I am in a bit of a pickle. My boyfriend and I have been living together for the last month. For the greater part, we get along great, but we do have our couple squabbles. But last night, we had one of those squabbles. Well, It all boils down to initiating sex. Whenever he initiates it, sure im all for it, but i have not found one time within the last couple months of dating where he has said yes when i initiated. So, i give up. Then he gets mad at me when i dont say anything. I told him, its behaviorial training, you teach people how to treat you, the more you tell them no you learn just not to do that action. There are nights i want him so bad, and i want to make a move on him..but im hesitant because, he always says no, but comes onto me later. When we do have sex, its awesome no complaints about that. (but an fyi, in the past i have not had trouble initiating, ive not had anybody say no as much as he does)
any advice?
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