which started in November of last year. I was reasonably sure she was, but got outright denial and even some pretty good coverups. It all fell apart though when her friend let slip what was going on. I only got partial truths about it after that.
The affair "ended" a month or so back, but I can't really be sure I'm not still being deceived. Makes you kinda paranoid, but then I'm a bouncable personality, so I'm starting to come to terms with it.
But I think pretty much everyone deceives everyone to a certain extent...when was the last time you did it, and was it to the same magnitude that you yourself have been deceived? Does that make it right? No.
2006-08-11 02:24:32
answer #2
answered by Azrael 3
The last time some one deceived me was when I let them. Always keep your guard up because we live in a world where there is so much unfairness and some people have to get pay back on some one so they will feel better about themselves as no one likes to be deceived.
2006-08-11 02:24:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No one could know that because, to deceive is to cause someone to believe what is untrue. If you are deceived then you really don't know about it at the time and it is something that may or may not be revealed in the future.
2006-08-18 22:47:12
answer #4
answered by copaceticlove 3
Just today. I stand aside and let it happen even though I keep saying its the last time. So I guess in a way I am even deceiving myself.
2006-08-18 14:32:25
answer #5
answered by Sarah L 2
Bush has deceived the Country and the World for 6 years and it's ain't over yet. He remains the most dangerous person in the world today.
2006-08-11 02:20:39
answer #6
answered by EMAILSKIP 6
my boss is a deceitful woman. I was last deceived by her 3 days ago. It is a routine thing for her-I'm not the only one she is like this to. But since the business is closing I am trying to stick it out.
2006-08-11 02:22:19
answer #7
answered by kate 1
we probably get deceived everyday. It's just that the volume of the deceivment probably varies from large to small.
2006-08-11 02:21:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yesterday....see below:
My house was flooded by a water pipe that came loose. A disaster team came to mitigate all of the water, dry up the house, and repair any and all damages. In the process of extracting the water, they accidently scuffed and banged up some of the walls in my house. I called my insurance company and asked if they cover it...they said they can't and that the disaster team will have to. The company (After Disaster) called me yesterday and said that refuse to finish the job because of the complaint.
My house is completely torn apart right now...cabinets ripped out, floors ripped out, carpet is bare, everything is everywhere. They didn't finish their job.
Well I know one thing for sure, they are in breach of contract with our insurance company. They will either be sued or HAVE to finish the job.
I hereby protest the company AFTER DISASTER! bad bad service!
2006-08-11 02:21:42
answer #9
answered by casey_leftwich 5
Well lets see my aunt has been deceiving me for about a yr now. And about 2 months ago my eyes were opened. She has been bangging my sons father.she is about 13yrs older than me but I grew up with her like a siser and best friend.I knew after me and him had split up like 3yrs ago that he keep going over there and then that stoped so about 1yr ago her and my uncal got a divorce after 22yrs!! 5 months ago they all swered to me(including my grandmother,her mother)That is was not like that at all!!2 months ago my son comehome saying he had a new mom!! and it was my aunt. OMG. I just cant belive it... But ya I think that is deception
Dont get me wrong I dont care who he sees I was the one that broke it off with him. But My aunt was my best friend and she is ok with him stalking me!!
2006-08-11 02:26:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Two days ago. He tried to have a friend of mine pretend that they were some woman hitting on me over AIM named "Amanda" but the person just couldnt do it after a while so she teamed up with me and we staged this conversation in which "Amanda" would say her friend thought i was some criminal or something and he belived every word of it.
2006-08-11 02:22:44
answer #11
answered by hawkeyefan_2k6 1