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23 answers

find some nice girls.
think about what named you will be called if it comes out.
and whether these names indeed describe you.

2006-08-09 19:16:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Nothing because if you say that you are not gay, trying to find a girl to d- gay yourself may make the problem worse because you will think about it all the time wondering if it will go away. So just chill and let it blow over it is human nature that some guys see another guy and feel a slight attraction it normal and not serious. You will find a girlfriend when the time comes for you to do so. Just don't run and find one as a distraction.

2006-08-10 02:20:57 · answer #2 · answered by Dark magician Gurl 2 · 0 0

Dude, it sounds like your bisexual. You have a problem being attracted to guys. What you need to do is find out about yourself because you are confused. Talk to a counselor. They can help you straighten out some of the problems you have within yourself, then you will have a good idea of you and what you want. Believe me, if you are gay, a woman won't change it, so get counseling.

2006-08-10 02:44:21 · answer #3 · answered by linus_van_pelt68 4 · 0 0

First how old are you? I would have to say that you are gay and trying to hide it. No use my friend as you were born with those tendencies. Do you date females? But if you have a tendency for guys, there is no doubt that you are gay and there is nothing you can do about it. I had a friend that was gay and got married. it was anulled in six months as he could not toach her; an such a beautiful woman..I even asked this gay person at work one day . I looked at him and said, "what's makes y'all that way". His answer was I was born this way..And I believe that.

2006-08-10 02:35:27 · answer #4 · answered by virginiamayoaunt 4 · 0 0


Attracted to guys - um, I'm sorry my friend, but it sounds like you are gay.

It could be that your bi, but still, somewhere in your mind, you are attracted to guys and that is gay.

Despite what people tell you here or elsewhere, there is no cure for being gay, as it's not a disease or a virus or a sickness...no more than your desire for a certain color, your like of specific hobbies, or anything else in that area.

Accept it, enjoy it, and understand that there's nothing wrong with it. I tell you this from first hand experience.

Love as always,


2006-08-10 02:22:15 · answer #5 · answered by octo_boi 3 · 1 0

First, try to figure out what it is about guys that attracts you. Are you interested in their genitals, or is it their athleticism, their lean lines, the interests they have in common with you? If it's their genitalia that peaks your interest, you may have to come to grips with the fact that you find men attractive. It's really not the end of the world. But if it's more the other things that interest you, try looking for an athletic, tom-boyish girl. You may find her very attractive indeed, combining what you like in guys with a woman's body. Best of luck to you.

2006-08-10 02:21:58 · answer #6 · answered by Nited1 2 · 0 0

If you are attracted to guys then there is an element of homosexual interest in who you are. Maybe you like girls to, and thats ok. There is really no point to trying to "un-gay" yourself. Its probably not going to work and it may make you very unhappy later. Just love yourself for the wonderful person you are, and allow your attractions to arise from a happy heart and self respect. good luck.

2006-08-10 02:19:37 · answer #7 · answered by prancingmonkey 4 · 0 0

You know everybody is the result of all his or her experiences. When you have been gratified for any stimulation that is filed in your brain. If you do not have any sexual contact with members of your same gender is almost impossible you feel attraction to them. My advice for you is try to avoid any contact with homosexual people or movies, literature or any other kind of such content.
The sexual behavior is defined by a personal decision if you want to get straight again, you should try to do as straight people do. The first step is not to accept any thought related to homosexuality. When do they come to your mine reject them and think in a correct way as a straight man. Convince yourself you do not need those experiences, thoughts and stimulus.

2006-08-10 02:44:02 · answer #8 · answered by nanin 4 · 0 0

Trying to control who you are attracted to is not such an easy thing. Society has a way of making people feel badly about being gay or bisexual - and that can be very hard to ignore but it is most important that even if you try unsuccesfully to CHANGE who you're NATURALLY ATTRACTED TO, that you still LOVE YOURSELF, regardless of who you find attractive.

2006-08-10 02:30:01 · answer #9 · answered by Alexander D 2 · 0 0

If you are not gay, why would you ask how to get straight again? If you are attracted to guys then deal with it, it ll be hard to change. its like fate. You might be denying your true feelings and thoughts, i perfer you please sit down by yourself one day and ask yourself why you are attracted to guys and why you are trying to deny the fact that you are attracted to guys. Are you still attracted to girls,too go ask yourself. Discover the truth. Love the way you are. good luck,=)

2006-08-10 02:20:15 · answer #10 · answered by Wonderful 2 · 0 0

do not go to a psychiatrist because they will say that you are gay. and will give you pills for gayness... I'm not saying that being gay is a disease, just is what all the doctors always say about getting with a psychiatrist. find a nice girl, that you like.

2006-08-10 02:21:20 · answer #11 · answered by shu 2 · 0 0

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