She told me that she hasn't eaten in over 3 weeks. And if she does, she just throws it up. Im the only one she has told, she hasnt even told her boyfriend of 2 years. Should I tell him? She said she eats in front of him and her family so it isnt suspicious but then goes and throws up right away. Should I tell him? I will not be the one to tell her mom, (her dad died when she was 8), because I want her to be able to trust me. In case anything like this ever happens again, she has someone to confide in. She is not fat AT ALL. she is 16 years old, and about 5'7, and only 130 pounds. What will happen if she continues not to eat?
7 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
Anorexia and bulimia are serious disorders that can easily lead to tragic situations. Before telling her boyfriend or mother, talk to her. Have a serious conversation and tell her all what you know about her problem, and the way you feel about her going through it. You might make her realize something and could even make her ask for help. Show her pictures, testimonies, tell her how beautiful she is, bring her healthy food if possible, be with her! If you see none of that is making a change on your friend, then you are gonna have to talk to her mom about it, cause this is more serious than anyone can imagine. In that case, her mom will do what she thinks is best for her daughter, and you will be there as her friend giving her the best you can. I understand, she might get upset with you. If she does, give her time, she will realize at some point that you did this for her own good.
I can see you care for your friend and you want the best for her, so try to help her as much as you can, and if that takes telling her mom, don't hesitate. You could be saving your friend's life and it's worth all the effort!
2006-08-10 08:48:15
answer #1
answered by *LuNa* 3
Hmm... that's hard. Well... first off, ask her why she doesn't eat or throws up what she ate. Ask her maybe it's because she thinks she's fat or ugly or whatever. If she says she thinks she is, then tell her that she's not. Help her gain her confidence. And as for telling her boyfriend, I'm not sure. I don't think you should. But help her gain confidence and tell her to eat because if she doesn't, then she will starve to death. And she can't keep throwing up what she eats either. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh. I just don't want anyone to die from that. Anyway, encourage her to eat and keep it down. I hope I've helped.
2006-08-10 08:44:53
answer #2
answered by Mary B 2
There are many sites for bulumia and she hits that more than anything but not a doctor here.
Give her informed information and tell her as a friend you won't tell but you wished she would read info and consider talking to parrents, their are support most areas. Tell her this disease can kill. Good luck, Here is just a few of the sites, scary how common it really is.
Chin up and you are a really good friend hope she appreciates that. :-)
2006-08-10 08:36:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You NEED to tell somebody, if you don't she could die.
Look up anorexia and bulimia on wikipedia, they should have a section of all the risks and health problems that come with it.
Would you rather lose your freindship with the girl for a little while, or have her die? Tell her mother, tell her boyfriend, tell the counseler at school, tell the nurse. Her life is at risk.
Anorexia and Bulimia are VERY serious.
2006-08-10 08:35:52
answer #4
answered by Sharon 3
Her boyfiend may not be the best person to tell. Probably best to talk to her about it. If you have common friends try to get her to talk to them as well. The more support she feels she has, the better.
Most important thing: don't be judgemental, just show her love - she is doing this because of her view of herself
If she continues to do it, you will have to tell her parents. She can damage her health badly.
2006-08-10 08:37:18
answer #5
answered by bregweidd 6
Tell someone that you know she'll listen to. A close family member would be a good idea. Both diseases can be deadly.
She needs professional treatment. I hope she gets the help she needs soon, and I wish you all the best.
2006-08-10 08:36:08
answer #6
answered by Dione V. 2
what ever you have done for her and you are doing Please don' t mention here, non of us gonna inspire by this, if that's what you were telling really exist, so take her to a doctor and inform doctor everything, nothing gonna happen here, nor you can get a little sympathy from any of Yahoo. because nobody knows is it really exist ???
2006-08-10 08:44:17
answer #7
answered by RAMBO 3