Breast or formula is your choice. I for one found breastfeeding the easiest because I had no bottles to pack when going out or formula to mix or heat up in the early hours of the morning. Didn't have to get out of bed, just picked the baby up from the bassinette, changed, fed, burped and put her back in the bassinette. You can let your mate share the feeding if you pick up a breast pump.
You're milk will come in after delivery, so you can just give it your best go if you like. If it's not for you, keeping the breasts away from heat and ice packs will help the discomfort. White cabbage leaves in your bra help to dry the milk off, as well.
You want to enjoy your baby, so do it your way and anyone trying to put a guilt trip on you should be told their to keep their opinions to themselves and their traps shut.
2006-08-08 07:02:26
answer #1
answered by auld mom 4
Do you understand the magnitude of how much better breastfeeding is? It drastically reduces the chances of ear infections, colic, colds, serious disease, allergies, obesity later in life and so much more. You are able to have a huge impact on your childs health for the rest of their life by breastfeeding for a mere 6 months.
I know it seems weird at first and it does take some work to begin with (the first week or two can be difficult) but after that it is so much easier than bottle feeding - no bottles to wash, no formula to buy, no running out, no need to worry that you didn't bring enough etc. AND you can still have the freedom to pass feeding duty to someone else by pumping milk (after nursing is well established - 4-6 weeks). Plus - breastfeeding burns a ton of calories and really helps you lose that baby weight.
I hope you will consider what a benefit you would be giving to your child
2006-08-08 07:12:48
answer #2
answered by iahp_mom 4
I only nursed my first child for about 3 weeks, then I gave up because it was hard. With my second child I was alot older and more mature, and I nursed her until she was 9 months. Although it is hard at first, it gets very easy after about 4 weeks, and it is very much worth it. It is somewhat selfish to bottle feed for the reason of it being easier on you. There are hundreds of studies showing it makes the child smarter, healthier, and happier. If you can do it, you should. If it's not an option for you, don't feel's your kid, not theirs. Breastfeeding is easier in some don't have to buy formula (which is SO expensive these days!), no washing bottles, no preparing food, and it really does create a bond between you and the baby that is almost impossible to achieve otherwise.
2006-08-08 07:02:23
answer #3
answered by qamberq 3
It is not a decision that you can let others make for you. There are lot of people on here that will tell you that you HAVE to breastfeed, but you don't have to if you don't want to. If you are not comfortable with it your baby will most likely reject the breast anyway, and it will just be frustrating for both of you. I pumped breastmilk for my son for the 10 weeks he was in Children's hospital because he was a preemie, but he went in formula when he came home and has done great. And Molly, below is incorrect. Breastfeeding should NEVER be used as a sole form of birth control. This is an old wives tale! It does not work for everyone. My husband's Aunt got pregnant TWICE while breastfeeing, so she has 3 boys VERY close in age!
2006-08-08 07:01:48
answer #4
answered by Ryan's mom 7
Breastfeeding is SOOOoooo much easier and more convenient than bottle feeding. AND it's SSsooooooo much healthier for both mom and baby.
You never have to worry about mixing formula or packing bottles or dragging stuff around with you. Baby's food is always ready and at the right temperature any time he wants to eat. You can lay in bed together and nurse and rest. You get the added bonus of prolactin, the "mothering hormone" that makes you feel all warm and relaxed while you are nursing. You lose weight faster.
Baby will have less chances of allergies, asthma, diabetes, cancer, Crohn's disease, otitis media (ear infections), SIDS, diarrheal infections, bacterial meningitis, respiratory infections, rheumatoid arthritis, Hodgkins disease, and many other things! Baby will get mom's immunities through the breastmilk and will be healthier and have less colds, etc. (The human immune system is still developing until your child is about 6 years old!)
Mom will have less chances of uterine cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, osteoporosis, post-partum hemorrhage, etc.
I'd encourage you to commit to breastfeeding for AT LEAST the first 6 weeks before making up your mind. The first 6 weeks is the most difficult part. Once you get past that, baby begins to fall into sleep/wake patterns and space feedings out a little bit. Committing to the first 6 weeks will also insure that your little one gets the colostrum in the early days that is like a first vaccination for them.
