an American animated television series, created by Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation that aired for two seasons from 1995 to 1997. Bruce Timm, best known as a major principal of the DC animated universe, originally intended it to be a straightforward superhero action-adventure cartoon with comic overtones, but executive producer Steven Spielberg asked series producer/writer Tom Ruegger and the Animaniacs team to turn Freakazoid! into a flat-out comedy.
Freakazoid! makes frequent use of stock footage which was often gratuitous and nonsensical, including the peaceful scene of a field of flowers ("Relax-O-Vision"), numerous people screaming ("Scream-O-Vision"), traditionally dressed Bavarians dancing and slapping each other, a man being shot in the belly with a cannonball and even "a man wrestling a bear for no reason." ALSO i loved it
2006-08-10 08:26:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, that was pretty good. It seemed like there was a string of pretty funny cartoons about 10 years ago, that included Freakazoid, Pinky & The Brain and The Animaniacs. I thought those shows weren't always great, but they could have great moments...
Now, for AMAZING cartoons, check out "The Venture Brothers," currently showing new episodes of Season 2 on the Cartoon Network. This is some of the funniest, darkest, most twisted **** you'll ever see!
2006-08-10 08:25:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Super teen extrordinaire!
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Runs around in underwear!
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Rescues Washington DC!
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
(Unless something better's on TV)
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
His brain is overloaded!
His head is choc'late coated!
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud,
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Check out Dexter Douglas,
Nerd computer ace;
Went surfing on the Internet
And got zapped to cyberspace!
He turned into the Freakazoid,
Strong and super-quick!
He drives the villains crazy,
'Cause he's a lunatic!
Makes homebase in the Freakalair!
Freakazoid! Fricassee!
Floyd the Barber cuts his hair!
Freakazoid! Chimpanzee!
Runs around in Freakmobile!
Freakazoid! Free kazoo!
Hopes to make a movie deal!
Freakame! Freakayou!
He's here to save the nation,
So stay tuned to this station;
If not, we'll be unemployed!
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
(Emmitt Neverend does not appear in this message.)
2006-08-10 10:38:44
answer #3
answered by jackalanhyde 6
That cartoon was a riot! Especially when the character Dexter Douglas(nerd computer ace) would change into that wild looking alter ego of his and jump into his "Freakmobile". It was off the chain.
2006-08-10 08:26:40
answer #4
answered by ? 4
yeah. it was on cartoon network at 5 in the morning or somthing like that.
2006-08-10 08:35:58
answer #5
answered by nobody 2
Awesome funny show
2006-08-10 10:12:24
answer #6
answered by Celse 5
Yes I do. Very good show. Random humor and good clean fun.
2006-08-10 08:24:33
answer #7
answered by kayzee_72 2
Yeah, that was funny. I wish they hadn't canceled it after only two seasons.
2006-08-10 08:55:13
answer #8
answered by Isis-sama 5
Yes I do. I don't remember it well but I do remember it. It was on tbs I think.
2006-08-10 08:24:52
answer #9
answered by Rachel Bitchface 5
Yes, awesome show.
2006-08-10 08:37:28
answer #10
answered by Andrea 5