Why is he calling you nasty names? He's the one who has been lying to you for 12 years. Do you know if he's been sleeping around? If I were you, I'd go get an AIDS test and continue to do so for the next year.
As painful as it is, close the chapter and move on. Perhaps you should go to a counselor or find a support group. Go to a couple meetings.
Good luck to you.
2006-08-09 02:48:50
answer #1
answered by pynkbyrd 6
The first thing you should do, and I hate to say this, is to go to the doctor and get and AIDS test because you don't know who he's been with or anything. You must be devastated by this news and it will be hard to handle. The first thing you do is sever all ties with him. Don't let him think he has any hold over you. He has no right to call you names after what HE did. Then, once you have him out of the picture for good, go out, have a good time, call old friends, let guys know you are single again. Don't let this man spoil your life. You are a woman, you are beautiful and you are deserving of so much more than this guy!
2006-08-09 02:50:27
answer #2
answered by The Nana of Nana's 7
Sorry, yet see that huge red flag waving over there? that is a large caution signal that something isn't acceptable the following. She absolutely is making an attempt to relive her adolescents by ability of this new job and crowd. She's getting interest, that i assume she hasn't received in a lengthy time period or ever. no longer unavoidably from you, yet from others (fantastically the lads it sounds like). Sorry, yet a huge clue may be the "making out" scene that occurred. Come on, if she replaced into prepared to target this with you there, imagine what occurs once you're literally not there? And this holiday, it truly is a cover for a partying and debacle that merely did not in good structure you into the image. You were uninvited because one or both between the ladies realized they'd have more effective "relaxing" in case you weren't there. Sorry, yet your relationship is in problem because she's putting her own selfish desires/needs in the previous you and your baby. you want to positioned a end to this or imagine about getting out of this loose-falling relationship.
2016-11-23 17:33:36
answer #3
answered by heckart 4
Maybe he's calling you nasty names because he can't deal with your reaction to his being gay. He probably still has alot of other people to 'come out' to. Maybe his anger is a way to deal with the reactions of others. I hope that makes sense. Don't think for one minute that YOU are the reason he is gay or that you drove him to prefer men. He may be bi-sexual. Has he considered that? All you can do is continue to be his friend if he is willing to maintain a friendship with you. Right now, it sounds like he could use a good support system. Stay strong, girl. Good luck.
2006-08-09 02:58:29
answer #4
answered by NyteWing 5
Sorry to hear that he's doing this to you. Why do you want to continue to be in a relationship with someone that's gay? If he's calling you nasty names that means you're still around him. Just accept the fact that he's gay and walk away. Take things one day at a time, try not to spend too much time alone because then you'd spend it thinking about him and what happened.do something to make yourself feel good every day. join a gym and work to reduce stress.
2006-08-09 02:50:01
answer #5
answered by brownsugaj150 2
Well now you know it wasn't your sex appeal he stayed for. If it's names that are bothering you there are several very offensive ones that refer to the sexual acts that this particular type of "men" perform on one another which taken in context are very descriptive of the individual in question. You are now one of those women that can answer the question have you ever slept with a gay guy. Call him a few of these names in a public place where others whom he is still hiding from. Next call your girl friends and go wild go to a club let real men hit on you and when you go home you'll see it's another day in....... reaper out.....................
2006-08-09 02:56:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
12 years and you never had any inkling? No nagging thoughts? No idea at all that he was living a lie?
If that's the case, then you weren't very in tune with your boyfriend and probably the relationship wasn't all you thought it was. It certainly wasn't all he pretended it was. Major bummer for both of you.
Time to move on with separate lives, obviously. Perhaps you might benefit from some therapy to help you through this.
2006-08-09 02:48:10
answer #7
answered by kja63 7
People are not just automatically gay. We are born either men or women. So he can stop anytime he wants. Sounds like he may be seeing a man. and hes trying to get you to be the bad guy so if he wont stop, then move on to a new love interest. Good luck.
2006-08-09 02:50:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Oh my God – I’ll start by scheduling a doctor’s appointment to get tested for EVERYTHING. I don’t encourage people to leave they’re mate, but I do highly recommend people to think bigger and broader. . Look at yourself and determine what makes them happy, what you can and can’t tolerate, what’s acceptable and unacceptable. You must look at yourself and what pleases you and then you’ll have the answer to your question. Do your realize you’re being mentally abused? Will you give your life for him? Do you know that AIDS exist and kills? I know it hurts, but you have to do what you must do to be happy and healthy. You deserve a man that going to love you, appreciate you, be there for you through the all the ups and downs in life.
2006-08-09 02:54:04
answer #9
answered by Sparkles 2
Honestly, Joy you need to seek counseling. That is the best answer that I can give you. If you spent 12 years of your life someone, and it was living a lie so to say. I definitely think you need to speak with someone in depth about it.
Sorry for your situation. I couldn't imagine. I knew a woman who this happened to. Married with a child and one day her husband left her b/c he was gay......
Good Luck
2006-08-09 02:48:51
answer #10
answered by Mystery Girl 3