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tell me your funniest prank call that you did.

2006-08-09 13:02:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

10 answers

i was spending the night at my friends(ashly) house and my friends brother had a friend over to. his friend was sleeping on the couch so we went downstairs put makeup on him along with ketchup.

2006-08-09 13:10:10 · answer #1 · answered by monkey jo 2 · 2 0

mine wasnt really a prank call..but people call my house as the wrong number all the time because the number is really similar to a restaurants number in my town. so they asked if their order was ready..and i said oh yeah..and do you want fries with that in the most countryish accent i could do..and hung up the phone..i do it all the time actually..but that was the only time i didnt say wrong number and just hung up!

2006-08-09 20:08:21 · answer #2 · answered by hi 3 · 0 1

Cant I just have the 10 points?

2006-08-09 20:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by cyndi71mom 5 · 0 1

Yes i want 10 points!
I called and said- you will die in seven days- that's the onlyone I ever did :\ I want 10 points

2006-08-09 20:07:38 · answer #4 · answered by 1 5 · 0 0

well, here it goes,,,,

I was at a sleepover with my friends and we decided to prank call the most popular guy in school, so we were going to call and scream that "I"(meaning myslef) was in labor and needed 911... so we thought it was him on the phone so I started screaming, HELP I AM IN LABOR I CAN SEE THE HEAD, HELP, IT IS YOUR CHILD, GOSH DARN IT, HELLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!
so we were using a Razor Cell Phone, so then we flipped it shut thinking that the phone was off, and it flipped to speaker phone!

Oh my gosh, we all started shouting names and giving high fives,, then the dad(who actually was the one on the phone) said, Hello You Still There?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.

OMG, so we turned it off, then an ambulance can to her house and said they traced the call, it was so funny, but we all got in trouble, and then separate punishments from our parents, but it was so much fun! ha ha ha ha!

2006-08-09 20:10:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i called my english teacher and did the is your refrigerator running joke. It doesnt sound that funny, but she actually fell for it! In d history of stupid people my english teaher is number one...she actually said "can u hold" and ran to the kitchen came back and said "but its still there" that was hilarious.

2006-08-09 20:08:49 · answer #6 · answered by RE_FAN 4 · 1 0

This guy called me one morning day to my cell phone. I didnt know the number. It was 7am in the morning and obviously i was sleeping (it was weekend). My mum answered the phone and he said "Hey sexy, what is up?" My mum didnt know that i dont know the number. Thus she said "Hey, ____ (my name) there was a guy who called you this morning. He said im sexy so i talked with him for an hour. I like your friends" Then when i looked at the number, i said to my mum " Mum, i dont know who he is"

Have you got one??? Tell us!!

2006-08-09 20:09:39 · answer #7 · answered by Aurora 3 · 0 1

im sorry to tell you this but.....u tested positive for AIDS

(prank phone call)

2006-08-09 20:07:31 · answer #8 · answered by Reptar 4 · 0 0

I put plastic wrap over a friend toilet seat......you should of seen the mess when she went pee...hahahahahaha

2006-08-09 20:07:30 · answer #9 · answered by salembog 4 · 0 0

on the lolly pop man we acted like we were"scaary" the person from scary movie

2006-08-09 20:07:31 · answer #10 · answered by flavo-rr 1 · 0 0

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