As your doctor has probably told you, eat very small meals frequently throughout the day. Don't lay down after eating for two hours, if you can help it. If it is severe, try sleeping in a recliner, or with several pillows behind you. The tablets never helped me, and much of that is due to the fact that the stomach acid is actually being forced into your esophagus by your rising uterus, and there is not an overproduction of acid. Sometimes the doctor may elect to put you on a prescription medication if you are finding no relief, to prevent damage to the sensitive lining of your esophagus. Let them know what is not working, and they may choose to try a prescription drug. Also, avoid drinking anything while your heartburn is severe, as it may actually make it worse. Good luck, and hang in there!
2006-08-10 13:09:35
answer #1
answered by alone1with3 4
2016-12-19 03:29:45
answer #2
answered by ? 3
The best natural remedy I have found for heartburn is Cider Vinegar Tablets. They are made by Natures Bounty and I purchase them at Rite Aid. Their website is if you cannot find them near you. I also will take a spoonful of actual apple cider vinegar every day, especially if I am going to be eating a heavy or spicy meal. The acid which is in apple cider vinegar is not the same type of acid which our body produces; and it will actually act as a neutralizer on any excess stomach acid; which is what causes the heartburn. I spent years practically living on Pepcid and various other products, and then found this to be a great solution; it is so easy. I actually learned about it from a friend who is a nurse with a strong background in holistic healing. It has even improved my sleep quality at night, as it stops the night-time heartburn, which is especially difficult to deal with. Hope this helps, you may want to check with your doctor before you give this a try; I found a difference is less than one week; and there is a lot of chemical components in a lot of the tablets, and that is not generally a good thing for your body. Best of luck with the baby, this should be an exciting time not filled with heartburn! Have a good night and God bless!!
2006-08-10 13:24:18
answer #3
answered by Sue F 7
When pregnant, your body's digestive process slows down. Women get heartburn, constipation, gas, and in some cases, diarhhea.
You might need to drink more water. You must drink at least 8 - 8oz glasses of water per day, and this is the minimum. To drink less water, keeps the pace of digestion down. Drinking more water helps keep your pace up to speed. I would also cut down on the milk. Although calcium is a must have in pregnancy, there's plenty of other milk products around such as cheese, yogurt, etc that can be had. Do continue to drink milk, but don't at night. Keep it more during the day.
When you eat, eat 6 times a day, and small meals. Do not lay down after you eat. Either walk around, or sit up straight. To lay down also slows down the digestive process. Don't eat the things that you know give you heartburn. And remember, everyone is different. For me, garlic & onions didn't give me heartburn, but broccoli did. Try to eat less carbs - and more whole grains. Make sure you're eating plenty of lean cooked meats, and a good variety of fruits & vegetables.
I know you said that you're taking tablets - 2 Tums is actually ok. I wasn't sure if you're only taking one or not.
If these pointers don't help, talk to your doctor and you might be needing a prescription.
2006-08-10 13:48:52
answer #4
answered by ? 5
To reduce heartburn without hurting you baby, you should try the following:
Eat several small meals each day instead of three large ones.
Eat slowly.
Avoid fried, spicy or rich foods, or any foods that seem to cause relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and increase the risk of heartburn.
Drink less while eating. Drinking large amounts while eating may increase the risk of acid reflux and heartburn.
Don't lie down directly after eating.
Keep the head of your bed higher than the foot of your bed. Or place pillows under your shoulders to help prevent stomach acids from rising into your chest.
Ask your doctor about using medications such as Tums or Maalox, which are generally safe to use during pregnancy. You may find that liquid heartburn relievers are more effective in treating heartburn as they coat the esophagus.
Wear lose-fitting clothing. Tight-fitting clothes can increase the pressure on your stomach and abdomen.
Try chewing gum after eating. Chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands, and saliva can help neutralize acid.
Don't eat close to bedtime. Give yourself two to three hours to digest before you lie down.
I hope some of this helps.
2006-08-10 13:12:55
answer #5
answered by tigergirl301 6
The only thing that helped my heartburn when pregnant was.....GINGER.
This stuff is amazing.
You can by a product called Ginger Bears from your local supermarket. They are inexpensive and if you keep a pack in your handbag, is a really great help.
Or, you could go to a specialist shop and purchase crystalized ginger, (I used to by it from my specialized chocolate shop). I also found it a great help.
2006-08-10 14:51:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i used pepcid for awhile, but it didn't always work for me.. now my doctor prescribed me zantac and i take that every day, and tums extra strength when i feel a little heartburn coming on... make sure you don't eat for at least 2 or 3 hours before laying down. if milk is bothering you.. don't drink it before laying down.. don't drink a lot of water before laying down either.. the muscles in your throat loosen while pregnant and it lets food and water pass more easily back into your esophagus and cause heartburn.
2006-08-10 14:42:40
answer #7
answered by daisylady 3
Be sure to talk to a pharmacist before taking any tablet- some are very unsafe during preganacy. Be aware of what you are eating and avoid foods that are high in acid or spicy. Don't lie down soon after eating (allow food to digest)
2006-08-10 13:10:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Im 38 weeks pregnant with the same problem. The only thing that I have found that helps is keeping a bottle of Maalox by your bed. I honestly take a swallow of that through out the night to relieve it. The only time heart burn hits me is at nighttime.
2006-08-10 13:05:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Don't eat large amounts. You're stomach is being pushed up, so the acid is being pushed up too. Avoid laying down an hour or two after you eat.
2006-08-10 13:10:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous