Well,i got this problem you see my friend kathleen i met since 2nd grade,she was my best friend until 5th grade and thats when we both met marie,she ruined my life!!!!She stole my best friend from me!marie is a rich b*ch and is so greedy and always making you do something like she is THE most famous.So..when 5th grade was over,Kathleen moved away and never talked to me since 5th grade,marie was always chatting with kathleen and kathleen was always intrested to her.Like in the middle of 5th grade,marie called me and kathleen was on too and i was so happy i shouted hi to kathleen but kathleen was like i was thin air.I was p*ssed,marie said she'd visit kathleen everyday since she moved,i couldnt because kathleen never calls me.CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET MY FRIEND KATHLEEN BACK?AND MARIE TO STOP BEING SO BOSSY!THIS IS AN EMERGENCY AND I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS!!!!!
11 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
i seem so happy everday cuz im usually class clown until marie and HER friend kadeejah came along.....help!!!
12:36:54 ·
update #1
i dont know any of there emails =(
12:43:27 ·
update #2
12:48:14 ·
update #3
12:48:21 ·
update #4
Girl, you have soo much to learn in your life...
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Your soo young that you have soo much to learn in your life, you might think that shes your best friend now, but once you get older, you will than see who your true friends are, and not the fake ones.
Your gonna go through middle school and high school and college. Your gonna meet tons and tons of people. But you have to be prepared for what life is going to challenge you and throw at you.
Dont trust alot of people right now, your at that stage where you true friends are really your family, and once you get older, you will actually see who your true friends are. Only time will show!
So dont be sad, be very happy! I feel bad your going through this, but dont be too hard on yourself. If she was really a true friend, than she would be next to you through thick and thin! The only advice I can give you is Be patient, Be happy, and have fun! Good luck to you and take care of yourself first!
2006-08-09 12:41:35
answer #1
answered by Happily Married 3
If Kathleen was a true friend, then she wouldn't have ditched you for Marie. You shouldn't be so pissed, let go of your bitterness, it's better that you found out that Kathleen was the type who'd abandon a friend for someone rich and snobby otherwise you'd just be a fool. It's hard for you right now, but you'll be ok. Why do you want Kathleen back? She'd only hurt you again, and even if you do get her back, can you honestly say you'll trust her again. There are people like that out there. People you once thought were your best/close friends turned out to be something else. They're not worth it.
But there are also people out there who really do care about you. Those people will be your true friends.
Forget about Kathleen and even if she comes crawling back in the future, and if you really do want to, then forgive her, but don't keep her as a close/best friend. Just a regular friend, so you won't get hurt again.
2006-08-09 19:47:04
answer #2
answered by Sifauna 2
Why would you want Kathleen back? A real true friend doesn't dessert you for someone else and treat you badly. It is time for new friends, there are probably some very nice girls in your class that you can have fun with. When school starts up this year take a look at some of the other girls. Marie can only boss you if you let her, so start standing up for yourself. All you can do is be the very best you you can be. Girls are actually much meaner than boys - maybe you can make boy friends.
2006-08-09 19:49:03
answer #3
answered by CALI_GURL 2
It seems like for whatever your friends reason she is intrigued with this girl. I'm afraid though that you have only two choices well three but the third would be very hurtful for one go to her house and talk with her when you know the other girl is not around and tell her how you feel and that you are her friend and miss her very much or two wait it out usually the "newness" wears off or three move on and find another friend. Sorry you are going through this you seem very sweet.
2006-08-09 19:43:55
answer #4
answered by Angel B 3
I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me years ago. Kathleen wasn't (and isn't) a real friend. Marie is a b*tch and always will be. Find new friends. It'll suck for a while, but trust me, your better off without either of them.
2006-08-09 19:51:10
answer #5
answered by Training Chick 2
talk to kathleen and see whats up, if she wont be your friend anymore or if she will only be your friend along with this marie girl who hurts you, then you need to find another friend.
i know it sounds easy but think about how much you sacrifice to be her friend. people change as they grow up, and unfortunatly sometimes they grow apart and do things that you morally would not do. believe in yourself, and find a friend that maybe isnt so popular and needs a friend too. you never know who may be just like you. talk to other girls who you've never talked to before, and start your own group of friends, but dont be clicky, because that only hurts others, try not to be resentful to kathleen and marie, maybe they have their own bond, and sadly that may not include you.
you have to make your own life and friends, and when you do, maybe those girls will see that you are happy and start talking to you again.
girlfriends are very much like boyfriends, when it comes to the relationship (minus the other stuff). we get very territorial and dont like our other friends to have any other friend as close as us...(i still do and im 41).
so treat it like a boyfriend who broke up with you, talk to her and find out whats up, and if she wants to hang with the other girl and not you, maybe its for the better. it hurts now, but maybe in a few months you will have your own circle of friends.
just remember, having a circle of friends should never exclude anyone, and never be mean to someone based on what others say about them, think of how hurt you are now.
anyway, good luck, and i hope this helped
2006-08-09 19:54:22
answer #6
answered by bbmcgee65 2
oh hunny im so sorry to hear this but you friend choose who she would rather be freinds with. it really shows you what your freind is really like. doesnt seem like shes a very good freind to you because if she was she would still be your freind.
the only thing i can think of is to talk to you freind with out that other girl being there.
also to ignore marie no matter what she says or does just dont pay her any attention act like shes not even there. if she says something to you be like "im sorry was someone talking to me because i dont see anyone important enough to be talking to me around here." make sure to look around and pass her. then just walk away. lol
good luck hunny. i hope you make lots more freinds ones that will stick with you. :)
2006-08-09 19:46:43
answer #7
answered by lusciousevil 3
Girl you can get a new friend and be with it.Get a fish,or a dog or cat or something.
2006-08-09 19:47:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
once a friend changes things are never the same again no matter how much you try... sorry
2006-08-09 20:15:33
answer #9
answered by iLoVeKeELo 2
Get a new friend.
2006-08-09 19:44:10
answer #10
answered by tmb867 2