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I had a son a little over 9 months ago, and since then my inner lips have gotten larger and they are very painful and sensetive. I cant stand the pain when I walk no when I am having sex. I dont know how to bring it up to my doctor or explain it to her. Its embarrassing to talk about let alone have it "inspected". Can anyone help me with this, or have had similar problems.

2006-08-09 12:49:07 · 28 answers · asked by chunkymunkysbaby 1 in Health Women's Health

I had a c-section, I have never breastfed and I am not a child or a man trying to get a kick out of this. I have asked my doctor once before and she said to give it time. I just thought that maybe some other moms might of had this problem and if so they could help me.

2006-08-09 12:59:38 · update #1

28 answers

It sounds like an infection, so swallow your embarrassment and go see a doctor. I can't remember ever being embarrassed about showing my parts to a doctor after having gone through childbirth! Make an appointment, and just blurt it out ("my privates are really painful and sensitive and swollen"). No sense in living with misery, especially in that part of the body.

2006-08-09 12:55:09 · answer #1 · answered by Bad Kitty! 7 · 0 0

I'm not sure what your problem is, but please don't ever be too embarrassed to discuss a medical problem with your doctor. Apparently nothing was wrong at your six week checkup after your little boy was born, so that's good news. You didn't mention if you're breastfeeding or not-that affects every part of your body. Also, your hormones are still adjusting to the change in your body, too. So, your problem could be something quite simple, but maybe not. Now would be a good time to call your ob/gyn. You're a little bit early for your yearly checkup, but so what? I bet you're even losing precious sleep over this concern, and your son needs Mommy awake and focused on him. Do both of you a favor and call your doctor in the morning.

2006-08-09 19:54:24 · answer #2 · answered by SuzeY 5 · 0 0

You will have to get over your embarrassment, or you will never be able to get the problem fixed. I find it a little odd that you have given birth, yet you are now afraid to allow a doctor to look at your crotch! Either you are a man pretending to be a woman, trying to get vicarious thrills, or you really are a woman with a problem. You must consult your doctor, and ask about surgery to relieve the problem. It may be covered by your health insurance.

2006-08-09 19:54:00 · answer #3 · answered by Nefertiti 5 · 0 0

See a doctor, If you have had this pain for 9 months you need to see a OBGYN see a female one if your embarrassed. Pain can really affect a persons well being and you need to find out why? It could be something easily remedied.

2006-08-09 19:56:37 · answer #4 · answered by Tias 3 · 0 0

You shouldn't still be swollen after 9 months. Just schedule a gyno check up and then explain to your doctor that it is painful down there. Trust me she has seen worse, more embarrassing than this.

2006-08-09 19:53:29 · answer #5 · answered by newgenre1 3 · 0 0

Go to the doctor! You have a child and are still embarrassed about genital issues? SInce my pregnancy, nothing bothers me and I feel like now I am not afraid to discuss somethings with my doctor now.

2006-08-09 21:56:24 · answer #6 · answered by goofnwfy 4 · 0 0

If they are swollen, there is an inflamitory process involved..bringing an extra blood supply to try and quell it. Is important to determine what the causative factor is, so it can be properly/promptly treated.

I don't understand why you would be embarrassed by telling your doctor. You presented it to the world without compunction.

2006-08-09 19:56:33 · answer #7 · answered by mrcricket1932 6 · 0 0

You need to talk to your doctor about it... especially since its been so long since you've had your son and you're still in pain.. she's a woman and believe me, doctors hear stuff like that all the time, its nothing new to her.

Good luck!

2006-08-09 19:52:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I really can't pinpoint exactly what' wrong with your labia, but I can tell you this: there is NOTHING your doctor hasn't already seen. Make an appointment and tell her what's bothering you and making you uncomfterable. It is best, as with any ailment, to see a doctor sooner than later, to avoid any further aching.

2006-08-09 19:52:53 · answer #9 · answered by isismercado 2 · 0 0

You wont talk to you doc but you'll ask random strangers on a website that cant prove whether we're 6 year old kids or 60 year olds who just wanna get a kick out of you believing them...

Go see your doc.... they deal with this stuff everyday, you can trust them. & they will give you CORRECT advice and treatment

2006-08-09 19:54:53 · answer #10 · answered by dapperflapper 3 · 0 0

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