You need to sign up for a web hosting service, usually Yahoo! Web Hosting is one of the best ones out there:
They have different kind of memeberships, the cheapest one costs $11.95 and then it goes up by the amount of memory disk.
There are many out there such as Office Live:
These two above dont need anything else than just paying the membership, they provide everything you need, software, domain name, tools and e-mail.
Hope these two work for you :)
2006-08-10 11:57:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you plan to create the website yourself, start by getting a URL and a hosting service. Yahoo, Brinkster, Homestead, Register, and Go Daddy all will register your URL, host your website and provide tools that allow you to build your own site using easy, intuitive tools. Some other hosting services are out there -- but they may not be right for someone who doesn't yet know HTML.
Also, be sure to check out, where you can have your own webpage for free.
However, if you want a website that's professionally developed -- with a unique look, some Flash, etc. -- find a developer first. They may be able to host it for you, or they may prefer that you host your site with a specific service. The cost depends on so many factors -- including the number of pages you want, how much Flash or static images you'll use, and whether it will be used to sell anything.
If I were developing your site, and all you needed were 5-6 pages of pretty basis stuff, I'd probably charge you $1,500 to $2,000, and that would include development in Flash. But some of the big firms can charge you thousands.
2006-08-10 19:03:02
answer #2
answered by ckvz01 3
Go to Yahoo Geo Cities for the BEST and SIMPLEST Web Page. Or go to Yahoo Domains and get your own domain and use there Website builder free software. My site cost me only $2.99 per month when it was on special. And there is tons of free site building templetes and LOAD of free help!!!
2006-08-10 18:59:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
depends on whether you want to code you own wbsite with HTML and such or if you want some sor of template that you just fill out. if you ant to be able to do just about anyhing learn to code, start with HTML.
2006-08-10 18:58:49
answer #4
answered by spiffo 3
its web site
2006-08-10 18:58:05
answer #5
answered by robug 3
You can get free ones at
2006-08-10 18:57:39
answer #6
answered by ♥ Chels ♥ 2
you could always go to and sighn up its free..thats what i did
2006-08-10 18:58:10
answer #7
answered by vickywhitt 2