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Now before I get the "What do you mean by liberal" bs, I mean those of you who are eager to see your country's defeat in a war against a group of pigs and dung. You know who you are.

Anyway, I believe that without the junk from the left and the politicians who listen to and take money from them, the Iraq war would have gone a lot smoother. The American left is invested in defeat for the USA and has done everything it can to stifle America's war effort.

You can argue until you're blue in the face, that you're a good concerned citizen and you're a free thinker and all that nonsense, but the bottom line is, you can't be against the war effort and at the same time, be for your country to win.

Admit it libos.

2006-08-09 18:50:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Insults and non-answers posing as answers...typical lib response when you tell them who they are.

How is this a "hateful question?"

2006-08-09 18:57:26 · update #1

More insults, the typical facist, bigot, racist, junk you fools like to spew. Keep it coming, your defensiveness is my best argument.

2006-08-09 19:00:44 · update #2

What the hell is a neo-con?
Bullet proof vests?....What are you talking about? How did we get from the trash on the American left to bulletproof vests?

Read the constitution? I don't know what to say to that. Ok, I will. Thanks.

Waste of time? Saddam was an enemy, a menace, and a cruel dictator who was going to have to be dealt with at somepoint. If not in '03, then when...'05?...'08?

Wake-up and be honest with yourselves libs, Bill Clinton thought toppling Saddam was a top priority for the US military.

But in typical Clinton style, all bs, no balls.

2006-08-09 19:14:39 · update #3

Hilarious, some guy insults me, calls my argument "specious" (a word his poly-sci prof probably used sometime recently) and doesn't give a single fact to explain why it's "specious."

Typical lib, tries to defeat what he calls a "specious argument" with an actual specious argument. Hilarious!

2006-08-09 19:21:37 · update #4

27 answers

I agree. When the leftists in Hollywood come down harder on Mel Gibson for his drunken rampage and hardly say a thing about the tragic shooting here in Seattle where a Muslim man breaks into a Jewish organization and kills a woman because of her religion there is something horibly wrong.

Where was the Left after that horrible tragedy?

Yes, the American Left is the jihadist's best friend!

2006-08-09 18:55:55 · answer #1 · answered by WhatAmI? 7 · 1 1

America started this war by trying to run the world via set up goverments and when thouse goverments got out of are control now we are paying the price. All I know is if you live by the sword you die by the sword. So I say go head America fight on you'll probably win the battle but in the end of ends your fighting is only gona lead to your own destruction probably... BTW I am conservitive in nature but my party has left me along time ago. We were suppost to be about love and respect for resorces but now we waist them more then the dems ever could have dreamed of. All this for what a War because some people managed to fly some planes into a couple buildings and killed people. I thought america was stronger then this the america I dream of could have taken this slap in the face and said nice shot but we march on. But no instead we vindicate are selfs in the most awful way possible while collecting the spoils of war. America is gona get what it deserves and its people will get the same. This has all happened before and it will probably happen again untill someone breaks the cycle. Of course it will be a children who suffer the most for a lack of wisdom and love. I once read a quote from a sorce I cant remember but its point was basicaly that the terrorist would stop only once they learned to love there children more then war... Look in the mirror america do you really treat your children with love? We shower them with gifts of money while we spend all are time working for the allmighty dollar how loving. There is always time to say your sorry and there is alot of time left for america to correct its mistakes but it has to start with you. All that is required is that you love and love with all your heart. The most scaryest thing for any american to do I assure you.

2006-08-09 19:12:05 · answer #2 · answered by magpiesmn 6 · 1 1

Argument? How could an idiot have an argument? How could someone's well thought out answer prove you to be right? I suggest you run outside now, and find a six year old, and the two of you sit on the curb with one of those new fangled "book' thingies. Just wait awhile, till a seven year old walks by and perhaps the three of you can all try that new thing that's sweeping the Neo-Con Nation: reading. By the way, look up the definition of the word-specious. It describes your "argument" to a tee.

2006-08-09 19:07:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

How's this for the REAL TRUTH? The real reasons why we haven't been open-heartedly welcomed in Iraq is because a great many of the people there don't trust our motives.

We have a president who claims setting up a Democracy in Iraq is paramount and yet at the same time he has close family and business ties with the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia and close business ties with other ruthless dictators in countries like Angola.

And most of the people of Iraq already know how Halliburton has screwed it's own people back home out of fifty million dollars worth of fraud and overcharges.

Democracy works best when it's a practice what you preach principle.

2006-08-09 20:14:09 · answer #4 · answered by Doc Watson 7 · 0 2

No the Liberals would sue them for violating their rights too. Especially when they found out they had to turn Muslim, or they would only have the right to die. There are no atheist's or Christians to a Muslim extremist. Also they would have a cow with the no Miranda rights, no phone call, no right to an attorney, can't complain about police brutality, and could you hear Osama when they found his public display of religious symbols offensive, and wanted the separation of Church and state? Don't know how good they have it do they? Problem with liberals is that they can't get along with anyone that doesn't agree with them. They are sort of a political terrorist!

2006-08-09 19:01:14 · answer #5 · answered by mark g 6 · 2 0

All you neocons talk about is "the santity of life"....until it comes to war. Then, life doesn't mean anything.
The pentegon and many people in the military admit the Iraq war was a mistake based on false intel and deception by the Bush administration. But we should not "cut and run". No, we should deny it was a mistake, keep making the same mistake, and MAYBE we will come out smelling like a rose. Except we are far from smelling like a rose. In fact, the only thing I smell is death and destruction....the one thing neocons do best.

2006-08-09 19:22:11 · answer #6 · answered by opjames 4 · 0 2

Libs. The old & offspring of the doped up 60's. Country is infiltrated with commies & socialists! Want to learn about the real liberal agenda?

_________Listen to Michael Savage, AM Talk Radio___________

See what I mean. Read the idiots answer a few below. Actually wants to see America destroyed.

2006-08-09 18:56:25 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. C 3 · 2 0

Its like these people that are against the war but say that they "support the troops" - BS

its like saying "I don't want you to die, but I don't want you to accomplish any of your goals while you are over there either" - Thats not support.

And honestly, I think that a good portion of the American left has a sense of relief every time an American soldiers death is reported on TV. Because every death justifies in their mind that they were "right" about the war. And these sicko's would rather be "right" than have a Free Democracy in Iraq.

2006-08-09 19:03:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I get so sick of seeing political garbage and tripe. First of all, I disagree with the war in IRAQ. Our soldiers should not be there, but it DOES NOT mean I am against soldiers. Stop with your Neo-con garbage. It always seems to come along when Neo-cons like you are losing public support.

Second, and more importantly, it seems to me that "liberals" are not the ones cutting military assistance here in America. It is not the "liberals" who stopped military soldiers from wearing protective bullet-proof vest. I don't remember "liberals" stopping that from happening. Why don't you and the other people who are agreeing with you ask bush that question...

2006-08-09 19:04:35 · answer #9 · answered by linus_van_pelt68 4 · 1 2

All I can say is this. If I were an Islamic Terrorist from the Middle East, I would be trying my Hardest to work with American Liberals to defeat America.

2006-08-09 18:53:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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