Your friend is stupid and does not know what it takes to be a mom. Trust me its tough.
2006-08-09 07:55:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think its natural for a teen to want to be a young mom and have something to give love to and have love return. Babies are difficult to care for and are not cheap at all. And they are like leeches to you 24/7.. But then it gets more difficult as the child get older having to do the disciplining and all.. I became a mom at 19. Do i wish i could turn back time and waited? Yes, I do wish i could have waited cuz i got preg at 3 months when i graduated from high school and man, you cant have any fun while being preg and caring for a child everywhere. You can tell her, once she has a baby, that baby is which her for a lifetime, can she care for a puppy and make sure its taking outside every 2 hrs and fed and etc? and train it to listen? if she doesn't do that, then she is not ready for a baby. She will miss out the fun with her life at a very young age. Money is a big issue to make sure she has a roof over the child's head, food on the table, clothes on their backs. and taking judgment who thinks of our parenting.. encourage her about collage and dreams she can have before settling down with a baby.. Ask her if she has her child, would she want her baby having a baby at 12 yrs old? Would she like to be a young grandma that has to take care of it, not the mom of the baby. hope this advice works...
2006-08-09 15:10:11
answer #2
answered by MamaofElla&Julie 1
Talk her out of it. No fifteen year old in this day in age can properly take care of a baby. It would be up to the teens parents to pay and care for the baby which isn't fair to them. No fifteen year old has a diploma, apartment, car, bills, job, husband or a stable adult environment to raise a baby. Babies have rights too and if they had a choice they would choose married grown ups not single teen that aren't even old enough to drive. Tell her to finish high school and find a man, get married and settle down then have kids. For now find out why she feels she is missing out on love. A lot of woman view a baby as someone who will love her unconditionally which usually indicates that she is lonely, depressed or doesn't have any loving relationships in her life. Help her to find all the love that is in her life, her parents, friends and family and if she doesn't have this then give it to her and she hopefully will give up the baby wanting. Besides that isn't the only reason you have a baby and some one who feels that way isn't ready for the responsibility.
2006-08-09 14:58:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is nothing stupider than a 15 yr old that wants to have a baby other than her 19 or 20 year old b/f that has sex w/her to create a life that he is going to walk out on when she gets pregnant. Not to mention the disaster of a life the 15yo is going to have or the worse disaster the baby will have.
When will you people realize that a BABY IS NOT A TOY!!!
2006-08-09 15:58:58
answer #4
answered by snddupree 5
what she might not understand is that babies do not give love - they demand love, time, and attention.
if a baby doesn't get two years of mommy's milk on demand, it is harmed in its personality, health, and IQ. If a baby doesn't have a father supporting the mother, and committed to the mother indefinitely, the baby has an unstable, unhappy life. if a baby goes to day care, the attachment between mom and baby are harmed.
all of this is to tell your friend that if she is so short-sighted as to see that she would be ruining her own life at 15, she really ought to consider that she will also be ruining her baby's life. her baby will be born never having had a chance. no mother capable of love will do that to her child. only a selfish girl who wants, wants, wants would do that. It's fine to want - but with babies and toddlers and on and on - you must give give give if you're going to do it right and not make your life and the baby's miserable.
your friend should give the love she wants to give in the form of visits to sick and infirm and old people, or helping family members, or - here's an idea - your friend should show that love to herself and develop her interests, talents, skills, and personality so she can have a real life and be a decent mom to a baby one day.
2006-08-09 15:14:44
answer #5
answered by cassandra 6
No matter what you tell your friend to try to prevent her from having a baby, she is just going to do what she wants to do anyway. If she has her mind set on it, and she probably does, she will do it anyway. My suggestion is to just let her handle it and let her find out how hard it is to be a teenage mom.
My best friend was 15 when she had her first baby. She is now 20 and pregnant with her 4th child. She is married to a deadbeat who beats her and she gets no help with her children at all. There aren't very many men who will want anything to do with a woman who has a child.
2006-08-09 16:03:51
answer #6
answered by missy 2
Make sure you really talk to her about this and let her know it will be a major major change in her life, not only that but she is also bringing someone in this world who will require lots of love and dare i say it money take her to the store with a calculaor add up everything she needs to buy for the baby and herself, a baby sitter, does she have a job make sure u consider so much
2006-08-09 15:56:00
answer #7
answered by LightSkinnedPrincess 2
dont let her learn from her mistakes someone else commented. talk to her and tell her how much of a bad idea it is because she is sooooo young. have her spend the night a few days at someones home who has just had a baby so she can see what really goes on. she's a baby having a baby. she needs to live her life to the fullest before doing so.....just really talk to her. if you are a good friend, you will!!
2006-08-09 15:10:12
answer #8
answered by Jacinda 2
Your friend has issues.
She needs a job, a house, a car, some medical insurance...a husband for one. She is way to young to be having kids since she is not finished with school.
She must be ready to give up her teen life for a baby...late nights with baby. Going to school all sleepy because she is up with the baby. No prom because she has to pay for a sitter. Then she needs to get a job so she can buy diapers, clothes, toys and food for the baby. She is just a kid and do not need to be having kids till she is over 21.
Tell her to stop trying to be grown.
2006-08-09 15:03:15
answer #9
answered by 5
Well she is crazy! She will have NO life whatsoever. She is way too young to be thinking foolish things like this. Babies are so expensive and it is a 24-7 job. And I guarantee the guy who gets her pregnant will not stick around. Talk some sense into her.
2006-08-09 15:24:24
answer #10
answered by momma2jaz 3
Ask her these questions:
"do you have a job that will support you and the baby?
"can you even support yourself?"
" Is the baby's daddy going to be there for you from the day you guys do it to the day of where you tell him that you have his baby to the day of where you're in labor and about to give birth to the day of where she/he is graduating from college?"
"Do you even have the guts to tell your parents?"
"Are you willing to give up everything you got just to have a kid, that means no more hanging out with your friends, possible no more education, because the baby is going to need you around most of your time, don't rely on your parents because this is your baby not theirs."
So ask her these questions and if she can answer all of them without any trouble then ask her to go see a doctor first. Just so that she can be prepared to do what she have to do.
2006-08-09 15:05:33
answer #11
answered by Anonymous