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The question is, why are you here instead of doing something else? Are you bored, lonely, procrastinating about doing something else, unable to sleep...?

Not sure what my parameters for best answer are here, but you can be sure the best answer will get the ten points (at least in my opinion).

Good luck,


2006-08-09 19:37:57 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

Linus Van...I'm here to help people by answering questions, for the most part, and based on the % best answers I've achieved, I feel pretty good about that.

But actually the reason I'm here right now is I'm procrastinating doing a task I should have completed long ago. I think I should do the task and not come back online until it's done. Thanks for asking.

2006-08-09 19:54:18 · update #1

punknhart, nice to hear you have a two year old that you finally got to bed. I have two, two year olds (twins) and they keep me busy. I miss them right now because they are at the lake, while I attempt to finish this large task (which requires a lot of time and concentration). Guess I'm not doing a good job of that right now...

2006-08-09 19:58:10 · update #2

30 answers

I've already finished my long list of "something elses" for today and this is (sometimes) intellectually stimulating and every so often I actually help someone. Besides my current stack of books is packed for a trip to the cottage. *wink*

Now get off here and finish your work so you can go to the lake too! Shoo!

2006-08-10 09:18:39 · answer #1 · answered by nimbleminx 5 · 2 0

I am here, answering your question, not for the 10 points. I am doing this in the hope that any information I offer will be: 1) of help to the questioner, and 2) allow them to take their question and work with it further on a personal level.
I am not bored - quite the opposite, I find about 40% of the questions asked are from people who are truly seeking help, and this is one medium they have come across to do that in. That is why I am here right now. Neither lonely, lacking sleep, nor putting off something "less fun", I find many of the questions asked enthralling. The only thing that may apply to YOU in this case, is that you are assured that there are some out there who have a genuine interest in seriously, and honestly, answering (or attempting to) other people's questions. Now is the only time I have to do that in.
The rewards are imagining that the answer fits - even in some small way - and that they can take it and roll it around in their minds and come up with something that fully answers their original question.

2006-08-09 19:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by Scott Rinke 2 · 0 0

A paradox, is it not? Although one may enjoy this time (as I do), some may actually need help. I turn the question on to you. Why do you ask this question? You do not ask for advise, or really have any reason for asking this question, but I do have guesses on why you do this. You like striking thought into those that rarely think. I, bein intellect myself, enjoy such pondering. We always have something better to do. Why do we work when we can go fishing? Why fish when we can spend time with family? Why spend time with family when we can be on Yahoo! Answers, sharing beliefs or random facts to the world. I've seen some profess their love to each other. Another paradox, love. Something that we need, but it requires such sacrifice. You deny your independence from others to be with someone else (if love to you means relationships, such as marraige, dating, what have you). But with the sacrifice comes a chance of great happiness. But it is all a choice, as being on Yahoo! Answers.

To answer for myself, the chair is comfortable and I plan on sleeping late tomorrow. I don't have much to do, with my day off and all, and I wish to spend time around the pool, which requires little energy. I make the choice to sit here, rambling, some may say, to a perhaps deaf and blind crowd.

But to answer for the nation, the only real answer could be this: Chuck Norris.

2006-08-09 19:51:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm online talking to my girlfriend through Yahoo! Sometimes she just takes over the conversations or talks about things that don't require constant attention to answer, and so I have to find things to entertain myself in between her IMs that aren't so involving as to distract me from her.

This website serves that purpose more or less. I can read questions and decided whether I want to answer them or not will little to no thought. Even if there is *gasp* a stimulating or involved question, I can just pause while answering to read my girlfriend's IM or type a reply or whatever.

After a little while I'll probably get bored of this website and switch to some other semi-mindless task, like wikihopping or somesuch.

2006-08-09 19:45:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am here because I need a break away from my work. I have been clearing up things after my office closed down, and I have boxes and boxes of accounts and miscellanous, stationaries, ink-stamps, etc.. to sort out. And it's a lot of physical energy... I think coming in here to do some reading works more like a break from the straining work, and share what I know that some people are desperate to find out, it's like helping out! Perhaps because, in my situation now, I really hope someone can offer any help to pack all those stuff...

You can say it is like procastinating, but who cares... as long as I can finish my work on time...

Bye.. am going back to pack... enought rest for me! Good day to you..

2006-08-09 19:49:29 · answer #5 · answered by Pencil 3 · 0 0

I am here because I can't sleep because I'm anxious about moving on Friday, and the fact that I'll be student teaching in a week and a half, and I'm going crazy because my psycho dog keeps scratching and whining for absolutely no reason, and I had some spicy italian food at 1115 and that is not a good thing to do.

2006-08-09 19:44:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not much of a tv watcher and in the evenings when I am sitting here after reading my emails and replying to all of them. Then I switch over to yahoo answers. If one question comes up and if I can help someone out there that needs advice on their topic and if I know the answer I am gladly to respond...It may be alittle addictive but what isn`t in life....Everything in life is a habit your job; cleaning; Talking to your family and their problems and even talking to your most beloved pets! and then their are bad habits procrastinating; smoking; drinking; gambling and etcs

2006-08-09 20:27:34 · answer #7 · answered by Carol H 5 · 0 0

I am here because I chose to be here. I could be doing other things right now but really no matter what i do i could be doing other things. Im not bored, loney ,or procrastinating... I just decided to answer someones question. Ask yourself why you felt compelled to ask someone why they were here reading your question. Does this really matter to you? Is it really that important to know why i decided to answer your question? Are you bored, lonely, procrastinating about doing something else, unable to sleep...? Maybe you are one of these things, but there is also the chance that you just asked the question because you just wanted to for no particular reason. In which case your reason for asking the question is similar to my reason for answering it.

2006-08-09 19:54:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm currently at work but have nothing else to do so I thought I'd spend time answering questions and reading others' answers. It's interesting to be here. You get to know other people's opinion or story -- some are informative, interesting, helpful, hillarious, sad, crazy, dumb, stupid, you name it. If I'm not here, I'd be playing games installed in my computer, or probably browsing articles on the net that interests me.
Why the hell are you here?

2006-08-09 21:30:38 · answer #9 · answered by Mike N. D 3 · 0 0

It's 2:41 AM where I live, so I am here because of my inability to sleep. And also I am a night owl, and this is the time I usually always get online.

2006-08-09 19:42:29 · answer #10 · answered by BloodyHell 4 · 1 0

fedest.com, questions and answers