And if there was one that cheated, penalize them with a higher percentage? And if a parent cheated, they are barred from physcial custody unless other parent is unfit?
9 answers
asked by
Common Sense
Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce
for the record. I agree, kids come first. I am just interested in the way people feel when it involves cheating. and the differences in the responses from males/ females and cheater/non cheater. As for my opinion. there is no excuse for cheating, if your not happy, leave 1st. but cheaters will always have a story or excuse.
04:54:42 ·
update #1
As for the custody issiue, do you think it is a good example for a child to see that cheating is ok?
05:00:16 ·
update #2
Cheating on your spouse has no bearing on child support or custody in most states. I don't believe that support for a child should be determined by the behavior of the custodial parent. The parent with physical placement should be paid support. Placement is where the child lives.. custody is generally 50/50 so that both parents may make legal decisions for the child together. Child support of for the child's needs not the parent.
Cheating is never okay, no matter what the situation. There are plenty of other means to take care of urges, should either party have no other outlet. Both parties are responsible for their behavior in front of the children and away from the children. And if both parents are truly good parents, they won't allow the children to become involved in their problems.. so the children wouldn't know there was cheating involved until they were old enough to understand who did what, and right from wrong.
2006-08-08 05:07:56
answer #1
answered by Mary J 4
just becuase someone is infidile in there marriage does not make them unfit to raise there children. It has nothing to do withn the chioldren only with the other spouse. Now i will tell you this, if your just treying to be ugly about the whole thing then no 50/50 should not be rewared, now no matter what this will be hard, but here me out ok, ok no matter how hurt one is becuase the other spouse cheated and there is a child involved does not make it right for the other spouse to go into a court room and start a big custody battle over the child and worrying about child support, the most important thing is that one stay focused on the past and how you change your lifestyle for the better and then to focus on the child and how not to hurt them again, we can learn from our mistakes thats for sure, its not useally what we like to do but we do it right as a mother if i ever cheated and was caught then i would have to live with those circumstances but i would hope that after the anger pased thru my husbands heart he would know that deep down i am good mother and deserve to be with my child no matter, i mean its not like you were out partying, or out doing drugs now that to me would be unfit and then i would agree that the spouse may be unfit to take care of there child and rightfully so i would understand no matter how hard it would be for me. but as a parent and mother of 2 boys i onlt want what is best for them, so if i made poor choices that affected the way my children would have to spend there lives then i would want what is best for them no matter how much i thought it would hurt me to turn the kids over i would do it for there sake.and the most important thing about this is that there are alot of people that like to use there children in the courts and its not right to the children its 150% wrong and that is that, good luck in your future and if you would like to talk send me email
2006-08-08 11:54:35
answer #2
answered by prettygirl new orleans 2
No, it's not the child's fault if a parent cheats. Both people helped bring the child into the world and if they don't make it in a relationship then they don't make it, you should make them pay more just cuz they found someone else. That's like in my situation, should my ex have to pay more cuz I left him becuz he got into drugs and I wasn't going to have my kids around that? No, he pays like 32% of his income when he has a job, which is never, but everyone has a different reason for divorcing and you can't punish a person for what they do by making them pay more money for their children. But I do think that there should be strong penalties for the ones who just simply don't pay at all!
2006-08-08 11:44:01
answer #3
answered by nalerij 3
In most cases the parent that has physical custody of the children is paying alot more out of pocket then the one who is paying child support. It doesn't matter who cheated.. it is still both parents responsibility to provide mental and financial support to these kids.
2006-08-08 11:52:45
answer #4
answered by June 2
I'm with you ...buddy!....Especially the 50/50 on Child Support...because I asked to have my son and my future ex wife didn't have a job at the time she was cheating on she tells me I can't take him with me! Now she sits w/o a job or car and writes my parents a letter ( not knowing where she was for two weeks) asking for school supplies, but failed to mention what he needed for school....SOME women use the child just for the money! SAD but true. And yes she was diagnosed with a major depression disorder...pray 4 me.!
2006-08-08 11:49:05
answer #5
answered by ? 3
I dont think cheating is fair has nothing to do with raising children or making one a unfit parent.50-50 sounds good though.
2006-08-08 12:35:59
answer #6
answered by empresscalls 3
Why make it harder than it already is. I separated from my ex when my oldest was 2 and I was 5 months pregnant with my 2nd. It was hard on my oldest and while neither one of us was cheating, I wouldn't want to make it any harder. The kids need both parents in their lives. My youngest would be perfectly happy not to have anything to do with her dad. He used to take our oldest for the weekend and leave the youngest with me until she was potty-trained & walking. So she never got to "bond" with him. I married my current husband when she was 2 so, to her, he's her dad, just not her father.
2006-08-08 11:42:25
answer #7
answered by icddppl 5
This may be penalizing the children involved instead of providing a healthier and more natural environment.
2006-08-08 11:48:04
answer #8
answered by Goodspeed 6
the child has nothing to do with the cheating
2006-08-08 11:48:25
answer #9
answered by nicole l 4