between day 12 - 15 after your period begins.
2006-08-09 13:48:20
answer #1
answered by klweston75 2
Directly after you ovulate your basal body temperature will rise slightly. Typically its between 0.4-0.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Take your temperature on a daily basis and monitor when it spikes and lowers during your 28 day cycle. The easiest way to tell is when its at its highest for 2 days and then drops back to normal. The day before the 2 day spike it typically the day you ovulate. If you monitor this for a few cycles you should be able to tell when you ovulate each month. They even make thermometers you can wear like a watch that contstantly monitor your ovulation cycle.
Also, what others have said about change in discharge is correct, although they did not explain why. The first few days after your period your dishcharge will virtually disappear. A few days before you ovulate and sometimes the day of, your discharge will come back and be a bit cloudier than normal. During peak ovulation time, the discharge will be slippery and have the consistency of egg whites. You can get a small sample between your fingers and pull them apart - the sample should not break, but will stretch. This is the best time to try and conceive even if its not ovulation day, as in this kind of discharge sperm can survive for up to and sometimes exceeding 72 hours giving it a better chance of getting to the ovum. Other than that, your best hope is an ovulation test. Some you can get are a little pricier than the one time use tests, but they can be used for several cycles.
2006-08-11 01:45:13
answer #2
answered by fyrecrackercass 2
The very first ovulation usually happens 14 days before the first period (called "menarche", the first menses is one of the last stages of a girl's pubertal development). Each successive ovulation happens 14 days before any given menstrual cycle, with few exceptions. The time from the start of a period to ovulation is much more variable than the time from ovulation to the start of the next period (called the "luteal phase"), which is almost always 14 days. A lesson in why "the calendar method" of contraception is often unreliable.
2006-08-09 20:54:43
answer #3
answered by daspook19 4
actually you would ovulate before your very first period,(that is how girls get pregnant their first time and such, even if they haven't had their period ever) and then from then on it is usually two weeks after you period
2006-08-09 20:48:26
answer #4
answered by jenzen25 4
two week after the first day of you period
2006-08-09 20:48:11
answer #5
answered by Nikole 1
usually 10-14 days after your first day of your period....
2006-08-09 20:46:18
answer #6
answered by questions4u 2
about2 weeks after there period
2006-08-09 20:47:55
answer #7
answered by sara 3