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I have been pumping since her 2nd weeks because my nipples hurt so much with her latching on. Now I get used to it. The only thing frustrated me so much is the washing part! Have to wash the pumping parts, the funnel, connectors, membranes, valves, the pumping bottles, the feeding bottles,.. man!! I want to hear back from you if you do face the same frustration too!

(and I have a question: What do you use to wash the bottles? Is it safe to use dish wash liquid that we use in kitchen? Is it good not to use any detergent but only hot water?)

2006-08-10 19:36:27 · 11 answers · asked by mybaby 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

i had a preemie and pumped the whole time i nursed but exclusively pumped for 2 months. the lactation consultant at the hospital told me that you can use any dish soap to wash the parts in but do not use something that is "antibacterial" it kills something in your milk that baby needs before it even gets to him even if you rinse it really well. to be honest, i only washed parts every other time and rinsed them every time. there is just so much stuff to wash! if you are going to exclusively pump, you might invest in some bags that you pump directly into. that will save a little dishes. i did not have any nipple pain when i did nurse but i had pumped for 2 month and nipples were "tougher" you might try nursing once or twice every day to see if it doesn't hurt as much anymore and that would save tons of dishes. i was so happy when my little one finally figured it out! it was much easier. good luck!

2006-08-11 05:37:59 · answer #1 · answered by justagirl 2 · 0 0

Okay first of all, I don't know your whole situation, but I do know that I had to pump solely for my son, and could not go back to actual nursing.

One, is because we never really started nursing. He was five weeks early, and the stupid ICU unit people waited a WEEK after he was born before trying to let me nurse. So by then, he'd had a pacifier, and a bottle. And people wonder why it's so hard to nurse a baby, let alone a preemie?

I was seen by three different nurses, and a lactation consultant. The furthest they got me was breastfeeding with a nipple shield. Basically, it's like a bottle nipple that goes over your breast. Yeah, that was wonderful to search for during all hours of the night with a screaming baby. So I gave up even trying to converting him to nursing and just strictly pumped.

Don't listen to these other people. Once your baby has had a bottle, it's virtually impossible to go back to the breast. Plus, it's not worth the time and frustration it will take for you and your baby.

As for washing stuff, the hospital told me to use dishwashing soap with a bottle cleaner and hot water after every pumping. Well, when you pump 9 times a day, this gets a litle time consuming. And since according to the La Leche League, fresh breastmilk is good for up to 10 hours, then I'd only wash after every other pumping. This got to be a lot easier. But definitely use soap. It's a hygienic tool, and needs to be as clean as possible.

I'm not sure how old your baby is, but I started supplementing with formula when my baby was six weeks because I wasn't making enough milk. By the two month mark, which was just several days ago, I switched to formula completely. Using bottles that have the liners is SUPER easy since you never have to wash bottles, and mixing up formula takes like 2 minutes, as opposed to 20 minutes of pumping.

If you're still pumping, great! If not, don't let people make you feel guilty about switching to formula. Just the fact that your baby got as much breastmilk as she has already is great. There's nothing wrong with formula. And when it eases mommy's stress and frustration, personally I think it's a better option. :o)

Good luck and great job on working so hard thus far for getting your baby breastmilk! I know how hard it is and how much dedication it takes, so kudos!

Best wishes!!

2006-08-11 08:09:42 · answer #2 · answered by Guppy Geek 5 · 0 0

I use the detergent specially for washing milk bottles. As it is vegetable based, it is in a way safer than the ones we use for dish washing. After the washing, as usual, I use the steam sterilizer to sterilize the parts. However, when I am in the office, I soak everything in hot water without sterilizing.

2006-08-11 03:08:49 · answer #3 · answered by ashy 1 · 0 0

HEYNOW!!! Who out there LIKES washing dishes!!! Baby bottles are even MORE fun!!! (HA HA HA) Don't switch to formula---go back to (latching on) you will be closer and less time spent cleaning , more time bonding! Keep up the good work mom:) BTW: I don't use soap in my coffee cup- it ruins the taste.

2006-08-11 04:25:44 · answer #4 · answered by budlowsbro420 4 · 0 0

I would encourage you to find a good lactation consultant, through your doctor or hospital maternity unit, or through La Leche League or some other resource. They should be able to help you start nursing again, which would save you a lot of this frustration.
Good for you that you're dedicated to giving your baby breast milk. If you find the right help, you can make it even easier for yourself.

2006-08-11 03:29:36 · answer #5 · answered by smurfette 4 · 0 0

Wah the bottles like you would any other dishes in the house. If you are not going to nurse, it probably would be better to go to formula. She has had the first few weeks of breast milk and it would be easier for you and you would be more relaxed.

2006-08-11 02:48:27 · answer #6 · answered by kb 4 · 0 0

agree w/dont switch to formula. rough it out. it is a pain in the rear but look at that little baby you're doing it for and it is all worth it. i probably did double duty but i washed in hot water with dish soap and then used a sterilizer on top of it.

2006-08-11 10:23:25 · answer #7 · answered by badonggi 2 · 0 0

Oh geez...don't listen to the person saying to go to formula.

I wash with regular dish liquid, or in the dishwasher(it'll say if your pieces are dishwasher safe).
I know it's frustrating but your baby is sooooo lucky. WAY TO GO!!!!! Breastfeeding moms rock.

2006-08-11 03:09:28 · answer #8 · answered by AmberHCG 1 · 0 0

have a separate steam sterilizer for those things and you can get the job done at once!!!!


oh but as somebody has said, if you have enough milk to feed the baby never start formula coz breast milk is the best and no substitutes.

2006-08-11 02:51:17 · answer #9 · answered by pinkcloud2015 5 · 0 0

all those parts are a pain in the rear i completely agree!!
and to answer your other question..... it is completely safe to use the normal dishwashing soap on the bottles or even put them in the dishwasher if you have one.
just dont put the nipples in the dishwasher they could melt

2006-08-11 02:43:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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