the world is beautiful ... but the beauty is not presented to you - you will have to look for it ... it is impossible that you do not love anybody in the world -- unless you really dont want to :) ... you dont like your cousins? understandable; everyone has the cousin that they dislike ... but i am sure that somewhere in the world, there are friends that will love you and that you will love ... give the world a chance, and you will love it ... i agree that there is wayy much more to life then boys and dancing, and this is different for everyone ... i find solace in family, friends, reading, singing, and studying - see what your strengths are, and play to them -- find friends with similar interests, and trust me when i say you will love life :)
2006-08-09 18:38:02
answer #1
answered by Sci-Buff 4
Okay, calm down. Take a deep breath. There's no reason why you should treat everyone like they are royalty. There's also no reason why you should hate everyone. There's a middle ground there. If you can't be one you don't have to be the other either. True hate does defy god. It doesn't matter what religion you are. If you hate all of the creation, you hate the creator. It's a logical progression. You just sound frustrated. You don't have to worry about what everyone thinks. You don't have to try to be what you're not. You don't have to love everyone. You don't have to be nice to everyone. You just have to realize that humans aren't meant to be alone. All of us love. All of us have things we don't like and can't stand. All of us need someone sometimes. It's okay. You can be all that you want to be. No matter what anyone wants for you to be. As far as being a Christian is concerned, the most basic rule of Christianity is: Be nice. If you truly don't care, then you can't really hate anyone. If you don't care, it won't be a hardship to treat others well, because you aren't going to have hurt feelings if they don't treat you well. See how that works?
Jennanna, you are truly an inspiration.
2006-08-09 18:44:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What can be worse than the pain that Jesus suffered for you at the cross for the forgiveness of humanity? Nothing should be as painful as that was. Do you think your live isn't good? Take a look behind and you'll see people whose are problems that you just may imagine. At lease you're healthy and strong, What about all the people in the world that when they wake up in the morning got nothing to eat, people who have to face that they are quadriplegic or with the down syndrome or many other? People whose lives are in constant danger, they go to the bed with out knowing if may be meanwhile they're sleeping somebody will throw a missile into their house. Girl you do not know how lucky you are, you're rich, just open your eyes. The worst blindness is the auto imposed one.
2006-08-09 18:45:25
answer #3
answered by Javy 7
I've felt really shitty for a long time. So long that I decided I would do something about it. And I came close to succeeding. Do you feel like no one has ever really listened to you. Maybe you're surrounded by people who say that you HAVE to be this way; like you can turn on a switch and be happy and nice. Well, don' t listen to that "advice" because it's bullshit. You're not supposed to be anything but yourself. It's not a switch. There is, I think, an unhappy part of you that is confused and needs to be heard. Sometimes people around us cannot really understand what we're saying. Sounds corny but its true.
Find a professional who does.
Life is easier than you think.
2006-08-15 18:19:32
answer #4
answered by Bernard G 2
No! It doesn't go against god. Believe me. He could give a rusty rats rear.
I went through the same thing you're going through for YEARS!
I was ready to scream. I mean it. I was SICK of people trying to make me fit into their ideal mold, which just wasn't me.
It sounds like you're trapped. Where you are, there just isn't anyone that you can equate to.
Keep looking. They're out there. You'll find them and once you do, all will feel blissful to you.
They shouldn't be trying to change you. We are not SUPPOSED to be all alike. Now, that WOULD be creepy.
You are right, not to care about what other people think. It's how you view yourself, that counts.
Obviously, you like yourself, so you couldn't POSSIBLY be someone that deserves to be lead around on a leash and treated like a bad dog.
You know who you are and you like what you see.
You're not blind. They are.
Just hang in there. Nothing EVER stays the same.
You'll meet your peers. It just seems like it takes forever, when you need the support.
Like William Shakespeare wrote:..."Sad hours seem long."
2006-08-09 18:45:37
answer #5
answered by Molly 6
It doesn't go angains God. God accepts you for who you are, who cares what other people think. The word Christian means one who beleives in Christ, and that's it. You are who you are, and you are what God made you. You cant be anyone else except yourself, and to deny who you are would be to deny your very being. You cant say you don't have an arm or a leg if it's still there right? So don't worry what other people say or think about you. Just as long as being yourself makes you happy, no one has the right to try and take away your happiness, least of all tell you what to be.
2006-08-09 18:40:29
answer #6
answered by Samuel 3
I know you will hate this but stay strong. I grew up being beaten everyday, I was molested and tortured by my father and mother but I never let them keep me down and I waited until I could chose my own path.
