Yeah, I'd feel okay with it. If the government entered my home, then they must have had some reason to believe there was evidence of terrorist activity or association in my home. When they didn't find any and left, I would actually be better off, because they would have even less reason to believe I was involved in any activity that would hurt others.
If they entered my neighbor's home, it would be for the same basic reason. And if they found anything, I'd be really glad, because one of the lives it saved might have been mine. And pardon me for felling this way, but I value my life above the life of someone who wants to hurt me.
2006-08-09 19:08:32
answer #1
answered by RJ 4
it probably wouldnt bother me too much. but i would prefer they get a court order or warrant first. we have a right to privacy. also there are some expensive stuff in my home that i dont want alot of people knowing about such as my coin and stamp collection. also i keep my passwords on my accounts in a folder on my desk. it would be an easy way for big brother to set you up especially if your a whistle blower like i am. i have had surveillance set up in my trees, my trees have been damaged with their spikes and hatchets( marking their way in at night) they have terrorized my family with night vision and creeping around my land at night. i do have a problem when they destroy what i have worked hard for the last 40 years. i let sgt clark and so called easy company get the crap outta my treees on oct 14th and 15th of 2005. i should of kept it-- disected it- and take photos of the circuitry but me being a good samaritan i let them leave with it.the problem i had is they never said thanks or offered to pay for the damage to my trees. they were not held accountable for crimes against me. i put it in the lords hands now. if they come upon my land without just cause then they will pay the price. im not a terrorist. im disabled- a taxpayer and a landowner. they will reap what they have sown and judgement will come to those who terrorize the innocent and elderly
2006-08-09 20:30:52
answer #2
answered by james_a_willis 3
I would go nuts and rally for the first amendment and sue the government for invasion of the home and property witch is another amendment man I went nut when I found out about this how did this get by the supreme court man that is bs I cursed for 5 days and mad as hell but one thing is for sure it will be a cold day in hell if bush tries to be come a king or some thing
Ps I live in USA it is my right to say this about the president
And I tell him this you try and take are freedom from us me and my friends will fight in the streets to protect those rights
Ya if he is all about freedom around the world why is he taking ours away from us that is a question right back to those how believe he is all so great
But if he was smart he would have just lain low till one of his brother became president but why did we fight the British to get away from a monarchy
Sorry that is just like some one that hates greatness and only thinks of him self he is just following in his fathers foot steps and what is wrong with having his brother follow him up in to president
Well I don’t know but that sounds a hell a lot like monarchy and why in hell did we fight and die for these freedoms just to let us be slowly sucked back in to that crap
I don’t know why you say such hurtful things about a man that is so religious why some one would want some much power just to be giving to all the people of earth
wow I think I see the light bs even kings are religious I am to but in the bible some people were religious and still wanted money and power like the creep that betrayed Jesus think about that a hole
But he is so giving of freedom and wealth and tiring to spread prosperity
Well so was Hitler oh did bushes grand dad did business with him
Or was that just to hurtful for you
2006-08-09 19:35:38
answer #3
answered by cyou08 1
I support it and I'd have no problem with it--as long as they didn't let my dumb cat out. I have nothing to hide. There is nothing illegal or suspicious going on at my house. So...come on in--want a cup of coffee? Mind the dog, she doesn't like people in dark suits for some reason...been that way since we got her.
2006-08-09 19:19:22
answer #4
answered by taxchicky 1
Not worried about it because it's for people who have connections to terroism only. Nobody will be invading your privacy or mine at all. This is used because we are at war and it's necessary in order to capture or get intelligence information on those that would harm America.
2006-08-09 19:02:19
answer #5
answered by toughguy2 7
I don't know what the patriot act is worth when the border hangs wide open.
2006-08-09 18:54:22
answer #6
answered by profile image 5
I'd finally have personal standing to challenge its constitutionality in court.
2006-08-09 18:54:17
answer #7
answered by coragryph 7
if it saves even one life--then come on in----living in an apartment-you really have no true privacy---fire alarm tests, maintenance fixing things,and just owners wondering in and out--if i have something to hide--alot of folks know what it is~~!!!
2006-08-09 18:57:31
answer #8
answered by f4fanactic 6
I don't support it, and I would be annoyed. However, I have nothing to hide.
2006-08-09 18:54:19
answer #9
answered by cyanne2ak 7
What goes into my stays in my house....except for trash....and poo.
2006-08-09 19:02:06
answer #10
answered by hawkeyes 3