There will be another attack as long as the radical Islamic Jihadis are breathing. Plan B is usually an aborted plan. In other words, if that didn't work they don't do anything immediately. Currently Pakistan is on the US side of this fight. They aren't the best allies, but Musharraf has helped.
2006-08-10 13:49:37
answer #1
answered by nobody 5
I think that the terrorists have plans A to Z and will keep trying, no matter what we do to stop them. I hadn't heard that the Pakistani government warned the UK. Where did you hear that? If they did, God bless them!
2006-08-10 14:15:36
answer #2
answered by celticwoman777 6
No, because obviously, we have the capability and intelligence to stop it.
I think it's great that they stopped the terrorist plot in Britain because they saved thousands of lives. I mean, if it actually happened, the death toll would've been the same as September 11, 2001.
2006-08-10 14:40:20
answer #3
answered by nobodyd 7
Despite America supposedly being the 'superpower' of the world, this country is still vunerable. And heaven help them it they elect that witch Hillary Clinton as President, then America will be an embarrassment.
2006-08-10 13:48:15
answer #4
answered by Craig G 6
2006-08-10 21:33:41
answer #5
answered by acid tongue 7
Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf of all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.
We have exhaustively documented that criminal elements in control of major western governments have carried out terror attacks and deliberately manufactured fake alerts for political purposes.
In 2002, then White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told the Washington Times that terror alerts were issued "as a result of all the controversy that took place last week," referring to political heat bestowed on President Bush when 9/11 prior knowledge evidence first surfaced.
From this point onwards smoking guns of government complicity in 9/11 became intrinsically linked with fake terror alerts.
In January of 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue that the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain hysteria, upkeep President Bush’s approval ratings and milk extra defense funding. The report that five Pakistani men had entered the States via Canada and were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or biological attack was completely conjured up by the Bush administration’s black propaganda office. New York Harbor was shut down to visibly pump up the fear. One of the named suspects, Mohammed Asghar (pictured left), was tracked down to Pakistan by the Associated Press. He was a fat guy running a jewellers shop and had never even been to America.
World Net Daily commented,
“Other sources within the bureau and the Central Intelligence Agency said the administration is pressuring intelligence agencies to develop "something, anything" to support an array of non-specific terrorism alerts issued by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security…CHB reported that FBI and CIA sources said a recent White House memo listing the war on terrorism as a definitive political advantage and fund-raising tool is just one of many documents discussing how to best utilize the terrorist threat.”
Since those early admissions, every single major terror alert that the US, UK or Canadian government has issued has proven to be completely fraudulent and scripted.
Two months ago this website, in an article entitled 'Nexus Points Emerge For Potential Summer Attack,' predicted that, "Numerous nexus points have emerged that suggest major western governments are preparing for a summer terror attack that will come close to but not match 9/11 in scale and will provide the justification needed for an air strike on Iran before the midterm elections in early November."
Government mouthpieces in the US, UK and Israel are all hyping the inevitability of a Hezbollah nuke attack on a major western or Israeli city, which will provide the perfect justification for Neo-Fascist bloodsuckers to expand the war from Lebanon into Syria and Iran.
Developments today indicate that the governments of the US and the UK are engaging in a process of announcing the prevention of numerous terror plots, in order to prepare the groundwork for a real attack, under protest that they did all they could to defend the people, but that one attack slipped through.
Arrests in the US, the UK and Canada of supposed terror cells that in each case turn out to be low grade morons, victims of government entrapment, or outright fabricated evidence, are part of this conditioning process.
We have provided links to all our investigations of these staged terror alerts and more at the end of this article.
Watershed leaps in the public profile of the 9/11 truth movement directly correlate to the staging of scripted terror alerts. Each time a new national poll is released showing more people questioning the official story of 9/11, a terror alert or a high profile terror arrest is announced. Last time around it was the arrest of Al-Zarqawi - now it's a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a plot masterminded by admitted US government agent Ramzi Youssef.
The ramifications for the freedoms of all westerners and the very lives of thousands of Iranians and Syrians, as well as US troops, are too grave to even contemplate.
We must be more vigilant that ever before in an more vocal in our efforts to educate the world about who benefits from terror and where the weight of evidence points towards.
2006-08-10 14:03:25
answer #6
answered by toota956 4
Pakistan is a US/UK ally. At least they better be since Bush forgave their $3BILLION debt and gave an additional $300M so they would allow us to use their country to invade Afghanistan.
2006-08-10 13:47:46
answer #7
answered by Go Baby Baby 1
I hope that there will be no more terrorist attacks but in fact the bombings never stop.
2006-08-10 13:47:33
answer #8
answered by Kanda 5
I think the airlines are a ploy just to draw attention away from the real deal.
2006-08-10 13:45:42
answer #9
answered by ? 5
Scotland yard knew of it before it happened, they just didn't know when, and they had to find out "who".
2006-08-10 13:47:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous