Her email
hey girl haw are you doing you know it newer easy for me to talk to my mother becouse she will always start something with me so i dont get he sometimes i love her but it is really hard for me to understand her and what she is thinking i wan to hawe a great relationship with her like you and your mom hawe but it will newr work at all becouse she will always find something to be mad about i tred to live but he riped the bag out of my hands i dont know what to do anymore he says unleas you hawe 1housand dollars in your bank account you can go if not you are satying here you like it or not but i dont care what they say one day they are not gonna be home i am just gonna ick up everything and leave i dont care where i will go i am just gonna go they can hawe 6 more kids and will still be stuck baby sitting them all hell no i am not christian no more i am tired of being treated like crab all the time but them they dont care what they think he romised me to take me shoppig but
28 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
she is eighteen years old
07:16:15 ·
update #1
give her a break,she has a hard time in school, because all this **** her parents put her through she hurts herself
07:18:03 ·
update #2
talk to a school counselor about it - if you don't have one, call this number
national hotline that provides free help/advice/counseling to kids and teens
2006-08-08 07:17:10
answer #1
answered by LisaT 5
Don't be concerned about your friend. That's what she wants you to feel. Be strong and confident that she will be ok in the end.
She wrote to you because she is having an emotional breakdown. Everybody has one. If she asks for your advice then help her. How do you help her: You tell her to stop feeling sorry for herself because she is all she's got in the end. And if she can't take care of herself, how can she be your friend or be anything to anyone?
Tell her: take the easy way out by having a miserable life or work hard to have better life.
That's the amazing paradox of life: if you work hard and suffer a little, you end up happier;
If you take it "easy" and everything is simple, you end up having a miserable life.
2006-08-08 14:19:39
answer #2
answered by Tones 6
first of all give her some typing lessons, you can barely understand what she wrote, but that is all beside the point. Well i think her and her mom needs some counceling, maybe her and her mom needs just mom and daughters day and get a babysitter for the rest of the kids, so they can have some one on one. Other than than that girl i don't think there is anything you can do besides be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on, or needs to talk or even needs a place to crash for the night.
2006-08-08 14:20:36
answer #3
answered by mommyof2daughtersandlovinit 2
I think a lot of it may just be typical teenage problems with parents. Everyone goes through this at sometime. It is ok for you to be concerned, but not overly. Just be concerned enough to listen to her and help her through this hard time. Like all things, it will probably eventually pass. If you are worried about her hurting herself, then maybe you should encourage her to seek some sort of counseling to help her deal with her issues.
2006-08-08 14:25:19
answer #4
answered by lilcountrygirl 3
she needs to call child protective services and that way she can help herself and the other 6 kids the child next oldest will be the one to have to take care of the other 4 if she leaves and that is not right. cps can help her and even her mother. It is not her responsibility to raise her siblings There is more there than what she is telling you. a police officer or school council er can give her the phone # for cps or family protective services or whatever they call it there.
2006-08-08 14:21:46
answer #5
answered by anita_reel 3
Sounds like your best friend is going through a rebellious stage. She is testing her independence, and will do so for a while.
I'd let her know that for now, she has a roof over her head and meals on the table. Out there on her own, she will have neither.
Be a good friend, support her, let her rant, and know that you are the rock she leans on.
Way to go, friend!
2006-08-08 14:16:45
answer #6
answered by Stuart 7
I'm guessing that she has mom and daughter problems. her and her mom don't get along, most of the time mothers' and daughter don't. I don't get along with my mother. Moms and daughters are both female's wich are very emotional, and opinionated persons. they don't get along period. it could be that they don't get along because the mother always wants whats best for her daughter but dosn't know how to show that she cares and so the daughter takes offense to it. Mom, confronts the daughter with a situation she wants to help with like boy problems etc, but the daughter, in a calm state of mind at the time feels she's being attacked and fights back and it gets ugly. They both need to sit down together and maybe you should be a monator for the discussion, no one speaks unless its their turn, mention the parts above about feeling attacked and the daughter also feeling like she's being put down by her own flesh and blood (feeling useless and unworthy). and mention that the mother just wants to assist her daughter in growning up to be better than herself. that should help them two get along better once they understand eachother's feelings and such. hope I helped.
2006-08-08 14:21:49
answer #7
answered by teardrop 2
Look it seems like you have a problem. Sometimes its the same with me and my mom. We are all ways the ones to start a fight, lol. so tell her that you want to talk to her. Its sounds corny but it will work. Say that you never get to hang out with her and youur always the one to baby sit. Say you feel like your not her daughter your her servant. THE MAIN THING IS TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!!!
~I hope everything turns out good ( :
2006-08-08 14:19:25
answer #8
answered by Shannon S 1
just give them another chance there doing whatthey think is best for you and he will take you shoping in time and think about how those little kids will that alone should be enough to make you stay and you shouldent give up on god he is your best friend you know no matter where you go or what you do he will be standing there waaiting for you with his arms open waiting for you to come back
2006-08-08 14:23:09
answer #9
answered by s1a1p1p1h1i1r1e1 1
I'd be concerned too.. she definitely needs an English class or 2
tell her when she is 18 she can move out
2006-08-08 14:15:18
answer #10
answered by mytrollinid 5