Babies are NOT allergic to their mother's milk. They may sometimes have an allergy or a sensitivity to something in mom's DIET that can be eliminated so that they can breastefeed w/o problems.
2006-08-08 07:20:41
answer #5
answered by momma2mingbu 7
If you are comfortable with it, yes you should. It can be painful at first, but if you can tough it out for just one week, the baby will benefit greatly from the colostrum. Breastfeeding will also help you get back to your normal weight very quickly. If you're not comfortable with feeding in front of other people, you can pump or simply squeeze your milk into bottles to keep in the fridge for a limited amount of time (a week I think) to use when you prefer. Breastfeeding will benefit your child greatly and is a very selfless decision. Your child will have very few, if any, ear infections and will rarely get sick since breast milk enhances the immune system. The experts also say that it increases a child's brain activity which will help with IQ, learning and memory. I say go for it! I did....twice. My first daughter was breastfed for 5 months and my second daughter for 10 months. They are both very smart and affectionate children.
2006-08-08 07:20:01
answer #6
answered by Babs 2
I'm a guy so have never actually breast fed. Although my four children were breast fed until each was about 1 year old. For me it was way easier! Feed mom, wake up at night to go pick up the crying baby and then leave her with mom while I go get some more zzz's. Sounds selfish, eh?
However, when I was "on duty" for other things I was more patient and able to really help. My wife and I had distinct roles and it was easier on our own relationship to have specific areas of responsibity. She fed. I did diaper duty. Now, is that selfish?
I'm sure you know all the reasons why some say it's healthier. How the mother and child have a unique opportunity to bond and develop the basis of a life lasting trust. True or not, you can research and decide for yourself. However, clearly defining each partner's role in raising any child of any age is imperative. Parents need to know for what they can rely on their partner to do. Breastfeeding is a no-brainer mom job. Find an offsetting role for your partner and the whole family will be better off.
2006-08-08 07:11:09
answer #7
answered by tke999 3
Well it depends on what you are comfortable with if you are not comfortable with breast feeding then it wont be a good experience for you or your baby. I prefer it !!! its great bonding with your baby, healthier and no bottles to clean or formula to buy and with a lift of the shirt its always ready to go. If you want do both, breast feed at home and bring bottles when you leave the house. I also know some people who just pumped and gave thier babies breast milk in a bottle. But overall you should do what you feel most comfortable with and if you choose to breast feed don't give up it could be a rough start but will get easier the more you do it.
2006-08-08 07:07:30
answer #8
answered by emkay 2
A baby doesn't have it's immune system built up until he/she is 6 months old. Meaning from formula they can actually get sick more, gassier and more irritable. I am pregnant with my first child and I have been reading up on breastfeeding quite a bit. I know I am going to breastfeed for the first 6 months, but that is my choice. I am completely comfortable with it. You can always try it for a week and if you really aren't comfortable switch to the bottle. Hope some of this may help.
2006-08-08 07:03:58
answer #9
answered by Danielle 4
Some other reasons to seriously consider breastfeeding: It's cheaper. It's much easier in the middle of the night. It's healthier. You don't need to follow a schedule because you can't overfeed them. Their diapers don't smell At All. They never cry - if they do you have a quick response. Better bonding experience. You lose weight very quickly. It actually can work as birth control too. You can always pump and use the bottled breast milk in public if you're really that concerned. It really is so much healthier. I suggest buying 'The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding' and joining a 'Le Leche League' group in your area for support.
2006-08-08 07:01:52
answer #10
answered by Molly 3
I love how when women get pregnant it's not her baby, it's the community baby. Everyone is always trying to tell you what to do with YOUR child and I think every pregnant woman goes through it. Although everyone means well, people need to know the difference between giving advice and being overbearing and over stepping their boundaries. I caught hell from my family when I decided to breastfeed my daughter. If you're not comfortable with it and you think it's easier to bottle feed, so be it. YOU are the baby's mother, not these other people. YOU will be taking care of this child 24/7, not these other people. You need to do what's best for you and YOUR baby. Tell people your mind is made up and that's it and you don't want to hear anymore about it. If they keep pressing on it make them feel guilty and tell them it's not good to stress a pregnant woman.
2006-08-08 07:10:21
answer #11
answered by TA 2