I don't think they prevent people from taking their handbag with them for security reasons. I think they do it to save time. Do you realise how long it would take to check EVERY SINGLE BAG? It's easier if you're just carrying your wallet and passport (and whatever you HAVE TO bring with you). And if they have to check that what you're bringing really is just water or a soda?
And that's coming from a French person who thinks that the American government has kept the American population in a state of fear in order to make people believe they were doing the right thing by attacking Iraq. Remember all those alerts? And nothing ever happened? And they never explained why they had said there was a red alert? Well, for once, there's a reason to be careful. Do you want to queue up for 4 hours instead of 2? I don't (taking the plane tomorrow). So, I'll gladly put my handbag in my suitcase!
2006-08-10 13:06:10
answer #1
answered by Offkey 7
No, No, No. I fly all the time and it is about time we all have to check our luggage. Have you ever got hit in the head by some dumb butt with there carry on's. It will make getting on the plane a lot faster and getting off. And yes I have taken lipstick on a plane
2006-08-10 13:01:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No they're not being over protective. The terrorists who were planning the latest attacks were very smart. Well not smart enough to not get caught. But using common every day liquids and gadgets, they could have blown up planes full of people. If the government played it cool, like you're saying they should, I wonder if you'd be on here asking why the U.S. government wasn't taking this more seriously.
2006-08-10 13:00:44
answer #3
answered by mocha5isfree 4
Yes,at first I did,but now I think its fine. I rather be safe,than worry about getting hurt some how & disappearing over the ocean.
Although...Why do we get fed a snack or meal on a plane when we could choke,or stabe someone with a fork or knife? We could do that in a resturant though with metal forks & knifes. Its just simply the danger will always be there, ridiculous......sometime,but safer........i agree.
So.... my opinion is 60% no,but 40% ridiculous
2006-08-10 13:03:18
answer #4
answered by Jeremy 6
i'm getting loose apple juice on each and every flight i'm happening. i become wondering you ought to nevertheless convey a soda on as long as to procure it once you went with the aid of safe practices? And the rules are not an airline rule, that is and safe practices rule. The airways don't have a call.
2016-11-29 21:16:50
answer #5
answered by ? 3
Not at all. There are those among us who would murder people in the air or elsewhere if given the opportunity; without hesitation or remorse. I think departing from lipstick for a few hours is a reasonable price to pay for my life or yours.
2006-08-10 13:01:19
answer #6
answered by ValleyViolet 6
I dont think that. I think they are not OVERPROTECTIVE. Specially since 9/11. Im watching the new movie tomorrow. I would like to see YOU with terrorists trying to blow up the plane.
2006-08-10 12:57:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nice. Put your lipstick on at home then call the familes of the 2,996 victims and ask them what they think. By the way, cancel YOUR flight, those calls are gonna take awhile
Way to go sekhtet, nice response
2006-08-10 13:01:16
answer #8
answered by Cpn Ron 2
I wish all you people who like to complain would get on a 747 with somebody with liquid nitrate and blow up the plane. I bet you would be happy to stand in a two hour line for a plane ride then.
2006-08-10 12:57:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well I'm sure the real Condi gets to take lipstick wherever she wants.. I know some of it is for our safety but really all it is is a lot of hassle. I've stopped flying since the new restrictions went in, haven't been to Europe since then and anywhere I want to go in North America I drive.
2006-08-10 12:57:49
answer #10
answered by genaddt 7