Not to mention my husband and I have been homeless, while I was pregnant in freezing snowy weather. We were told our baby girl was blind and had to take hormone replacement her entire life or she could die , suffer major seizures or just plain and simply die. After that we found out my husbands 4 year old son had been molested and severely abused by his biological mother who had kidnapped him at 18 months. He was missing until he was 3. But through all of that we managed to keep our heads straight. We had severe downs, times we felt just like you feel right now but we kept fighting. We fought so hard and are now so grateful we kept at it. Our daughter is doing well and we have adapted to her illness and I think will probably end up being a better person, not to mention she will never judge people based on appearance, which means she will not be racist or hateful to others just because they are something they cannot help being. Our son although he has been through hell is sooo happy and even though we could not prevent his suffering we saved him before it all did any severe damage. He might actually forget about it all because God helped us find him before it was too late. So our lives have been a living hell! Pure and simple!
Our family I think is proof that things will not forever be bad. Try to maintain a little bit of hope. There is plenty out there for you, I am sure of it. You say you are a christian, do not worry because God knows we will doubt him. It is in us to doubt, we do not want to believe God would allow us to have pain, but the fact is without pain we can have no joy. It all evens itself out. Give yourself 2 more months, something good is in store for you!
And if all else fails do what we did, try and remember so many people have it so much worse. We told ourselves that every night we went to sleep.
I don't know you but I will pray that something wonderful comes your way soon. :)
2006-08-09 18:42:19
answer #7
answered by jennanna 4
You care or why would you put this sad prolem on this site. I would really love to know how old you are . There are sometimes endless day that nothing goes right in ones life(mine include- and I still have those horrible days in my life). You care what people thik, but you shouldn't. As long as your a good ,caring,giving and nice person,you will go far in life..I t sounds to me that people ar e jealous of your positive attributes so thats why they are mean to you.(just remember this if nothing else that I say helps:Not everyone in the world is going to like you. As soon as you except this,alot of your anger and disappointment inthe world will disappear.Trustme,I know this from experience. I have been in your shoes when it comes to tryin to please everyone and I ended up getting hurt,more mad, and very frustrated with the people in this society.I know you don't hate it when people expect you to be one way,but it is better to be yourself,not someone else.You shouldn't hate anyone because you want them to except you for what you are than you have to do the same for other people (even if you don't approve or like what theyare. You willalways find people you don't approve of in your life. Afterall,
we shouldn't judge people,that is Gods responsibility,i feel....
Be your self and like your self but don't change for anyone but yourself. have fun with your friends go dancing,movies, football games etc... and be a good friend. A friend that really listens to her friends and helps them(people like a good litener,but it is a skill.Please learn it. Also,do not hold things tha t hurt you back,tell the person(s) in a nice way what is bothering you and if they don't care ,he/she wasn't your friend in the first place.
As for boys,you willfind the right one. Be yourself and they will be attracted to you....You are being hard on yourself, you have friends and family that love you and that are here for you to help and support you,but try and do all these things that I mention an d things will get better, I know it....I am glad you are a christian and believe in god. i pray every night and each morning i say to myself: God, there isn't anything in this day, that,you and i can't handle.Good-
luck.......e-mail me "if" you need more help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-08-09 18:58:28
answer #8
answered by FELINELOVER 5
I am a Christian too and sometimes I feel that way. We are only human. Its good to blow off steam sometimes. I think thats what you just did! lol It will be ok. Try not to focus too much on those things. Instead try to focus on how you are living your life. We all have a purpose and we are here to serve the Lord. You know the bible talks about how Peter walked on the water too!
But when he took his eyes off of Jesus and started looking down at the water, he started to sink. Dont doubt God just trust him nd keep your eyes upon him. I know its hard I feel like I am the queen of misery sometimes lol but keep a sense of humor. Its healthy and forgive yourself. When you have these blow ups of course :o)
Hang in there!
2006-08-09 18:48:47
answer #9
answered by Sad Mom 3
u must let go of ur anger ... u must feeeeel the force flowing through you lol kidding. the bible says be angry and sin not. Dont hate ... i have felt the same as you many times in my life and its time to turn inward and search ur soul ... turn to God and pray .. you need to fix urself on the inside first. Its not everyone elses fault and you cant change the world. The positive difference in ur life must come from within. When you find urself and who you are inside and learn to love yourself then that inner strength will carry you through. Yes, cut loose of ur worries about what other people think of you but you dont have to hate them to do that ... find ur own way, and hopefully that is with God ... He will help you if you turn to Him, He is a strong fortress to hide and protect us when the world is overwhelming.
2006-08-09 18:44:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Sweety you sound like me some time back it is like everybody wants you to fit in to your surrounds but that is good that you don't mold yourself to be like that. This world is so much better with honest people I don't think you should just not care about anything though you should care about yourself and not what other people think if it was meant for us to go by what other people think we would miss out on our blessings and end up so screwed b/c that is how they are misery loves company and if we cared about what other people think our sucide rate would be much higher think about it. Also since you are a CHRISTIAN you should pray and ask God to help you with any problems you have prayer works trust me as long as you believe you will be alright!!!!!
2006-08-09 18:37:44
answer #11
answered by p-nut butter princess 4