Oliver Stone's movie about 9/11 came out today. Interestingly timed to be released during another peak of middle east violence, this movie was toned down to a PG-13 rating.
Despite the people falling from buildings to their deaths, the body parts of people shrewn around the sites and the horror of watching the event unfold, Stone unapologeticaly made this movie PG-13 most likely so kids could go see it.
Why is Hollywood so scared to show the truth about what happened on 9/11?
Why is it there hasn't been a REAL movie about the Gulf War.
A Rated R-movie with piles of bodies, Insurgents blowing up things with I.E.D.'s and news footage of Bush showing America how he is micromanaging the war.
Why can't I get a decent Gulf War movie similar to BLACK HAWK DOWN or APOCOLYPSE NOW.
Jarhead SUCKED.
Annapolis SUCKED
I need a comprehensive R-rated movie about the War in Iraq. At least of events up until Saddam's Capture.
How about Hezbollah vs. Israel the movie?
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