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A Former Islamic terrorist from the PLO spoke out recently and what he has to say about modern Islam and the state of terrorism is something everyone should hear if they truly think that the world should just do nothing about Islam and it's terrorists.


2006-08-10 16:00:00 · 17 answers · asked by jasonzbtzl 4 in Politics & Government Politics

Blunote2k- In response to your answer, I may have been a little over-reaching when I say no-one wanting to do anything. More specifically I would like to point out that I think there are too many people un-willing to except that there are evil people in the world and that, Islam being a peacfull religion at the core, that too many of it's believers are allowing the extremist "highjack" their religion and their reluctance to stop it speaks volumes about what the religion intends to do in this world. Peaceloving Muslims should be organizing to rise up and take control of their religion and it'simage and I just don't see that happening and that inactivity only re-enforces my belief that there needs to be a change in the way that they are dealt with as a whole. Just ask yourself Why they are not on the Arab TV everyday denouncing the terrorist, becasue at the end of the day I think they are doing what the whole does not want to openly support and that's scary!

2006-08-10 16:31:11 · update #1

17 answers

Two following are other things (both books) that I strongly recommend. Both are written by very intelligent people and they are well reasoned with well supported points and plenty of citations from scripture and other sources.

By the way, they both say that Islam is not "a peaceful religion at its core". Many Muslims are peaceful and good people, but when Fundamentalists take everything in the Koran literally, we've got a big problem.

(1) the book "Why I am not a Muslim" by Ibn Warraq (Written by a Pakistani ex-Muslin who became totally disillusioned after the whole Salman Rushdie affair.)

(2) the book "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason" by Sam Harris. He comes down hard on all religions (including Judaism), but he's especially hard on Islam. He sees it as the worst.

2006-08-10 16:17:47 · answer #1 · answered by pollux 4 · 0 0

Hey Jason - you don't what you are talking about because you don't research on any side of the fence other than your own. You are sheltered, sad and comfortable. That is what is truly sad. Were you on the planes? No. Were you at ground zero? No.

How do you know what you are told is real you knuckle dragging ********? Have you even looked at any other explanation other than the ones your precious, truthful government has given you?

I guess you won't question anything until the drive thrus are taken away, the videos delivered to your home are gone and all the other pathetic little comforts that you enjoy. Ignorance is bliss isn't it.

And by the way - CHRISTIANITY has caused more death than Judaism and Islam combined, you fcking limpdicked know-nothing.

2006-08-11 10:18:38 · answer #2 · answered by DEP 3 · 0 0

That's an interesting article, thanks for sharing it, it's nice to see someone taking up the cause of peace over violence.

I'm curious though Jason, who is it that is saying the world should do nothing about terrorists? Your response would be appreciated and, very interesting I suspect.

Jason, thanks for your response. Personally, the Muslims I know are good, decent people who are hardworking and family oriented same as you and me. Like you and me they abhor terrorism and are embarrassed by how it reflects on them. I've heard Muslims argue quietly that their religion could use a reformation like the Calvinists of Christianity. They also make the point, and quite rightly, that Christians should probably stay out of that one. They did, after all stay out of our Protestant reformation. Personally, I feel that things keep going from bad to worse in the middle east and that makes me sad. The Muslims are good people and would make great allies to the United States, some of them already are. To be honest Jason, to most of the Muslim world we look like bullies or buffoons in this country... just ask them. Moderate Muslims find it hard to raise up their voices in favor of reform out of fear that they will be associated with the West, that's how bad things have gotten. I pray often that things will change, maybe your generation can do better than we have.

2006-08-10 16:14:04 · answer #3 · answered by bluenote2k 2 · 0 0

David R

Your son kills Muslims every day and you're proud of that? Does that include women and children? What sort of values did you instill at your house? Must have been some lively conversations around your dinner table. I served in the Army David, I saw combat and I followed my orders like a good soldier and I count myself lucky and proud that to my knowledge I never took a life. I don't know about you but as a Christian I would have found that very difficult. My God taught me to "turn the other cheek" and "blessed are the peace makers."

2006-08-10 16:31:29 · answer #4 · answered by saintnizzel 1 · 0 0

I certainly would like to know more about Islam. Perhaps the Western powers should distribute copies of the Koran to their citizens so they could find out.

I believe that we are listening only to a bunch of rabble rousers and not the mainstream. Islamic population. You know we have a very similar situation here with the Christian Right, some of whom are preaching violence in one form or another to force people to believe in what they are spouting on about. Hell fire and damnation for a starter.

2006-08-10 16:15:13 · answer #5 · answered by gshewman 3 · 0 0

What I'd like to know about Islam is if there is anything in the Koran that states the it is the duty of all Muslims throughout the world to get rid of "infidels" or "non believers".

2006-08-10 16:06:45 · answer #6 · answered by Don S 5 · 1 0

Nooooo, of course not. That would be anti-PC. That would be against everything UC Berkeley teaches it's drips. That would mean making up your mind about good and evil, about making judgements, and against the holy grail of moral relativism.

Liberals think that if you just provide financial incentives, or social programs, the problems go away. Of course a few billion dollars would stop Osama, Al-Zarqawi, Al-Zawahiri.


2006-08-10 16:04:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That guy is a confused nutcase.

He has converted from Islam to Christianity, and now he wants to be a Jew?

He doesn't seem stable. Your point is lost. I wouldn't trust in what he says.

2006-08-10 16:10:56 · answer #8 · answered by nora22000 7 · 1 0

I prefer Christianity than islam

2006-08-10 16:04:59 · answer #9 · answered by hisahito 5 · 0 0

I don't know if you are a Jew or a Christian, but you certainly are an EXTREMIST.
The voilence in today's word is all because of people like you, whether they are Muslims, Christians, Jews or Hindus.

2006-08-10 19:28:22 · answer #10 · answered by I-Rahi 3 · 0 0

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