I got married in 1998 when i was just 18 years old! It was short lived but out of this marriage came a beautifull baby girl. At the time i was living in Florida and when we seperated my ex literally went crazy. He broke into my house, filled the tub up with water and waited for me to get home. he waited all weekend, he was going to kill me (drown me)!Dont ask me how cause to this day i dont know how i escaped with my baby in hand but i did. He went to jail for about 1 1/2 years and i moved on with my life. I had sole custody of my daughter
When he got out of jail he took me to court for custody. He was able to see her all summer, the judge didnt even care that previous to that he tried to kill me and her. I have since moved to NC to be away from him, he lives in NJ. Court papers state he is to return daughter to me after summer, we agreed to meet on a sunday at a police station near my house. he showed up Saturday at my house without informing me. i am 6 month spregnant and scared
9 answers
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Family & Relationships
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he calls and curses me out. I am having nightmares that he is going to come back and kill me.
He has refused to pay child support, refused to give me his employer information or his current address. If anything i would never know where to find him,.. but he knows where i am .
Although i know that i am wrong, i have chosen to not let him speak with my daughter until he provides this information to me. I will simply ignore his calls until he leaves me a message with that information.
My question is what is the worse that could happen if i do this? wil i go to jail? remember i am 6 months pregnant. If he shows up at my house can i call the police? can i have him arrested? can i get a restraining order?
I just want to protect myself, nmy 6 year daughter, and my husband.
how do i collect the child support?
06:44:00 ·
update #1
You have a lot of differing issues here, so to begin with I would suggest you contact an attorney who specializes in interstate custody issues. You can easily find one by searching Martindale Hubble's website. As for him continuing to threaten you, go to the courts, ask for a restraining order, this will bar him from coming near you. If you fear for the safety of the child while with your ex you can always ask the court for supervised visitation, you will need very good reasoning as it is so far away, but it is not an impossible request. For your own protection though do not provoke him, just let the courts handle the situation. On the issue of child support, contact child support enforcement, they will get the ball rolling on that. If he refuses to give you the information about his work, let him try that with Enforcement, they will haul him in front of a judge to answer to it and if he refuses then he goes to jail for contempt. I hope this helps.
Just my 2 cents worth
2006-08-09 07:01:41
answer #1
answered by capbarrow2 3
I agree with precious 227. You have to first think about the safety of your family, especially since you are pregnant. The money will come after the fact. You need a serious restraining order. One that if he even calls you, you call the police and he will be arrested. Not knowing where he lives is easy if you really feel your in danger the police can trase his phone calls to find out where he is calling you from. Then you really need to go back to court and ask for another judge. First of all why would a judge even think about giving him custody of your daughter if he tried to kill you two before,
2006-08-09 13:50:50
answer #2
answered by Jessica L 1
Go to the police, explain your situation and that you are scared of what he is capable of doing to you and your family. They can note it so if you call police while your x comes by again they already know what is going on and get you a restraining order. With child support. Go to the family court in your town or go online to the State website to find out the phone # to the Department for Child services. Then take it from there.
2006-08-09 13:50:12
answer #3
answered by lilsentra82 1
You are in North Carolina, they do not tolerate that, get a court order and have a restraint put on him, and because of his abuse to you and jail time there is just cause as to prevent him from having any relation with his daughter. I know, been there in NC as for the child support report him, he will go back to jail, there is a place you can go for assistance is getting your back child pay. Also he will have to come to NC for the court hearings, as the child lives there now.
2006-08-09 13:58:04
answer #4
answered by pooh bear 4
Sounds as if you need some sort of amendment to the custody. Something which states specifically that he is not to come to your home. You can also get a premises restraining order which says that he cannot come within a certain distance of your home. You also have the option of not opening up the door when he shows up. Looks as if you are going to have to take him back to court.
You can probably get it set up so that he meets with another party when you are exchanging the child.
2006-08-09 13:44:58
answer #5
answered by Judi V 2
Call the police tell them of situation and get your baby back and have a officer their when he shows up if he doesn't then have them charge him with kidnapping and violating the court order. Stop being scared and go get a gun permit to carry one in your purse
2006-08-09 13:48:43
answer #6
answered by papabear098 4
contact the authorities and get a restraining order then go back to the courts, request to see another judge and let them know u fear for u and ur babies life and that if he has to see his child then u prefer it be supervised..
ur best bet would be to hire a lawyer or u need to contact one to see what u and ur daughters rights r...
2006-08-09 13:43:20
answer #7
answered by Queen D 5
I don't see the problem. He returned her didn't he? So what? He brought her home 1 day early!
Is it cause he brought her to your home? Sometimes time in the brig will make a person reflect on life. Maybe all he wants is to see his daughter. i don't think theres any reason to worry. I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt. And should he try something.....defend yourself. Buy some mace.
and run,
2006-08-09 13:45:08
answer #8
answered by bella_mexicana_rellena 2
Get a good lawyer now. If you don't have money go to some type of community legal aid.
2006-08-09 13:43:58
answer #9
answered by confused 1